Win a free Month for the Maskripper VIP club!

Well, to celebrate the BIG news from yesterday (Batwoman got renewed for a 2nd season)…. I would like to donate one free month for the Maskripper VIP club!

All you have to do is to answer these questions:

A) Who is playing “Alice” on the Batwoman TV show?

B) Who directed episode 8 “A mad tea party”?

C) Which actress played this character in the show?

(click to enlarge)

The first one who gives correct answer to all 3 questions gets the free month!

Use the comment function below (the speech bubble) to send your answers.

And please provide a working mailadress so that I can send you the mail with the password.

(only I will see the mailadress)

*EDIT* Competition is over, we have a winner!



Batwoman got RENEWED for a 2nd season!!!!!!

Batwoman got RENEWED for season 2!!!!!!!!! … cw-1267596

I already celebrated with a good whisky!
Kind of a surprise for me that ALL CW superhero shows got renewed. Even Legends of Tomorrow was renewed for season 6….before their season 5 even started!
You can like the CW or not, but it is really a good partner for these superhero shows, not ONE…not ONE of these superhero shows… got cancelled ….ever!!!!
(Arrow only ended because of Stephen Amell had enough after 8 seasons)

And this means…….Batwoman is actually the FIRST TV show with a masked female lead….that made it to a SECOND season!
The show suceeded where shows like Queen of Swords and Black Scorpion has failed.

By the way:

The last two episodes of the CRISIS Crossover are just one week away!

Here is a new poster:

(click to enlarge)

McGyver and the masked villainess [incl. bonus video]

Time for another video from the Another scene from the Villaines compilation!

Well, this one wasn’t even directly in the compilation but it was recommended to me from a very friendly user as this TV show has indeed several masked villainesses/women.

In this scene we have a masked villainess that wants her “revenge” on McGyver.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

[watch the video ….before you continue!]

[watch the video ….before you continue!]

Well, that was an interesting REVEAL for sure! At first you could barely see that it is a woman who kidnaps McGyver’s friend. Only the eyes were revealing the fact that it is a woman who hides behind that mask and that outfit.

I like how good that mask hides her identity, a very effective mask.

A shame that she self unmasks before someone had the chance to try to unmask her!

Funny thing is that the fact that she is wearing that mask doesn’t make any sense in the story. She unmasks herself and runs aorund without the mask. She doesn’t hide her identity anymore.

But I guess the story writers thought it would be a nice surprise to find such an attractive woman under that mask 😉

Well, and I guess that worked for many viewers.



If you are interested on how the story will end for this villainess….check out this bonus video:

There are more scenes with her in that episode, but without the mask as well.

If you wanna know from which episode this is:


What do you think of these scenes and her mask/outfit?

Leave a comment below!

Maskripper VIP Club: January

>>>>> I updated the VIP-Club with new material! <<<<<


3 more videos from a great TV show (pretty new). A team of 3 masked women (in sexy catsuits) have to battle the police and gangsters. With lengthy martial art scenes, shootouts AND…..unmaskings!

I will upload more from this show in the next months to come…..because this show offers so MUCH! Besides the Batwoman TV show this is my favorite TV show with masked women from the last 15 years.

Pictures of two of the three masked women in action in these clips:

(slightly cropped screenshots – click to enlarge)

+ one very long XXX video with Batwoman and Wonder Woman getting to know each other….a LOT….better 😉

+ you will have FULL access to my 2 (self-written) Maskripper fetish stories (both over 15 pages each)!

Catwoman – the masked scuba thief [PREVIEW VERSION]

A nightly visitor – A Catwoman tale [PREVIEW VERSION]

Wanna donate some bucks, show your support for this blog (actually help to keep it running) and get good videos and fetish stories in return?

…then join the VIP club on Maskripper!


Happy new year!

A masked female vampire unmasks herself! — incl. a “celebrity reveal”

The last post for 2019!

In this one we have a real celebrity hiding underneath a very unusual mask. You most certainly will be surprised by the reveal 😉

Finally watched a certain season of a certain TV show and found two great scenes for this blog.

In this scene one guy attacks some blood sucking vampires. One of them is fully masked (because of the dangerous sun that was still up earlier).


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

[Watch the video BEFORE you continue!]



Well, wasn’t that a really nice surprise?

The masked vampire is played by ….Demi Lovato!

I love her facial expresssion after the unmasking 😉

Her mask is pretty interesting! Never seen such a combination of a leather hood/piece in combination with net-cloth.

Such a mask would be perfect for a long unmasking struggle! In my version she would have a secret identity.

The guy attacks her from behind and would rip the net-cloth more and more until her mouth is fully revealed. The unmasking would continue and he would slowly manage to pull the complete mask off her face while she desperate attempts to stop him.

Wanna know from which episode this is from?

Here you go:


What do you think of this scene?

Leave a comment below!

One movie…3 Masked women ….and MORE!

Finally got to see this whole movie. At some point I think someone recommended it to watch it, but I’m not 100% sure. If that was the case, thanks for doing so!

This movie has quite a lot of great scene. Not only it has 3 masked women with completely different masks, it has a lot of other sexy scenes in it too.

So I decided to cut all these scenes into one video for you to enjoy!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Well, some good scenes I would say!

 The woman in latex is Ariana Grande, for those few who don’t know her. A shame that her unmasking was shown on the movie…but she does look really hot in that latex costume and mask!

And…DAMN! Penelope Cruz is smoking hot in this one!

The masked women #3 (see pictures above) is actually Milla Jovovich! I have seen many movies with her, but with that wig and the massive lipstick usage….I didn’t realised it was her.

The unmasking with her is really good, although it seems to use quite some CGI effects to show that unmasking. But I really like the struggle and the reveal.

As a little bonus I edited the scene with the unmasking in a very short version for you:

I recommend to dl the video and play it in infinite loop 😉

What do you think of these scenes?

Which one is your favorite?

Leave a comment below!

Here is the title of the movie:


And, I almost forgot:

Merry christmas and happy holidays! 😉

Do you know this movie?

Hey folks, just a quick post for today. A nice user of this site asked me if I would know the title of the movie to his description.

I don’t know it, so I am asking you! Here is the description from him:

“…. I watched it as a kid and never managed to watch all of it and this scene has stuck with me so its been killing me trying to find it again as i only remember one scene its very reminisint of the spartucas scene where 2 people are having sex while wearing masks. I know its not that though as i watched it multiple times in the early 2000s as a kid when the movie would show up on tv guide but oviously would change the channel lol i belive the movie was released anywhere from late 80s to early 2000s what i remember is a woman is prepaired to meet a man i believe theyre both masked its a room with white curtains and sheets i think. They basically have sex and if i remember correctly i think he was supposed to the a prince or the king but wasn’t and it turns out they were related in some way. i know its not eyes wide shit or Spartacus or man in the iron mask. I know there was some nobel tittle thing being involved in the plot and was a period piece movie just have exhausted all my ideas and google searches”


If you do know the title of the movie to this description…please leave a comment below!

Sister Night in action! [Watchmen]

From the full basket of material I wanna post about Sister Night today!

In the new Watchmen TV show she is a masked vigilante who kicks some ass. There are more scenes with her throughout the season, but I wanna focus on some scenes of her from the very first episode.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

This video is not exactly suited for vegetarians 😉

I like how she combines different mask parts to protect her secret identity. Fabric cover her mouth and nose region, facepaint to cover her eye region and a hood.

Pretty effective cover! Altough the mask isn’t very “sexy” for me.

The overall action and especially the close combat fight scenes are done very well in this TV show. I like how she kicks ass.

Unfortunately Sister Night isn’t in every episode and her secret identity isn’t very secret and no one really cares about it anyway. But besides the storyline with all its twists and WTF-moments…she is another good reason to watch the show.

Here is the IMDB link for the show:


(this video was made from scenes from the 1st episode)

What do you think about these scenes and her costume?

Have you seen the show so far?

Leave a comment below!



My review on the Crisis on Infinite Earths Crossover, part 1-3….. [incl. Batwoman Episode 9]

…is ready now!

Check out the very short short review on Batwoman – Season 1 – Episodes 7-12!

Check out the detailed review incl. pictures and my Batwoman cuts on Crisis on Infinite Earths Crossover, part 1-3 [incl. Batwoman Episode 9]!


Some screenshots:

*EDIT* Dec 15th, pictures from part 2 and 3 included now….

(click to enlarge – more pictures on the page of Crisis on Infinite Earths Crossover)

Have you seen it already?

What do you think about it?

Leave a comment!

No post on the last weekend + The CRISIS on Infinite Earths

Sorry for not posting on the last weekend. Time was very limited since I was away for most of the time.

On sunday I was actually at the german Comic Con in Dortmund, more news on that this week.

I was thinking on how to post on the episodes of the CRISIS crossover.

Before I watched the first episode I thought about posting about each episode…but now I am sure that that wouldn’t make so much sense.

I will post my review of the first 3 episodes on wednesday. After the first 3 episodes there will be a break until january 14th.

Then I will post about the last 2 episodes.


Batwoman: My review of episode 8 (“A mad tea party”)…

…is ready now!

Check out the very short short review on Batwoman – Season 1 – Episodes 7-12!

Check out the detailed review incl. pictures and my Batwoman cuts on Batwoman – Season 1 – Episode 8!

Some screenshots:

(click to enlarge – more pictures on the page of episode 8)

Have you seen it already?

What do you think about it?

Leave a comment!

Maskripper VIP Club: December

>>>>> I updated the VIP-Club with new material! <<<<<

As Christmas approaches I filled the VIP club with some REALLY nice videos. Actually the highlights from this year for me!


4 videos (2 full scenes + 2 shorter version of one scene) from a great TV show (pretty new). A team of 3 masked women (in sexy catsuits) have to battle the police and gangsters. With lengthy martial art scenes, shootouts AND…..unmaskings!

I will upload more from this show in the next months to come…..because this show offers so MUCH! Besides the Batwoman TV show this is my favorite TV show with masked women from the last 15 years.

A picture of one of the three masked women in action:

(slightly cropped screenshots – click to enlarge)

+ one scene with a asian heroine in a full mask (incl. a rather epic unmasking!)

1 Video with the full scene (15 minutes) + 2 videos with shorter version of the highlight 😉

+ you will have FULL access to my 2 (self-written) Maskripper fetish stories (both over 15 pages each)!

Catwoman – the masked scuba thief [PREVIEW VERSION]

A nightly visitor – A Catwoman tale [PREVIEW VERSION]

Wanna donate some bucks, show your support for this blog (actually help to keep it running) and get good videos and fetish stories in return?

…then join the VIP club on Maskripper!

Tia Carrere VS the cat burglar!

Another scene from the Villaines compilation! A real treasure chest….. 🙂

In this one gorgeous Tia Carrere is after a golden cat statue….but so is a fully masked cat burglar!



(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

I didn’t cut antyhing from the cat burglar out of the video, it is not seen how she gets thrown out of the window. But it wasn’t by that guy, it was a curse that this golden statue emanates (if I understood it right, haven’t watched the whole episode).

Of course you might know what I don’t like about the video 😉

It’s a shame that we didn’t see the cat burglar unmasking herself or even better: watching her getting unmasked by Tia Carrere in a long struggle!

But she looks great in the catsuit and mask and she also wears sexy boots as well. And a catfight with a masked catburglar and Tia Carrere……is a great thing to have!

Funny that the guy tried to attack her with that shoe…..brilliant plan 😆

The way they shot the cat ears in front of the cat burglar, really good. Just looked like that ears would fit to her.

Funny how the tides have turned…..for most of the time it was easy to find stuff for my other blog and more and more difficult to find stuff for this one.

Nowadays, that has turned completely, right now I have SO much stuff for this blog, and nearly nothing for

Wanna know from which episodes and TV show this is from?


What do you think of that scene?

Leave a comment (by clicking on “comments” below)!

Crisis on Infinite Earths – teaser, poster, promo images, synopsis

Time to present all the news of the last days on the biggest TV crossover event ever!


These are the dates and shows involved in the crossover:

Supergirl, Dec 8
Batwoman, Dec 9
The Flash, Dec 10
…..nail-biting, 5 weeks cliffhanger!…..
Arrow, Jan 14
Legends of Tomorrow, Jan 14

Here is the teaser:

Never have seen a title screen so often like in this one….. but I like all the teasing in these snippets!
Bring it on!
I’m looking forward in great anticipation to this one! Especially for Batwoman and all the big changes it brings to the Arrowverse.
There will be casualties, I am sure not “only” the one we all know of.

Here is the poster:

(click on the image to enlarge)

Seems like Batwoman got the best spot! 🙂

But weird that they used that old promo picture of her….she doesn’t even have that cowl anymore.

She has a new cowl since episode 3, the one from this poster was only seen in the last years crossover (and some promos).

And here is the synopsis for the first three episodes (with some spoilers):

And also see official promo pictures of episodes 1-3 of the crossover:

Well, last years crossover was already big, but THIS one takes it to a whole new level!

So thrilled to see what will happen to the Arrowverse!



Another teaser:


Batwoman: My review of episode 7 (“Tell me the truth”)…

…is ready now!

Check out the very short short review on Batwoman – Season 1 – Episodes 7-12!

Check out the detailed review incl. pictures and my Batwoman cuts on Batwoman – Season 1 – Episode 7!

Some screenshots:

(click to enlarge – more pictures on the page of episode 7)

Have you seen it already?

What do you think about it?

Leave a comment!