The “Nightwatchman” in action! – Scene 5

Time for another scene with the Nightwatchman in action!

I intended to post 2 scenes today…but the 2nd one was problematic. The audio switched to german every time, even I selected to use the English one.

Even there isn’t much dialogue in this scene, I want the damn program to work and that you all can watch the scene with English dialogue for the best experience.

But, don’t worry, I will upload scene 6 next Thursday, so you won’t have to wait for long.

And the BIG, last scene 7 will then follow on a weekend.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

I really like this scene big time! By this time I care about her in the show a lot and really rooting for her. She gets trapped in that room, the evil Guy of Gisborne is just outside the door, breaking it down pretty quickly. With the axe and the damaged doors he somehow reminds me a lot of a certain Jack N. in “The Shining” 😉 , especially as he is watching her through the damaged door.

You can see the fear on her face, she is breathing heavily through the cloth cover above her mouth. She now she can’t escape….he is outside the door and there are plenty of guards there as well.

A great setting!

As soon they rush in they would overpower her sooner or later and then would UNMASK her! Her life as well as her father’s life would be in grave danger as the Nightwatchman is a big enemy of the Sheriff. He would also find the woman that he loves under the mask….but she is in love with someone else…..

The way he sneakily attacks her with that dagger….wow….worthy of a real villain.

Of course, she survives that in the end, even she actually seemingly dies.

But that was revealed one episode later….providing a major cliffhanger.

As I already knew she would be in season 2….I wasn’t surprised….but imagining watching the show back then when it first aired….they surely tortured the audience quite well. 😉

Wanna know from which episode this is?


What do you think of that scene?

Leave a comment below!

The adventures of the masked Rubberwoman! – BONUS post

Well, some weeks ago I didn’t think I would make a third post about this TV show and this murderous Rubberwoman (official title, it’s actually latex)….but here we are.

After the Rubberwoman appeared in the first two episodes of the show, the show continued as an anthology show, each episode had different characters and different storylines.

But now in episode 7….the Rubberwoman returns alongside some familiar characters!

She doesn’t get a lot of screentime….but she has two nice scenes that I wanna present here.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Yeah, she isn’t masked for very long, but I LOVE two things about these scenes:

First the kiss with her hot girlfriend that kisses her passionately on the gag (right term?). Very sexy!

Love how her hands are on the sides of the mask while they kiss.

Also, the scene where she is laying in bed and then suddenly that latex hand appears is a nice surprise to see her girlfriend dressed up like this!

Even it’s a shame we didn’t get to see more of her as we only get that one side angle, but ok… still a really nice ending and her girlfriend looks awesome in that suit 🙂

I really like the overall storyline of this episode with the woman trying to make a video game about the murder house. Also, it was great to have some video game scenes in the intro of the episode.


I doubt we will see these two again on the show in these roles….but well, that’s what I said some weeks earlier after episode 2.

So….perhaps…..just perhaps…..Rubberwoman might return….again! 😉

Still don’t know which show/episode this is?


What do you think of these scenes?

Leave a comment!

The “Nightwatchman” in action! – Scenes 3 + 4

The Nightwatchman returns for two more scenes!

(or NightwatchWOman as she should be called)


Check out my first post about her if you haven’t already:

The “Nightwatchman” in action! – Scenes 1 + 2

Preview, Scene 1:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the Video:


…not welcome on Youtube….

Watch the video before you continue!

Only a very short scene, but already a really good one for me!

The villain has stopped her, everything is at stake for her as he really wants to know who the Nightwatchman is.

The moron hasn’t realized that the masked vigilante is a woman….damn, he must really get some glasses! 😉

I love that she managed to suppress a scream or moan as that might give away that the Nightwatchman isn’t a man like nearly everyone believes so far.

She does everything to keep her identity as safe as possible…in all regards.  And I really love that!

And it won’t be the last time he tries to capture her… 😉


Preview, Scene 2:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the Video:


…not welcome on Youtube….

Watch the video before you continue!

Another fine scene! Great to see her putting on her maskS 🙂

Luckily for her father, she is in full costume as these bandits rob the house…she saves the day!

The fight scene is done really well, and with her full masquerade, it’s rather easy to put a stuntwoman in that costume and do the action part…

I just love action scenes with such a masked woman! So much can happen, and it’s a real thrill ride for me.

In the end, she is victorious and unmasks herself for a chat with Robin, a nice bonus!

And I do have 3 more scenes with her….she will get in a LOT of trouble….. as evil Guy of Gisborne wants to know who is behind these masks of hers!


The adventures of the masked Rubberwoman! (Post 2 of 2)

The Rubberwoman returns!

Check out the first post about her, if you haven’t already….

I have prepared another 2 videos for you folks, and this time it gets pretty violent, I used age restrictions for both videos as these surely aren’t suited for kids.

In the first scene, 4 of Scarlett’s classmates arrive at her home. These 4 terrorized her BIG time and now it’s time for some ….rather drastic….revenge!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

I just love how the score is so “opposite” to what is happening in that scene. You hear that happy kids song and you see such violence on screen. A great contrast, works really well for me!

Also, I love how she unmasks herself and then finishes the last of these evil girls off. Well, killing them off isn’t exactly justice, no matter what they did, but if you have seen what they did to her……you are rooting for the Rubberwoman ;-).

I have another short scene, I could have made the video a lot longer, but it’s “just” her in the suit without her mask and without action.

In this short one we do have more nice elements….check it out!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

I’m happy and a little sad about this scene at the same time.

It’s great that we get another unmasking and masking in it. But it’s also a wasted “opportunity” for me.

She is in her suit and fully masked, the girls are there and now have a chance against Rubberwoman as they are outside the house.

But Rubberwoman runs away immediately (makes sense) and unmasks herself (damn it!).

And I cut the video there as nothing more is happening, she hides….and they don’t find her.

It would have been great to see these 4 girls battling her. In my version that would render her helpless and then would slowly tear her mask apart as they enjoy humiliating her and also wanna expose Scarlett’s face.

But ok, in the end, these two episodes had around 17 minutes of a woman in a latex catsuit! So, nothing much to complain about, especially as she is also (fully) masked in several scenes.

Two EPIC episodes for sure!


By now episodes 3 to 5 were also shown and I learned on the “Behind the mask” forum that the actress that played Rubberwoman will return in episode 7!

That doesn’t mean for sure that Rubberwoman will return…as this is an Anthology series where actors play different parts…..but there IS a chance!

We soon will know more!

What do you think of these scenes?

Leave your comment below!

The adventures of the masked Rubberwoman! (Post 1 of 2)

That’s a headline you don’t read every day 😉

This one came out of nowhere and was a great, pleasant surprise for me!

It was recommended to me by a nice guy just hours before I would have founded it myself on a website that I check once or twice a day.

As these two TV show episodes have so much interesting content I will make 2 posts about it with 4 videos in total.

And even these 2 pots won’t cover all the great scenes but certainly the best ones.

So, in this episode, a (lesbian) teenager and her two dads move into an infamous murder house.

Of course, they don’t believe in the stories that are told about the house….but that will change 😉

Preview, Scene 1:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Well, certainly a highly unusual, interesting, and sexy scene!

A little background knowledge: In season 1 of “American Horror Story” there was the so-called Rubberman who was one of the evil spirits/ghosts(?) of the mansion. Now this spirit tries to take control over the girl. Then it also makes sense that a suit that was formally worn by a man now fits a small woman. There are some evil forces in play here.

What is really great about this scene is how she transforms from these very unsexy clothes into this very sexy Rubberwoman. At least that’s how she is called in the episode title. I know that latex and rubber are similar but still, I wouldn’t call her catsuit a rubber suit as it is clearly latex for me. But well, seemingly ….for some…. rubber and latex are two words for the same thing.

However, at first, she practically wears the ugliest and unsexy clothes I can imagine. A big sweater, a wide pants-overall (don’t know if that’s the correct word), and sneakers. Then she hastily discards that outfit as she is pretty excited about the suit she found. She enjoys wearing it, but then sees the image of the Rubberman in the mirror and freaks out…of course.

She discards the sexy outfit.

But well….spoiler alert… will find its way back into the house 😉

Scene 2:

Scarlett is annoyed about the restrictions her dads put up on her internet access (she is into pretty violent porn….no joke!).

Suddenly she hears the closet door moving….


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:


I love how she dresses up for her little prank, enjoying it big time!

A little odd that her dads didn’t notice her fully black eyes. Ok, perhaps they were too distracted by the latex 😉

Love how she starts to laugh and unmasks in front of them.

I actually don’t think that she cut him by accident. He wanted to TEAR the latex suit of her…which is a pretty….well…. odd approach …as he is basically sexually assaulting his daughter!

She loves her new suit and the feeling it gives her…and she defends it as he tries to damage it. I think that’s why she cut him, to stop him from doing that.

In my version, she would still be masked and he would heroically attack her, going for her mask. His hand would be yanking on the latex, trying to unmask her. Then she would cut him to stop him.

And then, after she sees he is wounded… she would finally unmask herself. 😉

I have two more scenes ready for upload in a future post, most likely in two weeks.

If you have the chance to watch the full episodes…I can only encourage you to do that as she is in that catsuit for around 17 minutes in total!!!

Also, there are quite a lot of scenes where she puts that mask on or off!

She is in the first two 2 episodes of this new show:


A new spin-off TV show of the most successful TV show “American Horror Story” which is going in its 10th season later this year!

I was really sad when I found out that she is only in the first two episodes as the concept of this show is to have different stories and characters in each episode of the season.

At least she was in two episodes as the first two episodes are a 2 parter.

What do you think of these scenes?

Leave your comment below!

*EDIT, August 8:*

Wanna see more of Rubberwoman?

Post 2

Ghost-Spider (Spider-Gwen) gets UNMASKED by Jackal!

Thanks to a nice guy I stumbled onto this pretty new gem!

In this video Ghost-Spider (aka former Spider-Gwen) pursuits the Jackal who has special plans for her!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

…sorry, had to remove it… are too late…

WATCH the video before you continue!

I like a LOT about this scene!

Ghost-Spider has a great mask that disguises her perfectly. It’s pretty uncool that the Jackal knows her secret identity already…DAMN! But it’s really great how he traps her with these “restraints” and how she fights against them. The unmasking is done very well and I love her annoyed expression as he yanks the mask away from her head, exposing Gwen’s face underneath.

Such good quality unmaskings are pretty rare in movies/TV shows so I think this is one of the best new scenes from this year for sure!


As a little BONUS, I made a screenshot of every important frame of the unmasking 😉

Click on the spoiler + below and the gallery will be revealed….

Spoiler title

(click to enlarge)

Wanna know from which episode this is?


On IMDB the season has 6 episodes and this would be episode 5.

On amazon for example they list 12 episodes with half the length each for that season. There it is episode 10.

What do you think of that scene?

Leave your comment below!

A Catfight with a sexy, masked burglar

Thanks to the friendly guy who recommended me this scene!

Especially as it is a scene from a long-running TV show that I don’t find easily ….if I am not watching it.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

…..WHY…. don’t I find burglars like her in my apartment? 😉

Watch the video first!

Ok, let’s start with what I would change about this scene. The scuffle should be at least a little longer. Also, it would be great if there would be an attempted unmasking before the actual successful one. And… it would be much better if we would see her face AS the mask gets removed, sadly the camera only shows her unmasked face as a result of the unmasking.

On the good side…. there is quite a lot! The actress under the mask is hot, the fight is well made and I like her simple, but effective mask! She is concealed really well and it’s great that the two know each other. It’s interesting that the burglar really likes the other woman but decided to put up a fight and not just unmasked herself. Good decision! 😉


They are working together later in the episode, but sadly, she only wears her burglar outfit, but not the mask. Otherwise, I would have posted these scenes as well.

Wanna know from which episode of which TV show this is?


What do you think about that scene?

Leave your comment below!




I decided to use my Maskripper-Instagram account much more actively and started to post last week!

Feel welcome to check it out!

I will post pictures and the story behind it on ….more or less….a daily basis!

The evil, masked biker chick in black leather

That one is on my upload list for a while and it’s time to post this one!

This one features Jet Li VS some evil folks on motorcycles. And as you can guess, not all of them are men 😉

They all are wearing helmets with mirrored visors, so our evil biker chicks is fully concealed.


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

Yeah, not exactly a “traditional” unmasking, but I like the reveal.

It isn’t even clear to the audience that that biker is a woman, so the surprise is quite nice. Pretty sure that might be a man on the bike before she finally flew to the ground.

What I really don’t like is what happens after the reveal. He realizes it’s a woman he fighting and then he doesn’t want to fight her because he wouldn’t hit a woman.

What a sexist crap is that? Yeah, the movie is 20 years old, but damn, it’s just so disrespectful to her. She is a skilled fighter who wants to kill him and he doesn’t take her seriously.

And the whole thing to use the other woman to hit her….oh man. Silly, embarrassing comedy….in my opinion.

I cut the scene some seconds short to avoid problems with youtube. She falls on that metal bar and gets impaled what they show with a weird sort of (unbloody) x-ray animation as the metal thing goes through her heart.

Wanna know the title of the movie?


What do you think about that scene?

Leave your comment below!

The 2 really interesting scenes in a …not so….interesting show

I’m not a fan of this show, and it was already canceled by Cancelflix after just one season with 8 episodes.

Even the season had only 8 episodes you could have easily told the story in 3 or 4 episodes.

And the idea to explain the backstory of (most of) the heroes in back flashes throughout the whole season(!) was really bad in my opinion.

But let’s focus on the good parts! The show provided two interesting scenes after all.

Let’s start with the most interesting one!


(click to enlarge)

The scenes weren’t welcome on Youtube, so check it out:

…sorry, had to remove it… are too late…

Watch the video first before you continue!

Ok, the bad news is…..that was her only scene in this mask and costume in the entire show. What a wasted potential…. 🙁

The costume is pretty great! Also I love the mask, it disguises Raikou’s face well and the material is well chosen! Ok, the cowl could use a chin strap for security reasons…but ok, not a major flaw.

Would have been so great to have seen her in more scenes…especially if some bad guys would get curious to see the face under that mask! 😉

It’s great that some of the masked “henchfolks” are actually (masked!) henchWOmen! It’s a pretty cool trend that the bad guys nowadays employ female fighters as well for their evil deeds. 10-20 years ago you could barely find any henchWOmen at all. I like the masks that they are wearing, a nice bonus feature!

Overall a really good scene….a shame

This scene was in episode 7.


Wanna see her unmasked face? Here is a picture:

Raikou unmasked



In the very first episode, there was an interesting scene as well.


(click to enlarge)

The scenes weren’t welcome on Youtube, so check it out:

…sorry, had to remove it… are too late…

Yeah, I’m not a fan of those sci-fi costumes that can appear out of nowhere. I much prefer the “normal” version that you have to get on like normal clothes.

The fact that a villainess attacks bad guys who already are on a robbery…is pretty cool!

The fight isn’t that interesting, and her “costume” is rather lame…except for the boots. But the end is quite nice as her mask is just damaged enough that we can see one of her eyes.

And as you should know by now….I like to see damaged masks 😉 , a rare view!

This is the show:


What do you think of these scenes?

Leave your comment below!

The masked female double agent [+BONUS video]

Today I have a real gem for you….in my opinion 😉

The scene is already pretty great, but if you know the context around it….it’s even better.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

I just love such a scene! Really great how he demands that she unmasks herself.

And her reaction is great as well! Her mouth open, barely visible under that net cloth over it. Her eyes show how afraid she is to lose her mask, how afraid that he will soon find out who is hiding underneath that mask.

And the great thing is: They know each other…..verrrrry well 😉 ! She is actually working with him in the agency with some …”benefits” included ;-).

But at the same time, she is also working with the bad guys! If he would see her unmasked face….she would be totally finished. For her, everything is at stake at that moment. And she sells that very well and it’s great that she buys herself some crucial seconds as she is really slowly unmasking herself. Also, her mask shows how serious she is with her masquerade. She uses black face paint around the eyes (more on that later), the eye openings on the mask are very small, and with that net cloth, you can barely see her mouth….a very effective mask.

Another plus point for me is the rare type of unmasking. It’s a foiled (forced) self unmasking. I love attempted unmaskings as well, and they are rather rare as most of the unmasking attempts are successful.

So, I do have two BONUS scenes for the visitors of this blog!

The first scene of the following video shows her and the other bad guy just before the scenes of the video above.

The second scene takes place some minutes later at the very end of the episode.


Yeah, sadly she doesn’t unmask herself onscreen, but this scene where she puts the mask on is not bad! Especially seeing her with these panda eyes….is a very rare sight!

I added the second scene to show you how she looks without the mask and also to show how close they (seemingly) are. But he has no idea that he pointed a gun right at her masked face earlier that day. 🙂

Wanna know from which episode of Alias this scene is?

IMDB link

What do you think about these scenes?

Leave your comment below!



Stunning masked female bank robbers! [+bonus video]

Don’t know how I forgot about this movie. I do have the DVD in my collection for a really long time now.

Recently I decided to re-watch the movie and now it’s time to make a blog post about it!

In this one 4 stunning women/models decide to rob some banks. The leader does also is the getaway driver and so we get some nice car chases in the movie….


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Interesting and sexy scenes!

I like that they really take their disguise very seriously. They dress up in rather clunky men’s clothes or sports clothes so that you can’t even tell that they are women unless you get a closer look.

Also, their masks are very effective as they really disguise their faces.

Sadly they are quite sloppy when it comes to keeping their masks on. 2 of them are already unmasked when the cops show up who can clearly see their faces.

Also, the 2 masked women quickly unmask (sadly off screen) as they drive away with the female cop. The sexy lieutenant now knows how all of them look. So, they do have quite a problem now…

The scene with the body search is…..damn sexy! The female cop is really sexy and isn’t afraid of showing it (mildly) throughout the movie. And when supermodel Gisele Bündchen searches her body really thoroughly…. that’s insanely sexy…in my opinion.

In my version of the movie all 4 would keep their masks on (Gisele would wear one too) and the lieutenant and the male cop would battle them hand to hand. During the struggle, more cops would arrive at the scene and they would start to overpower the bank robbers. Now they would try to unmask them, one by one. After some resistance 3 of them would be fully unmasked while Gisele would try to escape. The cop would follow her and they would have a long fight where she would desperately try to keep her mask on. 😉

I do have a short BONUS video for you guys!

In this one, you can see how the 4 chicks arrive in New York and later changes their outfits into beachwear(!) as they try to escape the cops.

Oh my! I wouldn’t mind being that cop in that scene 😉

Not every day you check a car with 4 models in bikinis in it!

This is the movie:


The IMDB score of 4.5 is really surprising to me! Yeah, it’s not a really good comedy but the movie has some nice gags, cool car chases, and these 4 gorgeous bank robbers!

For me, that is certainly enough to enjoy the movie. I suspect that many folks might have “problems” with Queen Latifah as the female lead role. I think she was ok in it.

You won’t find many movies with such hot masked women….that’s for sure!

What do you think of these scenes?

Leave your comment below!

The masked villainess, the Winter Soldier, the Falcon and the autobahn

This one is really brand-new.

In the new Marvel series “The Falcon and the Winter Soldier” we have a masked villainess!

As soon I saw her in the very first trailer I had this show on my radar. Well, I would watch it without her as well….but she certainly is a big Bonus! 😉

The two heroes follow some bad guys who are escaping on two trucks with a hostage.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

…sorry, had to remove it… are too late…

Watch the video before you continue!

Damn, I really LOVE how she plays it in the beginning. She plays the terrified hostage but drops that disguise as she punches him right out of the truck.

I like how she then puts on the mask and thereby completes her transformation into the villainess.

I don’t really know so far if she is supposed to have a secret identity as she just has her civilian name on IMDB, it rather seems that the mask is “just” protecting her face during combat.

The good guys know her identity practically from the beginning.

I really like the fact that the scene takes place near Munich on the autobahn (technically more like an approach road to the autobahn).

The action scene works really well and shows the big budget of the show in parts. With 25 million dollars for a single episode….you can “easily” create such scenes in a TV show.

This scene can be found in episode 2.

Looking forward to the next episodes and to more scenes with her in action!

What do you think of that scene?

Leave your comment below!

Female, masked burglar VS male burglar – Round 2

Time for Round 2 in this match!

You can find the 1st round here if you haven’t seen it already:

After their first encounter, our female burglar now is again looking for precious diamonds!

And again, the hero of the show is just waiting for her….


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Watch the video before you go on!

Really good stuff!

I mean she is in two scenes, does unmask herself once, and is unmasked twice! So, this episode really delivers! 🙂

Even the unmasking is shot very quick here.

I think it’s a little odd that she escapes the building first and seemingly waits on that container to then knock down the guard as he is threatened.

Why wasn’t she focused on escaping as quickly as possible? Was she waiting for him? Seemingly not as she runs away from him.

However I really love their relationship as they know each other, he wants to stop her, but she has a strong motivation to get these diamonds anyway.

Sadly this was the last scene of her as a masked burglar. Will watch the whole episode the next few days to get the full picture of what is going on.

The only thing that was missing was a close combat with a security guard who would then yank on her mask before she barely escapes the unmasking attempt 😉

Here is the episode and show name for you:


What do you think of this scene?

Leave your comment below!



Another Batwoman episode will be shown today on the CW!


Female, masked burglar VS male burglar – Round 1

This episode of a TV show has some really great scenes! Another one that I discovered through a great compilation video with masked women.

In this episode we have two really good scenes, today I wanna present the first one to you.

So, you may guess what I might be posting next week on Sunday 😉

So, let’s start with some pictures for a preview:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Some story-snippets: They two meet earlier in the museum where he witnessed her snooping around. So he had a strong hunch about who he would find under that mask. 😉

I love that he uses the moment of surprise to immediately unmask her, clearly catching her off guard. I think they cheated a little with the unmasking.

The whole time her mask was fitting pretty tightly. But as they cut to his hand grabbing onto her mask, the mask is rather loose and much less fitting.

I guess they “prepared” the mask so the unmasking was easier to be done.

However, I enjoy that he goes for her mask and the lines they exchange. I like how she gets away by choosing the better escape route. She runs into a guard, which could be a big problem, especially as she isn’t masked anymore!

But it’s pretty dark and she is moving quickly to get him out of the way. I’m sure that he didn’t get a good look at her face.

The other scene with both of them is even better and longer….so stay tuned for the next video!

For now, I won’t post the name of the show…but I will when I post the other scene next week.

So, what do you think about that scene?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!



“Round 2” can now be found here:


The masked female killer gets ….UNMASKED!

Another one I was pointed at through an epic Youtube video! Again, thanks to the guy for making this compilation 🙂

In this scene, we have a young guy who is suspected to be a (masked) killer.

But as you might guess, the one under the mask….isn’t a man as I would post about it otherwise 😉


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Ok, what do I like and dislike about this one?

And yes, that’s the only scene where you can see the masked killer which lasts longer than a split-second 🙁

I really dislike that she isn’t more “visible” in the movie. I would love real fight scenes with her. More suspense before the unmasking.

And they really screw up the unmasking. Why doesn’t she defend her mask? Why don’t we get to see a little more of her before his hand reaches her mask?

That is done way too quickly!

This is how you NOT do an unmasking! Especially with such a hot woman underneath the mask.

I do like that Christopher Walken shows up in the scene! He is great all the time, even in here as he shots the knife out of her hands in a way too cool fashion 😆

Also, as you can see in the first picture, he seemingly tries to unmask her in the struggle! It’s only a split second and I nearly missed it as I watched it as it is so horribly cut.

But nonetheless, it’s great that he goes for the mask!

Wanna know from which movie this is?


What do you think about that scene?

Leave a comment below!