Another masked female killer gets revealed [Blog exclusive]

In this post, I already posted about a female killer in a certain slasher movie series:

Now we have a new movie, and… a new masked female killer as well 😉


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Here is the video (MAYOR SPOILERS included!)

Another masked female killer gets revealed

I tried to upload it on Youtube, but even this short version with a little over 2 minutes got blocked right away.

Watch the video before you continue!

Of course, I was hoping to see another masked female killer and wasn’t disappointed.

Of course, I was hoping for a dramatic unmasking/reveal in a fight… and of course, I was disappointed as usual 😉

The movie is good and entertaining and I am glad I watched it at the cinema.

The aspect to have a

Spoiler title
father and his son and daughter
as the killers… really nice.

Even I hope they will not continue to add more killers in future movies…. this is enough 😉

The reveal here is nice, but nothing more.

The main problem is that you hardly ever know which masked killer it is in which scene.

If you would know the attacker is a woman, it would be more thrilling… but with that costume… it’s barely impossible.

The cast here is really cool as we have 4 pretty hot chicks in it in kick-ass roles. Really cool that Hayden P. was in it again.

So, I can only recommend you to watch the whole movie, even you know one part of the ending now.

This is the movie I am talking about:


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A double-masked villainess

I finally am catching up with the last season of a certain TV show and stumbled upon this scene.

Time to post it here!

We have a guy wandering around, but he isn’t alone. A mysterious masked woman is following him!


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Here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

Yeah, a nice scene. I like that she is wearing two masks, even the cloth thing is most likely just there for comfort.

But in my mind, it is her backup mask in case someone yanks off her main mask 😉

It’s also good that the two know each other so the unmasking has a bigger impact as they have quite a history and now she is with the bad guys and is threatening him and his dog.

Of course, I would have preferred that they would fight and then there would be a dramatic unmasking after one or two failed attempts… but no luck 😉

And at least a glimpse of some sort of sexiness in this TV show. Zombie apocalypses are very unsexy after all 😆

Wanna know from which episode this is?


What do you think of the scene?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

Unmasking Klaus, the villainESS! [Blog exclusive]

Thanks a lot for this recommendation to the guy who provided some very interesting stuff lately!

Guess you are confused by the title as Klaus isn’t exactly a female name? 😉

Well, I will explain it…

In this very short scene, we have a woman waiting for a mysterious masked guy, that’s all you need to know beforehand.


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Here is the video:

Unmasking Klaus

I uploaded it to Youtube, but it was blocked in the US and Canada right away, even though the video is just over a minute.

But I guess Amish Youtube might have put an age restriction on it anyhow so it’s better on Drive anyhow.

Watch the video before you continue!

Sadly the scene is very short and we see her only masked for a second or two. But it’s a nice unmasking and reveal as the background story of this is really interesting!

Quite sick and twisted …but very interesting 😆

Massive Spoilers ahead!

So we have Zoe and Jenna who have been best friends since …forever. Zoe lost her husband a year back and is feeling miserable all the time.

Jenna wants her to date so she would get happy again. Zoe and that “Klaus” guy are dating with kinky BDSM games where she never sees “his” face.

Then she gets ra_ed by “him” and the cops get involved (this all isn’t shown on the show, only told).

This Klaus wants to see her again (quite weird, why would Zoe want that?) and so they set up this meeting… which gets turned into a trap to catch Klaus.

Turns out this Klaus is really Jenna who had some sexual encounters with Zoe in their colleague days.

Jenna wanted Zoe to get happy again and even took this so far as she inserted her some sperm from a sperm donor to impregnate Zoe (to make her happy again – quite a deranged idea…)

But Zoe didn’t want that…. so, in the end, this case goes to trial.

Oh boy, quite a storyline… but with a nice unmasking!

I like that Zoe immediately goes for the mask! This a habit many villains should adopt when they are fighting against masked heroines 😉

Wanna know from which episode this is?


What do you think of this scene?

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Batgirl … unmasked by Poison Ivy! [Masks off #44]

After the last years provided very little when it comes to interesting female unmasking scenes… this one clearly stands out and is pretttttty good!

Glad that someone posted about it on a certain forum 🙂

Check out the important pages:


No Images found.

(use the arrows to navigate through the 4 pages)

Check out the pages before you continue!

Well, quite a good unmasking 🙂 , and a nice surprise for Ivy!

Ok, as mostly I do have some issues, let’s start with those:

It’s a little shame that she doesn’t fit back or at least says something before she gets unmasked.

It would have been great if the unmasking would have been shown with more panels.

Also, it always annoys me that the mask seemingly goes off that easy, I mean the cowl shouldn’t go off like that with a quick yank.

The material below the chin should prevent that. Here it looks like that material just ripped very easily as there is such a gap in it.

But ok, enough nitpicking… it’s so rare that you see Batgirl getting unmasked by a villain! And here it is not just any villain, it’s Poison Ivy!

Glad that Poison Ivy immediately recognizes Daphne and is so shocked about the reveal. She is shocked much more than Daphne… which tells a little bit that Daphne is just pretending to be THE Batgirl.

Normally Batgirl should be completely devastated if she gets unmasked like that… after all this could be the end of her crime-fighting career.


And there is actually more… earlier in the comic:

« of 3 »

Check out the pages before you continue!

A nice masking as Daphne puts on the cowl, even though we basically only see the end result.

But I do love that Poison Ivy is disguised as a Police Officer by wearing a full face mask!

Damn, I really wanna see a much slower unmasking with such a mask one day.

Would have been great if Batman grabs into that mask and would rip out the lower part over her real mouth for example.

Or her mask gets more accidentally damaged during a tussle and he then would realize that it is a mask and would do everything to fully unmask her.

However, quite a great issue in that a new Batgirl shows up, Poison Ivy gets unmasked and then Poison Ivy unmasks “Batgirl”!

Finally some really good new material 🙂

All that happens in:

The Batman & Scooby-Doo Mysteries 002

What do you think about it?

Leave your comment below!

Black Cat VS Catwoman

Ok, one last, quick post in 2022.

Check out this video:

I think the fight is animated very well and … of course… I do love to see some sexy masked ladies fighting each other! 😉

The mask destruction is a big bonus as well!

Basically, my only negative aspect is the masks of the two. An eye mask and that open Catwoman cowl… not perfect.

I hope he makes a Batgirl VS Catwoman fight one day where both women have real cowls which get then damaged during the fight 😉

Scenes from a new Luchadora documentary – #2

Time for more scenes from the Luchadora documentary!

I made the English subs for the first part, as there is some important dialog.

The rest of the video doesn’t have much text, and it’s only some presentation of the female fighters, nothing you need to know to enjoy the scenes.


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And here is the video:

Yeah, some nice scenes for me! I like how she tries on the new mask.

Perhaps I should become a mask designer 😆

Again, she doesn’t show her face to the audience, quite exciting that she wants to hide her face like that.

I like the fight scenes in slow motion with the music, really well done!.

I guess the aspect that one of them is transported to the hospital was real, but hard to say… perhaps it was staged as well.

I included the two additional short scenes to show the fighter with the full face mask, sadly she is only in the movie for these seconds.

The end scene with the bloody unmasked fighter presenting the mask was a nice way to end the movie 😉

The unmasking wasn’t shown sadly…


Check out my other post about this documentary movie, if you haven’t already:

Here is the title of the documentary:


What do you think about these scenes?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

Stargirl, Season 3, episode 13 [short review]

Finally, I could watch the new Stargirl episode today.

The final one of the season.

The final one of the entire show.

It was a solid finale with ….finally… some action and a good ending for the show and wholesome endings for most characters.

It clearly looked like the producers knew before the final episode that the show wouldn’t be renewed as there is no real cliffhanger in this one, but a real ending.

So it works much better as a final episode than the last Batwoman episode where the folks thought the show would go on.

Some images from the episode:

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The final showdown at the junkyard was nice, even though I expected a little more action. Especially Wildcat had very few action scenes here.

But at least the masked women had quite a lot of screen time in this one 🙂


In my opinion, the show has some flaws: too little action, too little screen time for the masked women, practically no secret identities, too many heroes, and villains vs heroes fighting each other without the public knowing about anything.

But, it had 4(!) masked women in the show lately, so it was always very exciting for me …when… they had some scenes.

So, like Batwoman…. Stargirl has come to end now as well.

Not a good feeling.

I hope there will be a new show with a masked woman as the lead character soon to fill that …. void.

After all, there are so few TV shows which can offer that.

Oh, and the last episode actually offered a female unmasking in the last minutes:

Not my favorite mask, but it’s a good disguise for sure. Nice to have some unmasking content in the very last episode.

Kind of a farewell gift 😉

Scenes from a new Luchadora documentary – #1

Today I wanna present some scenes from a documentary!

Well, that doesn’t sound too interesting and sexy…

Indeed, but this documentary has a LOT to offer when it comes to masked women!

Including some unmasking action and interesting dialogues about why some of these fighters a wearing masks and so on.

The documentary was aired on German TV this week. It has Spanish language and German subs.

To present it here I translated the important parts and embedded English subs in the video which took some time.

I don’t speak Spanish so I translated the German subs.

Hope you will enjoy it!


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And here is the video:

About the documentary in general:

Well, there are very interesting parts and rather uninteresting ones.

The documentary follows 4 different women who all are Luchadoras and addresses the problematic social struggles in Mexico, where crime rates are very high, women are often murdered and a special macho culture is still pretty dominant (according to the documentary).


About the scenes in the video:

The part where she is at home and talking about why she is wearing a mask is already very intriguing to me.

Actually, she is always wearing one throughout the entire documentary (90 minutes)! That gives her a really mysterious aura, I like that!

I don’t know if all the fight was staged from the beginning to the end. Normally wrestling and Luchadora fights are mostly completely scripted… to my knowledge.

I want to believe that the ending here wasn’t scripted… but I just don’t know.

However, I love quite a LOT about it. Both get unmasked, sadly we only see one unmasking and only from behind.

But I love how she is covering her face all the time to prevent anyone from seeing her face, I admire that kind of effort 🙂

I don’t know if perhaps even the dialogues from one/some pretty loud spectators are scripted as well…but they are just great, it’s like someone with a fetish for masked women had written them 😉

Actually, I even got excited as I was writing the subtitles 😆

I really would like to see such a fight live in person one day.

And imagine a fight like that that isn’t scripted… oh man! 2 masked, hot ladies fighting against each other. The one who unmasks the other one first wins!

And then you could add some other mask types to the mix as well. Some rubber cowls for example… or full-face latex masks 😉

It seems that these female Luchadora masks go off rather easily in comparison to the male full-face masks that have even a lacing.

But they cover up the face quite well, so it’s certainly a mask type that I really like.

The second post can be found here:

Here is the title of the documentary:


What do you think about these scenes?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

A masked female killer gets revealed

It’s time for a scene from a pretty new movie!

It has a masked killer in it… and as the scene is here on the blog… you know what that means 😉


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And here is the vide:

If you have seen the movie you already

Spoiler title
knew who would be under the mask at this point as she was revealed to be a killer some scenes before (without costume)

That basically kills even the small thrill such a self unmasking brings. If you haven’t seen the movie you have at least a hasty reveal by watching the video.

The Scream movies have by now 2 masked female killers.

That could be very interesting in terms of masked women and secret identities but there are 2 major problems for me.

– The costume of Ghostface is completely unisex as you can’t see if there is a man or a woman in it.

– And the killer self unmasks in basically every reveal which is… lame!

It would be really great if the costume would have some sex appeal at least and someone would actually try to unmask the killer in a struggle.

Would be really great to have a masked female killer struggling to keep her secret identity a….secret.

Then you could have a dramatic unmasking/reveal in the end when the killer gets unmasked by someone else!

But sadly…. this happens so rarely. 🙁

Well, maybe next time, seems like the Scream franchise will go on for a while…

Wanna know from which movie this scene is?


What do you think of that scene?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!


Same woman…. different mask and costume! [The Flash]

Last week I posted about a masked thief that wasn’t really a criminal.

This time I wanna put the focus on her again as she wants to put her power to good use… and therefore she gets a new costume and cowl!


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And here is the video:

I decided to show her unmasked face in the pictures above as she already was seen unmasked in my post from last week.

Ok, as always, I am annoyed about how careless these guys and girls are with their secret identities as they unmask in public way too often.

She even runs around without a mask in the beginning. Yes, she has super speed so no one can identify her while she is running….I guess.

But some back alley isn’t exactly a safe place to run around in costume…without a mask! Especially during the day. At any time somebody could show up and could see their exposed faces!

Also, as I mentioned before, I HATE this “magic” masks a LOT! It’s a complete, insane fantasy that that might ever work.

But for the movie folks, it’s a very easy and convenient way to have a quick unmasking, without hassling with an actual mask that might be difficult to remove. And Barry’s hair just looks perfect after the “unmasking” 😆

I really like her costume a lot! It basically looks like a smooth skin wetsuit with some extras. The black fabric looks really great and I think that it is very sexy.

Her mask is sadly (but logically) from the same lame fabric as the Flash mask, it’s ok…but nothing like the great rubber cowl he wore in earlier seasons.

BUT… it covers her face well enough and it’s a solid disguise and I would love to have her around in much more episodes, but after the ending of season 8, that doesn’t seem to happen…and well season 9 will be the last one anyhow.

Seeing a woman in such a costume and cowl in this show was a real treat for me and was a great way to end the season after it had quite a lot of boring episodes in the mid-section.

My version of a Flash TV show would be like this:

A woman as the Flash

A woman that is taller than “Fast Track” and is a little curvier in a certain region…

Use that costume, but add a massive rubber cowl to it. (like Flash had in early seasons)

And there is NO damn magic way for her to mask or unmask!

Also, there would be some villains who are actually interested in her secret identity!

And they would actually try to find out who she is by trying to remove her mask! (Yes, that is actually a possibility…. looking at you… Batwoman TV show)

She wouldn’t self-unmask every 5 minutes 😉

Adding some sexy villainesses (some masked) to it.

Use very little fantasy and magic. The Flash has her superpowers but only very few villains would have some. The villains would have their ways to sabotage her powers and would rely on some gadgets.

These scenes were from this episode:


(she also appears in costume in the episode after that)

Ok, enough from me…

What do you think about her costume?

Leave a comment!

A sexy female masked burglar wants to steal a hightech chip

Thanks to the nice guy who recommended me this one!

I watched the whole movie, which was a mistake…. but the movie does have a really good scene 🙂

And I wanna present that one here…


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And here is the video:


Moved as it was banned from Youtube….

Watch the video before you continue!

That is the only scene of any interest in the movie. Sadly it becomes a bad soap opera afterward, a really bad one.

And she doesn’t appear masked later on…. 🙁

But this scene is actually quite interesting:

Her outfit is quite… unusual… but certainly sexy! I love the boots and her mask is quite good as well.

Also, I do like how the guy thinks here. A masked woman wants to steal from him and he naturally wants to see her face. 🙂

He almost immediately goes for her mask and she isn’t skilled enough to stop him.

Sadly the unmasking is shown from a really bad angle as the camera is behind her. Damn!

Still, it’s a solid unmasking and not a self unmasking or a forced unmasking, and that is refreshing…

Would have been good though is she would have been able to put up more of a fight as she was unmasked too easy and too quickly for my taste.

But certainly a good scene in my opinion!

Wanna know the title of the movie?

*EDIT* May 16: A nice visitor of this blog provided the correct IMDB link:


What a bizarre title 😆

By the way: You can find the whole movie on Youtube easily… at least for now under the title “Chip Raiders”.

But I can only recommend to not waste your time by watching the whole thing 😉

What do you think of that scene?

Leave your comment below!

The masked female cat burglar who got caught!

Thanks to the nice guy who recommended me this one!

In this one, a masked cat burglar is stealing some art and gets caught by a security guard…

Let’s see who she will or will not get out of this one 😉


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And here is the video:

I like her two-part mask combo with a cap and ninja-type (lower) face mask, even a single full face mask would have been sexier.

And finally, a security guard who knows what he is doing. He catches her and keeps his distance with the gun pointing at her.

He orders her to put down her stolen goods and then immediately demands that she has to unmask.

A little odd that he uses the term hood here, but ok…it was pretty dark.

Instead of getting closer and letting her attack him, like in other examples…. he wants to see her face. 🙂

I like how he is thinking and how he reacts (“Wow!”) 😉

Unfortunately for him, he is then occupied with getting back up and she can get her sci-fi gadget to freeze(?) him.

Well, the effects certainly didn’t age well, but ok, no problem, after all, it’s a TV show from the 90s.

As you can see she isn’t one of the nice cat burglars, she is actually the villainess of the episode.

I like how she is excited as she talks on the phone. Very….. lascivious. 🙂

I only skipped through it to see if she would be masked again…. unfortunately not.

All in all a good scene with a cat burglar in a rather rare forced self-unmasking!

Wanna know from which episode this is?


What do you think of that scene?

Leave your comment below!


2 masked women in a fine fantasy movie

A quick post for today.

I’m rather low on material right now but this movie has 2 nice scenes with masked women.

Thanks to the nice guy who mentioned it some time ago!


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Here is the video:

Yeah, as (nearly) always….there are some negative aspects in here as well.

It’s a very dark scene and I had to edit the first two screenshots so you would see anything.

The masked fighter is always moving and you never get a really good look at her.

Also, I don’t even know why she is wearing that mask in the first place. It’s the only scene with her wearing it and it’s never even fully explained why she does it.

But seemingly she wants everyone to think that she is dead.

I do like how Jessica Chastain’s face is revealed, even is was done very quickly.

I do like her as an actress and I think she is also very attractive so that is a plus point!


I added the 2nd scene with Emily Blunt just as a little bonus as she only puts the mask on, and the mask isn’t even there to disguise her identity.

All in all a very good movie with some bonus scenes for those who like to see masked women 😉

Wanna know the title of the movie?


Feel welcome to leave your comment!

A masked female killer in a craptastic movie [Blog exclusive]

Thanks to all those who recommended this one over the years!

I had my doubts about this one, but I’m rather low on material and so I decided to make a post about it.

This one is exclusively on the blog and not on my Youtube channel for two reasons:

1) I don’t wanna risk anything in terms of showing “nudity” on Youtube, as they are sometimes very strict. I don’t think this clip should be troublesome, but I want to be on the safe side, especially after what happened to my old Frogwoman Youtube channel earlier this year.

2) I think the scene has some interesting aspects, but overall it’s rather embarrassing, so I don’t want it on my Youtube channel 😆


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And here is the video:

The movie is from the category “so bad that it’s funny”.

That works for me if I’m in the right mood.

I mean you can already see in this scene that the “acting” is like the “acting” in a porn movie….. for the most part. 😆

The dialogues are really bad, and the heroine ….well…. isn’t really attractive or interesting for me.

The mask of the killer is good in terms that it is a great disguise. She really wanna make sure that her secret stays …secret.

What is really annoying here is that the killer in this scene isn’t always played by that actress.

You can CLEARLY see that they used a stuntMAN for it in some shots, which is really embarrassing as hell!

I mean the “action” doesn’t require a stuntman/stuntwoman at all in my opinion! And they couldn’t find any stuntWOman to do it?

I mean they just roll around on the floor a little bit. Every actress should be able to do that!

That is a BIG minus for me. It’s just hilarious when the killer is suddenly only half the size as seconds before 😆

Two aspects here are really well done in my opinion here.

I just love that there is an unmasking attempt in the first place. It’s great how she grips into the mask and tries to yank it off.

Such an unmasking attempt is sadly pretty rare to find!

The unmasking is done quite well too! I love the angry look on the face of the attractive killer. Certainly a pretty good reveal!

Overall I have mixed feelings about it. It’s a nice scene that could have been SO much better with some simple changes.

A better dialogue, a better heroine, no guy playing the female killer in some scenes….and you could have a GREAT scene.

A wasted opportunity…

The scene is from this movie:


What do you think of this scene?

Leave your comment below!

Arachna 2 [Indiegogo campaign]

Hey folks, last year I presented the very successful crowdfunding campaign for the first Arachna comic.

Now, it’s time to present the new IndieGoGo campaign!

Here are some preview pages for the 2nd comic:

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And here is the campaign trailer for Arachna 2:

I ordered the first one last year and was very happy about it as it is very stylish and sexy.

And with some scenes for unmasking fans as well 😉

Here is the link to the IndieGoGo campaign:

Arachna 2 IndieGoGo campaign

This time you can get various print editions and also now digital versions as well!

Plus there are several stretch goals for this campaign, with the ultimate stretch goal with an Arachna short movie with up to 20 minutes!

That would be really great as I love the short videos snippets with Arachna, and a short movie with some nice peril and unmasking content would be highly welcome by me 😉