Unmasking Klaus, the villainESS! [Blog exclusive]

Thanks a lot for this recommendation to the guy who provided some very interesting stuff lately!

Guess you are confused by the title as Klaus isn’t exactly a female name? 😉

Well, I will explain it…

In this very short scene, we have a woman waiting for a mysterious masked guy, that’s all you need to know beforehand.


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Unmasking Klaus

I uploaded it to Youtube, but it was blocked in the US and Canada right away, even though the video is just over a minute.

But I guess Amish Youtube might have put an age restriction on it anyhow so it’s better on Drive anyhow.

Watch the video before you continue!

Sadly the scene is very short and we see her only masked for a second or two. But it’s a nice unmasking and reveal as the background story of this is really interesting!

Quite sick and twisted …but very interesting 😆

Massive Spoilers ahead!

So we have Zoe and Jenna who have been best friends since …forever. Zoe lost her husband a year back and is feeling miserable all the time.

Jenna wants her to date so she would get happy again. Zoe and that “Klaus” guy are dating with kinky BDSM games where she never sees “his” face.

Then she gets ra_ed by “him” and the cops get involved (this all isn’t shown on the show, only told).

This Klaus wants to see her again (quite weird, why would Zoe want that?) and so they set up this meeting… which gets turned into a trap to catch Klaus.

Turns out this Klaus is really Jenna who had some sexual encounters with Zoe in their colleague days.

Jenna wanted Zoe to get happy again and even took this so far as she inserted her some sperm from a sperm donor to impregnate Zoe (to make her happy again – quite a deranged idea…)

But Zoe didn’t want that…. so, in the end, this case goes to trial.

Oh boy, quite a storyline… but with a nice unmasking!

I like that Zoe immediately goes for the mask! This a habit many villains should adopt when they are fighting against masked heroines 😉

Wanna know from which episode this is?


What do you think of this scene?

Leave your comment!

Batgirl rips her own mask! [Masks off! #45]

As I checked some new comics I stumbled upon this one.

Don’t really like the art style, but one panel is really interesting 🙂

Batgirls 15
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(use the arrows to navigate through the pages)

Check out these pages before you continue!

I really love this full-face Batgirl mask that Cassandra Cain is wearing.

It’s a modified cowl version where the previous openings have been “closed”.

This version is a perfect disguise and leaves a LOT of opportunities for mask damage 🙂

Spoiler here got kidnapped by her own crazy father and sadly that unmasking isn’t shown…. damn!

But luckily Batgirl arrives so we get some nice action.

I love how she rips open her own mask as she rips out the piece over her mouth/lower face!

She is still masked very well so that the crazy guy can’t see enough of her face.

What is quite weird and interesting is that Batgirl’s mask is suddenly complete again as they are leaving!?!

So, what has happened? Did she pull out a reserve mask? And if yes… why?

Or did she stitch the mask back together in a hurry? 😆

Pretty sure that is more of a continuation error here of the artist, but don’t know for sure.

A good little scene as you don’t see many scenes where a masked heroine is damaging her own mask!

Quite a shocker at first that Spoiler gets killed, but conveniently Batgirl has a Lazarus serum.


The pages are from this comic:

Batgirls 015

What do you think of that scene?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

The Flash, Red Death and…. Batwoman!

I’m not particularly thrilled about most of the episodes from the latest Flash seasons… but this one …. this one is different 🙂

The Batwoman TV show had an unsatisfying ending as it ended as a normal season would end. And a few weeks later it was announced that there wouldn’t be another season at all.

But luckily, Batwoman now returned… even if it was only for a scene in the Flash show.

And she isn’t the only masked woman in this scene 🙂


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

It felt really good for me to get this final appearance from Batwoman/Ryan one year after the Batwoman show ended pretty abruptly.

Also cool that a Ryan Wilder from another dimension is Red Death here, the masked villainess.

She also appeared in the two previous episodes but sadly she unmasks herself very quickly so there is no suspense about who she really is.

Somehow funny how she carried her self-unmasking fetish over to a new masked character 😆 …. 🙁

Sadly her mask is a high-tech thingy and these self-unmaskings are really lame.

Would have been so great if that would have been a normal rubber cowl and they would find out who she is by unmasking her.

But… as often… that seems to be a big taboo.

Flash gets actually captured and tied up by the villains in a previous episode and one actually wants to unmask him.

But then another mentions that the Flash cowl would electrocute everyone who would try that… and then the topic is off the table completely 🙁

Of course, I hoped here that Red Death would rip apart Batwoman’s rubber cowl in order to show her dominance… but no luck 😆

At least Red Death gets unmasked here, even if it is so quick that is hard to see… and they cheated with the unmasking of course….

I am very glad though about this fight as it’s quite rare to have a fight with two masked women!

Later this month I will re-watch the last season of Batwoman as one year has passed since the last episode was aired.

Damn… I really miss having a TV show with a masked woman as the lead character….

Wanna know from which episode this scene is?


What do you think of that scene?

Leave your comment here or on the Youtube video!

The Bride gets kidnapped by a masked woman!

Thanks to a recommendation by a friendly blog visitor I can present this scene today.

In this video, a bride gets kidnapped by a masked woman!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

That’s an interesting guest at a wedding 😉

I like the short brawl at the beginning even though I am not sure if the kidnapper wouldn’t get zapped as well as she is zapping the bride.

They are practically entangled and I would think the electricity would hit them both. But not sure about it.

I decided to edit the process as the masks herself before entering the garden shed to not give her look away before the unmasking 😉

Again there is a nice brawl and I love that she unmasks her kidnapper during the fight!

No self-unmasking, no unmasking of an unconscious person, no unmasking of a tied-up person.

But instead a nice unmasking during a fight! 🙂

It’s a little quick and I am not very thrilled about the reveal as it is just an “average” middle-aged woman in a sweater, but that fits the story.

Afterward, she walks into the house to get help from her husband.

The bride is lying on the ground and they think she is dead.

The guy actually knows the bride since he was a groupie of her.

The bride survives in the end and the kidnapper gets arrested (no further scenes with her in that mask). Classic happy ending.

Wanna know from which episode this is?


What do you think of that scene?

Feel welcome to leave a comment here or on the Youtube video!

Maskripper VIP Club: March 2023

New month, new content for the VIP Club here on Maskripper!

>>>>> I updated the VIP-Club with new material! <<<<<


2 videos … have been uploaded for this month!

In one video Spider-girl has captured YOU and wants to fool around a bit! 😉

In the other video, you will Batgirl battling a villain who is pretty curious to see who is hiding under her mask…

+ you will have FULL access to my 3 (self-written) Maskripper fetish stories (2 over 15 pages, one with 8 pages)!

Catwoman – the masked scuba thief [PREVIEW VERSION]

A nightly visitor – A Catwoman tale [PREVIEW VERSION]

+ The rising star and her dark secret (no preview available)

(A rising star enjoys having anonymous latex sex until one guy gets…..curious to see who is under that mask and catsuit ;-))

+ you will have access to my Maskripper trailer with the original audio instead of the music

Wanna donate some bucks, show your support for this blog (actually help to keep it running), and get good videos and fetish stories in return?

…then JOIN the VIP club on Maskripper!

A heist with two masked women in broad daylight!

I really like this video, and I also hate it! Why? More on that later on…

I stumbled upon this scene as I watch this show for a while and finally started watching it again.

We have two masked women in a heist 🙂


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Ok, where to start?

I watched the episode and the blonde master thief was introduced. The police were never able to prove any of her thefts and she was planning something.

Of course, my fantasy imagined a great heist scene where she would battle some cops who tried to stop and unmask her.

I was really thrilled by the possibilities 🙂

Then she goes on a heist, and puts up a great mask …. and you might imagine how I reacted to the scene that followed 😉

I cursed at my TV as she was running away and unmasked herself for NO reason! DAMN IT! WHY????????

I mean the police already predicted she would show up there and that’s why all the cops were on the scene undercover.

But she is still masked and could escape. WHY does she unmask herself as she is running away?

That makes no sense at all. I mean as long she is masked she is still “safe” as the cops have no proof that she did it.

It would have been so great if Nolan (the guy in the security dude uniform) would wrestle her down and unmask after a fight… but NO, of course not!

It’s a real trope by now that masked women always unmask themselves for no reason.

That drives me crazy! Another wasted opportunity 🙁

I mean she is already wearing a nice catsuit (sort of) and the mask in combination with the cap is a great disguise… but they screw it up.

Also, it is quite odd that she is on a heist and is wearing these ankle boots with heels but… ok, not as crazy/unrealistic as a Catwoman with stiletto heels (TDKR)….even she was insanely sexy.

The second masked woman is just a little bonus as she is just a nameless henchwoman.

In my imagination, she would have also prevented the unmasking at a nightly heist (without a crew) and would then re-appear in later episodes 😉

Well, I don’t write these scripts…. hopefully, there will be more masked women in the show.

Wanna know from which episode and show this is?


Feel welcome to leave a comment on the blog post here or on the Youtube video!

What do you think about this scene?

Catwoman and Batman heist scene [The Batman]

Ok, I dodged posting about this one for a long time, but of course, I have to make a post about this one.

I think “The Batman” is a really good movie, a very different movie ….with lots of interesting aspects.

Today I totally wanna focus on the Catwoman role in this one…. the biggest flaw of the movie in my opinion.

Therefore I wanna present the most interesting Catwoman scene of the movie:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

I already edited the video material to make it a little brighter… but it is still pretty dark (as the movie is).

Yeah, I am still not happy about Zoe Kravitz as Catwoman.

She plays the role well, but the appearance… is just not “right” for me. She is so tiny, her short hair, her very thin body… no, not like I would imagine the Catwoman to look like.

And her makeshift costume makes it even worse. Yeah, I know she only has been Catwoman for a very short time period… but that goddamn mask is so ugly and her costume is boring as well.

Her upper body in costume is seemingly a bit… padded… as it looks much curvier in comparison to Zoe Kravitz in other clothes (push-up bra?).

If you compare her in that costume with any other Catwoman in the movies so far, she is my least favorite. Hopefully, she will get at least a better costume ….if…. she appears again in the future.

I could go on about that for hours, but I will stop here and write about the scene here.

It’s a solid heist scene and I like the sexual tension between the two a lot… even Keaton/Pfeiffer in “Batman Returns” are on a whole other level… especially in terms of sexy costumes.

It’s a shame that Batman already knows who Catwoman is since he peeped at her as Selina changed into that “costume” (weird scene).

It could have been a nice unmasking scene if Batman would have yanked that ugly mask off and found out that Selina is Catwoman.

What do you think of that scene?

And what do you think of Kravitz as Catwoman and her costume?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

The Queen of Swords unmasks herself… and a bad guy witnesses it!

I posted about the best mask-related scenes here some years ago… but I missed one scene that surely needs to be here as well!

This TV show is in my Hall of Fame and is certainly one of my favorites 🙂

Here we have an episode where Tessa finds out that there is a man who actually knows who killed her father.

Of course, she wants to know and actually saves this guy (as Queen of Swords) from the evil duo the Colonel and the Captain.

But then something really bad is happening….


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

In the past, I often mentioned how careless some masked heroines are when it comes to self-unmaskings in (more or less) public places.

For example, Batwoman unmasked herself on rooftops and alleys at night in the TV show. There was always the danger that someone might show up or would watch it from the distance.

I’m not a big fan of such careless behavior… as I don’t want anyone to uncover a secret identity out like that.

The Queen of Swords was more careful in general and here she thought it would be safe to unmask herself in her own home which is placed quite remote.

But, unlucky for her… the scumbag was peeping through her windows and saw how the Queen of Swords unmasked herself and he recognized the face of Tessa.

And that is such an enormous problem for any heroine with a secret identity… especially if it’s a bad guy.

With his knowledge, he approaches her when she is the most vulnerable. Tessa is alone, without weapons, and without her costume.

Her dress is also making it more difficult for her as it slows her down.


Quite unusual that the show really gets that dark and that they have a bad guy who actually wants to rape the heroine/her civilian self!

That never was a topic in shows like Black Scorpion, Batwoman, etc.

And here she really gets into a big dilemma, as she wants to know from him who killed her father, but also has to defend herself and take care of the fact that he knows her biggest secret!

The outcome is the only possible outcome for me. He knows her secret identity, he tried to rape her… she has to kill him, even if that means that she won’t find out who killed her father… at least at this point.

These scenes perfectly demonstrate the danger of losing a secret identity… and therefore I need to post about it.

These scenes are from episode 8 of Queen of Swords.

What do you think of these scenes?

Leave your comment below!

A masked female vigilante battles some guys in a cage fight

Two years ago I posted about my favorite fight scene of a certain movie with a masked heroine:


Lately, I re-watched the movie and decided to also put another fight scene on this blog!

This is the first fight scene of her in her advanced costume and it’s pretty spectacular 🙂


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Yeah, she is only wearing an eye mask, but at least it covers more of her face than others (#blackcat).

But her costume is solid and she looks good in it.

The highlight for me in this movie is clearly the fight scenes as they are choreographed really well and spectacularly.

I mean it’s a movie from Indonesia and they don’t have the amount of money that most Hollywood productions have.

 Nonetheless, the fight scenes are better than in most Hollywood productions!

Her acting skills aren’t top-notch…. but she looks like she could do these action scenes herself. Actually it looks like she did them herself, but not 100% sure about that.

I love it when a masked heroine like her gets into such fights as it’s really thrilling for me.

What if her mask gets ripped off or damaged? 😉

What if they overpower her?

Sadly this one movie has more really good hand-to-hand combat scenes than some entire TV shows from the US.

And even an Asian soap opera/action TV show with a low budget like Kularb Gror Petch had great martial art scenes (and sexy ladies in catsuits and great unmaskings).

Looks like US companies should consider hiring some experts from Asia here and there 😉

On the other hand, the guys from this movie and the mentioned TV show could use some advice on how to write a better script.


Imagine such action scenes with an even hotter actress and a better mask/costume…. #rubbercowl

DAMN, that would be AWESOME²!

Here is the title of the movie:


What do you think about that scene and her costume?

Leave your comment below!


Maskripper VIP Club: February 2023

New month, new content for the VIP Club here on Maskripper!

>>>>> I updated the VIP-Club with new material! <<<<<


2 videos … have been uploaded for this month!

In one video you will find a tied-up Spider-girl! She looks great in her black, tight Spider-catsuit and someone is interested to see who is hiding under her spider-mask! 😉

In the other video, you will find Black Scorpion in a fight VS two villainesses, and they also get… CURIOUS (fetish video, not from the TV movies or the TV show)

+ you will have FULL access to my 3 (self-written) Maskripper fetish stories (2 over 15 pages, one with 8 pages)!

Catwoman – the masked scuba thief [PREVIEW VERSION]

A nightly visitor – A Catwoman tale [PREVIEW VERSION]

+ The rising star and her dark secret (no preview available)

(A rising star enjoys having anonymous latex sex until one guy gets…..curious to see who is under that mask and catsuit ;-))

+ you will have access to my Maskripper trailer with the original audio instead of the music

Wanna donate some bucks, show your support for this blog (actually help to keep it running), and get good videos and fetish stories in return?

…then JOIN the VIP club on Maskripper!

Batgirl … unmasked by Poison Ivy! [Masks off #44]

After the last years provided very little when it comes to interesting female unmasking scenes… this one clearly stands out and is pretttttty good!

Glad that someone posted about it on a certain forum 🙂

Check out the important pages:

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(use the arrows to navigate through the 4 pages)

Check out the pages before you continue!

Well, quite a good unmasking 🙂 , and a nice surprise for Ivy!

Ok, as mostly I do have some issues, let’s start with those:

It’s a little shame that she doesn’t fit back or at least says something before she gets unmasked.

It would have been great if the unmasking would have been shown with more panels.

Also, it always annoys me that the mask seemingly goes off that easy, I mean the cowl shouldn’t go off like that with a quick yank.

The material below the chin should prevent that. Here it looks like that material just ripped very easily as there is such a gap in it.

But ok, enough nitpicking… it’s so rare that you see Batgirl getting unmasked by a villain! And here it is not just any villain, it’s Poison Ivy!

Glad that Poison Ivy immediately recognizes Daphne and is so shocked about the reveal. She is shocked much more than Daphne… which tells a little bit that Daphne is just pretending to be THE Batgirl.

Normally Batgirl should be completely devastated if she gets unmasked like that… after all this could be the end of her crime-fighting career.


And there is actually more… earlier in the comic:

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Check out the pages before you continue!

A nice masking as Daphne puts on the cowl, even though we basically only see the end result.

But I do love that Poison Ivy is disguised as a Police Officer by wearing a full face mask!

Damn, I really wanna see a much slower unmasking with such a mask one day.

Would have been great if Batman grabs into that mask and would rip out the lower part over her real mouth for example.

Or her mask gets more accidentally damaged during a tussle and he then would realize that it is a mask and would do everything to fully unmask her.

However, quite a great issue in that a new Batgirl shows up, Poison Ivy gets unmasked and then Poison Ivy unmasks “Batgirl”!

Finally some really good new material 🙂

All that happens in:

The Batman & Scooby-Doo Mysteries 002

What do you think about it?

Leave your comment below!

Masked highwayWOman in action! #2

Ok, one more scene from this episode of Dr. Who!

The other scene that I posted can be found here:


In another scene, they are sneaking around a mansion, but since they don’t get caught there is no action.

In this short one, we have at least a little action and tension 🙂

(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

At least a little tussle.

Of course, I hoped that he would go for the mask…. but well, no luck.

But I always do enjoy the tension when such a masked woman is threatened like this.

He has the gun pointed at her, he could force her to unmask herself and her secret identity is always in danger if a fight breaks loose.

In this scene, she is less masked since she isn’t wearing the scarf around her lower face.

But sadly her secret identity isn’t really an issue in this episode.

This always frustrates me since it should be rather normal to get a little …curious…. when you see a masked woman 😉

If you wanna know the exact episode:


What do you think of that scene?

Leave your comment below!

Catwoman … unmasked by the police… once again! [Masks off #43]

Sounds great, doesn’t it?

The headline is correct, but there is actually a catch to it… but see for yourself:

Catwoman 50 (2022)
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(use the arrows to navigate through the pages)

SPOILERS ahead, check out the pictures first before you continue!

By the way, I don’t like her cat ears pointing backward in some panels, but that’s just a detail.

Now to the much more annoying aspect:

Catwoman gets caught and unmasked by the police and they don’t show that?????


I mean the cover is promising and the panel with the result of her arrest is great as well as she is tied up and unmasked.

BUT, they don’t show how the police pick her up, tie her up and pull down her mask!

What a wasted opportunity 🙁

So, we have to use our imagination to visualize her unmasking.

And that time jump is really annoying. I mean Batman escaped, but couldn’t take her with him? She gets found without a scratch?

What happened to her?

Really odd.

Well, perhaps they thought they couldn’t top this epic unmasking:



Still, I really like this comic, finally a new one with some material for our fetish.

Sadly her secret identity isn’t so secret for quite a while now. I hate that so many know who Catwoman is….

Looking forward to seeing how she will escape from that prison!


By the way: I will post about one more comic in the next weeks.

What do you think about that scene?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

Maskripper VIP Club: January 2023

I wish you a happy 2023 with some masked ladies included 😉

New month, new content for the VIP Club here on Maskripper!

>>>>> I updated the VIP-Club with new material! <<<<<


3 videos … have been uploaded for this month!

In one video you will find the 3 great unmaskings of a particular (pretty unknown) Asian TV show – If you love unmaskings…. you will LOVE this!

In another video, you will find Black Scorpion in a fight VS two villainesses (fetish video, not from the TV movies or the TV show)

And in the last video, you feel find a young, female Batman in a fight VS a villainess – one of my personal favorite unmaskings from a fetish video

+ you will have FULL access to my 3 (self-written) Maskripper fetish stories (2 over 15 pages, one with 8 pages)!

Catwoman – the masked scuba thief [PREVIEW VERSION]

A nightly visitor – A Catwoman tale [PREVIEW VERSION]

+ The rising star and her dark secret (no preview available)

(A rising star enjoys having anonymous latex sex until one guy gets…..curious to see who is under that mask and catsuit ;-))

+ you will have access to my Maskripper trailer with the original audio instead of the music

Wanna donate some bucks, show your support for this blog (actually help to keep it running), and get good videos and fetish stories in return?

…then JOIN the VIP club on Maskripper!

Black Cat VS Catwoman

Ok, one last, quick post in 2022.

Check out this video:

I think the fight is animated very well and … of course… I do love to see some sexy masked ladies fighting each other! 😉

The mask destruction is a big bonus as well!

Basically, my only negative aspect is the masks of the two. An eye mask and that open Catwoman cowl… not perfect.

I hope he makes a Batgirl VS Catwoman fight one day where both women have real cowls which get then damaged during the fight 😉