Black Scorpion forced to unmask!?

I have another great Black Scorpion scene for you!

The “Gangster Prankster” has the cop partner of Detective Darcy Walker and is playing Hangman with him.

So she decides to rescue him as Black Scorpion! 🙂

A little spoiler: The Gangster Prankster wants to know who Black Scorpion is under the mask…. 😉

Some Pics:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

In case you wonder from which movie this is:


Love that scene… 😉

*UPDATE June 4, 2023*

I love a villain who wants to know who is hiding underneath a mask of a heroine. And his plan with an acid gun would have worked perfectly if the earthquake hadn’t intervened.

Also, Rick was present here as well and Black Scorpion would have been screwed big time if a villain and her cop partner would find out that Darcy Walker is under that mask.

Would have been great if she would have hesitated a little longer before the was about to unmask herself to have a longer scene here. She gives in a little too quickly and easily.

But still, a great scene!


*UPDATE June 25, 2023*

Check out another post about this movie:


Here is the Hall of Fame entry of this movie:

@ NS:
That should be the final motivation to watch the whole movie 😉

Black Scorpion gassed…..and unmasked? (and a HOT bonus scene)

A classic scene from the Black Scorpion franchise….Black Scoprion is trapped as gas fills her little death trap. She can escape but blacks out…. her cop partner finds her (and he doesn’t know who Black Scorpion is) and is now reaching for her MASK!!!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the sexy video:

And if that scene wouldn’t be enough, I have a very hot extra scene for you!

Earlier in the same movie our Detective enters his apartment, and Black Scorpion is already waiting for him….

….I guess some folks might find that a great fantasy 😉



……WOW… What a nightly visitor 🙂

That scene is way to hot for youtube (it’s uncut), so I put in a different place…you will love that scene, I guarantee that 😉 :

LINK: Black Scorpion visits the Detective

The Catwoman that was attacked…. (2nd scene)

….has another scene. It’s from a different perspective that will add some important facts. You will be surprised!

(click to enlarge)

And here is the scene, you don’t wanna miss that… 😉



A great addition to the previous scene, which can be seen here:

LINK: Catwoman meets female Batman…and gets attacked!

Your ideas and thoughts on the scene?

Catwoman meets female Batman……and gets attacked! (HD)

Today I have a very special clip for you! Catwoman meets Batman….but a a female version of Batman. (I LOVE that costume/mask on a woman).

Catwoman moves on to a long tunnel where someone approaches her…

(and one of the these two gets unmasked 😉 )

(click to enlarge)

But enough words, here is the video:

All in all a really special video for me! Nice costumes and a surprising end!

Now to you, post your comments!


A 2nd scene with the Catwoman can be seen here:


Spider-woman (Hawk) – Cosplay # 2

Time for more pics of my favorite wall-crawlers… (EDIT: and Hawk) .Some very good cosplayers!

I have the 6 pics (and 2 of the spiders UNMASKED):

(click to enlarge)



Black scorpion unmasked! (Special cut)

Hey folks, I edited a nice video together. Black Scorpion battles some “photographer” (may sound familiar, but it’s NOT the movie/series you are thinking off….). And this guy wants to take some pictures of her… UNMASKED!

(click to enlarge)

And here it is…. the VIDEO:


The unmasking is ok and the costune is really good!

But this actress!!! Her acting…. never seen ANYTHING worse in that direction 😆

But all in all, good stuff!


Happy Easter to you folks!

Batgirl in Peril 2 (Nostalgic Source)

And here is another fine compilation of Batgirl peril scenes…. this time from Adversary 2!

(click to enlarge)

And here is the full video:

*EDIT* 16.10.2020:

The youtube channel of the creator of the video got suspended.

When he uploads it again, I will incl. a new link here.


Which one is your favorite?


Catwoman Cosplay # 8 – 3 Catwomen, which one is your favorite?

For todays post I got 3 Catwoman-Cosplays. Three different costumes and three different cosplayers. Choose your favorite on the poll below 😉

And above you see only 3 of the 11 pictures I have!

And one of them actually unmasks herself for the camera…. 😉


Batgirl chased by the police! – Part 2 – (fan art)

And now, the conclusion of the great fan-made story! The police hunted down Batgirl, what will happen to her? Well, check it out….


And here are all 9 pictures:

vc 12 by mannameded-d721w13
« of 9 »

(click to enlarge)


Your opinion?

Here is a link to the guy who comissioned it:


Batgirl chased by the police! – Part 1 – (fan art)

Batgirl has a big problem! The police don’t want her crime fighting to continue…so they are after her! Can Batgirl escape? Will she be arrested? And even UNMASKED???

Well, this is part 1 (of 2) of the little story…


Here you can see the whole action in pictures:

vc 02 by mannameded-d721v8n
« of 9 »

(click to enlarge)

Really well done made! See sure to check out Part 2 with the big final 😉

(Credits to the artist will be given in the next post 😉 , to avoid spoiler…)

Scorpion Warrior VS the Cobra Queen – Part 2

And now, the final part 6 of my little Scorpion Warrior series! Our Scorpion Warrior fights against the evil Cobra Queen… can she win?

(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

If you wanna see the other parts, just hit the “Scorpion Warrior” field under “Category” below.

Badchick – Adult comic

For todays post I have a whole comic for you! An adult comic to be precise 😉

Badchick (xxx version of Batgirl) is the heroine of this story… There is a lot of nudity and some … scenes, I won’t (can’t) show them here, but you will see them after the download 😉

(click to enlarge)

Here you can download the whole story (23 Pages):

LINK: Badchick – Adult comic

(2,4 MB)

What’s your opinion about the storyline? To “adult” for a heroine story?

Scorpion Warrior VS the Cobra Queen – Part 1

Happy new Year folks! For the start I have Scorpion Warrior Video 5 (out of 6). Our Scorpion Warrior faces the evil Cobra Queen! Let the action begin…

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Wanna see the other parts too? Click the “Scorpion Warrior” label under Category below this text…

Scorpion Warrior #1

Hey folks, for post number 100 (this one) I prepared something special. Some time ago I bought three movies. All 3 are about “Scorpion Warrior”, a movies-series that was made in Thailand. Today I will start with part 1 out of 6. I edited the movies in that way, that only the scenes are included where Scorpion Warrior shows up in her sexy costume 😉 . So at the end you have seen every scene with her.

These movies are very rare and here you got the chance to watch all the Scorpion Warrior-action. I am looking forward to your opinions!

But who is Scorpion Warrior, how does she look like under her mask? You won’t see her face unless someone may think about unmasking her… Stay tuned and be ready for it…

(click to enlarge)

Here it is part 1:

She looks a little like…? 😉

By the way: You may have some problems understanding the language, the movies were produced in Thailand and never translated…

That may be the reason why not many people know these movies…

Black Scorpion in the episode “Blinded by the light”

Black Scorpion has shown us a lot… these pictures are taken from just one (!) episode! The series is the greatest series if you love sexy, masked heroines. The series was very cheesy and cheap at some times, but hell……more than 20 episodes with a female masked vigilante…..great²! 🙂


The first 8 pictures:

and I have 8 more for you!

Well…..what an EPISODE! Holy masked heroine! 😉