Some more fine cosplay! This time it’s a custom made Batgirl version…
(click to enlarge)
I really like the mask, it covers the face well, and has a chin strap for some safety. The suit is well done as well…. 🙂
Cosplay by SeleneLA
Some more fine cosplay! This time it’s a custom made Batgirl version…
(click to enlarge)
I really like the mask, it covers the face well, and has a chin strap for some safety. The suit is well done as well…. 🙂
Cosplay by SeleneLA
Love the mask.
That is a very impressive costume and I really like how her mask is so tight that it almost seems like it’s part of her skin. Personally, I prefer larger eye holes for Batgirl; these make her eyes look a little beady. But if she’s going for eyes more like Tim Burton’s Batman, she nailed it. Great stuff, Siggi!
Thanks! I think the smaller eyeholes and the black face paint are very good for the “keep the identity a secret” factor. It would be very tough or impossible to ID her…without unmasking her. And that’s the way I like it ;-9