The Cat and the Bat #1 – Catwoman delivered to the cops!

There are so many little rendezvous between catwoman and batman, why not a new series about it? This time the cat steals something (big surprise) and batman wanna stop her… after a sexy little fight…….he ties her up and leave her to the cops! Can catwoman come out of this mess? Or will the cops lock her up and unmask her?

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Comic: Catwoman 038 (old series – 1996)

Batwoman unmasked by the Riddler!

Batwoman chases the Riddler. She manages to stop him, but he takes advantage of the situation and reaches for her mask…

…her defense is down and the Riddler manages to rip her mask off in front of some reporters! Her secret identity is exposed…

The ulitmate nightmare for every masked hero!

From the series: “Batman: The Brave and the Bold”

Episode: Crisscross conspiracy



Masks off! #5 – Catwoman unmasked

Another issue of “Masks off”! This time it’s Catwoman, who – dressed up as a maid – sneaks into a mansion to spy a little. Under her maid uniform she is suited with her catsuit. Of course her cat mask isn’t in place so she may get into some trouble if someone discovers her catsuit…

(click to enlarge)

Great art by Jim Balent 🙂

Comic: Catwoman 022 (the old series – 1995)

Masks off! #4 – Batgirl, Catwoman, Spider-girl and Spoiler unmasked!

…or on the road to it.

In this issue of “Masks off!”  it’s all about comic covers. Comic covers with some mask action to be precise 😉

(click to enlarge)

Some great art, if you ask me! Especially the spoiler and spider-girl covers are great… Your opinion?

(The catwoman pic is actually a preview cover for the issue, not the cover itself)

Sexy, masked female burglar stops by for a visit

Here I present a short clip from the movie “Two Undercover Angels”, a rare flick. A rich playboy makes himself ready for bed, as suddenly….

…a sexy burglar stops by. 🙂

  No unmasking but it’s very sexy nonetheless!

I wouldn’t mind to get such a nightly visitor 😉


This blog is now 3 days old…

…time to write down some of my thoughts about it after I posted a quite a lot in that short period (12 posts). I am happy about the first followers and the stats (visitors/views) doesn’t look bad either. Thanks to everyone who found his/her way to my site!

I would like to encourage you to get involved a little more. How?

1) Comment on an article, start a little discussion about it. It’s always interesting to see how other people think about something you care about, or?


2) Use the follow option on the right side to keep updated about new posts from the site


3) Wanna leave some feedback? Or you have some questions? Drop me a message!About the site + Contact


4) Send me a link to some stuff, that would fit into this site. This way everybody will have the chance to see it.


5) If you wanna express some gratitude about the sexy posts you have the option to send me some dollars, euro, pounds whatever with Paypal. “About the site + Contact” for more details.

Of course I don’t expect earning serious money with this blog, but a little extra in addition to my damn job would be highly welcome 😉

And now on with show, a nice video will follow….

Masks off! #3 – Spider-woman unmasked!

A new episode of “Masks off!”. This time it’s Spider-woman who sneaks into a store….

(click to enlarge)

…and gets caught! The detective reaches for her mask….

spider_woman- v01-01 (1978) 08
Spider-woman unmasked by a cop

and unmasks the intruder! Spider-woman has to run…

A really good unmasking…

Comic: Spider-woman 01 (1978)

My opinion about….. Catwoman and her costume in TDKR (aka realism VS sexyness)

Hey folks, just wanna share some of my thoughts on the Catwoman in TDKR (The Dark Knight rises). Maybe a little late, but hell, my blog is only 2 days old…

The costume:


Well, it’s damn…, that’s for sure!  🙂

And Anne Hathaway looks really stunning in it…

The suit itself seems like a realistic (useable?) outfit for a burglar as catwoman, but…


let’s start at the buttom: The killer overknee-boots are really…unrealistic². Not a good choice for an agile, sneaky burglar. Open, long hair? Well, looks certainly good, but a big weak point in combat, or? And the worst part: The MASK! Damn, I hate these eye masks! It’s not a crappy eye mask like the thousands used in all the crappy superheroines clips (99%) that are floating around in the internet.

But nonetheless:

1) Masks should create a secret identity!

Eye masks simply don’t provide that…good, Anne Hathaway’s mask covers at least parts of her nose, but nonetheless nearly everybody could ID her without problems.

2) Masks should be sexy!

With her mask there is no sexy mystery…you simply see too much. With a sexy cowl/mask (like the one from Jim Balent’s Catwoman or this one) she could have that sexy secret. And you could perform a nice unmasking struggle/fight 😉

Christopher Nolan always pronounced how important realism is for him.

So he erased Catwoman’s whip… 🙁 He deleted her claws…. 🙁 He didn’t want her to have a classic cat mask with the iconic cat-ears, his idea was that such cat ears would be unrealistic…..? Instead the costume department added these night goggles that look like the cat ears when they are on top of her head. Well I tink the night goggles are of course a useful gadget for a burglar as her, but she could easily have that feature in her cowl/mask.

Next he added these sexy boots with high heels, her open hair, her tiny mask….well, what happened to your drive for realism Mr. Nolan?

No whip, no claws, not cat mask…… but these “practical” burglar boots, open hair and a tiny useless mask…. weird!


<–Here is a catwoman outfit I found on the net. It has a real mask with the cat ears. It covers the face much better (should be enough).

It is much more “realistic”. It has “normal” boots, a useable suit, the whip and maybe even the claws (?). With the right materials and the right actress in it would be sexy as well.

In my opinion a far more fitting costume as the one Mr. Nolan approved.

What do you folks think about it? Feel free to comment the hell out of this post…

*Edit*: But besides that I love Nolans batman movies. Great suff!

Masks off! #2 – Spoiler unmasked!

And now, already a new episode of “Masks off!”.

This time Robin follows a criminal element (as he thinks) and is suprised to find something unexpected under the Mask!

Comic: Detective Comics 648

Spoiler gets caught by Robin, he unmasks the Spoiler!

It’s one of the first appearances of Spoiler!

Batgirl Cosplay #1

The first Issues of “The greatest cosplays / cosplayers” is dedicated to:

Miracole Burns (homepage)

and her great cosplay of Batgirl (a special version)

Sexy as hell, great costume (especially the cowl/mask), great mixture of different sexy materials (rubber, latex? and leather)

Batgirl – Miracole Burns version – Cosplay

and Spider-woman:

(click to enlarge)

Check out her other work too!