Black scorpion unmasked! (Special cut)

Hey folks, I edited a nice video together. Black Scorpion battles some “photographer” (may sound familiar, but it’s NOT the movie/series you are thinking off….). And this guy wants to take some pictures of her… UNMASKED!

(click to enlarge)

And here it is…. the VIDEO:


The unmasking is ok and the costune is really good!

But this actress!!! Her acting…. never seen ANYTHING worse in that direction 😆

But all in all, good stuff!


Happy Easter to you folks!

0 thoughts on “Black scorpion unmasked! (Special cut)”

  1. This seems like it was a Japanese fetish film that was based off of an actual episode of the old tv series. Kinda interesting to think the series has a fanbase overseas.

    That actress that’s playing Scorpion though is terrible lol!

  2. Yeah, she couldn’t act dead with her heart torn out. Obviously somebody with a hot girlfriend who thinks she is an actress, and boyfriend wanted some extra nookie . . .

    • Hah! Already saw it 😉
      A good video, the mask is ok, the costume solid, the actress is very sexy, the unmasking is….ok.
      Shame that she didn’t wear a pantyhose like the original.

      Thanks for the comment! If you have more links:


  3. If you could send me a link or something for the full and original you would really make my day and it would be much apreciated

    • Well, you can check out the original on my Hall of fame section, lots of videos and pictures there. The whole Black Scorpion series and the movies can still be bought. (and they deserve it)

      And a link for the full video? HMh, don’t have one, sorry.

        • I hope that was a rhetorical question 😆
          Of course I did. Well it is a great episode! Great unmasking action, only the cut before she was unmasked was a little annoying….
          And a good villain in that epsiode.


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