17 great comic COVERS! [Batgirl, Catwoman, Spoiler, Spider-girl]

Over the years I read a lot of comics. Of course mainly these with masked heroines in it 😉

I posted some of these covers together with pages from the story. Now it’s time to show some of my favorite cover artworks with masked heroine in some sort of peril.


Batman NML v5-201 (1)
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(Click to enlarge to full size)

What about you?

What are your favorite covers?

Share them at Behind the mask

Catwoman in Gotham …. a NEW page

[1 of 2 post for today]

For starters I created a new page for this blog. You can see it above in the menu.

Check it out more info and 2 new videos!

Catwoman in Gotham is a page dedicated to running TV show Gotham where we can witness the transformation from Selina Kyle in Catwoman. Every scene with Catwoman will be found there!



Catwoman spotted! [Gotham TV show]

For today I wanna recommend you two things. First:

Watch Gotham! Season 4 just started with the first episode and some days ago we got a trailer for season 4.

[minor SPOILERs]

A trailer where you can actually see Selina Kyle for the first time with a MASK. Her first step to become the great Catwoman!

Here are the pictures:

(click to enlarge to full size)

Isn’t that something? We see her first catsuit and her mask 🙂

Looking forward to see that combined in moving pictures! Oh man, that is exactly what I hoped for as the show started. To see Selina become Catwoman.

Here is the trailer, but be warned: The first two minutes are a recap of the things that happened before season 4.


Support Gotham and watch that show! I hope that show runs for another couple of years.



Spider-woman and leather cat unmasked! [Fan Art]

Time for some new great pictures! In the last months he commissioned (yet again) some really good art!


spiderwoman police brutality 17 by mannameded-db7vcxd
Orientation: 1
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(click to enlarge to full size)


the leather cat catting around 1 by mannameded-db80m8j
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(click to enlarge to full size)

If you wanna see more commissioned unmasking art from him:


Thanks for your dedication to our little “special interest”!




Batgirl movie (Joss Whedon) – #1

Well, I guess you may have heard already that Joss Whedon will direct an official DC movie with Batgirl in the main role.

For me that news hit me like a hammer. GREAT! GREAT! GREAT! Since ages I had hoped they would make such a movie…and then I read the news. I couldn’t believe it at first.

Ok, that movie won’t come out this year or next year. Perhaps 2019? But no matter when it will hit the screens…I am SO excited about it!

The last time I was so excited about a future movie was as TDKR was in planning and it was announced that Catwoman would be in it. I read every preview, watched every trailer a dozen times, tried to get as many pictures as possible. And Catwoman only had a small role in that movie. Her suit was great, but her mask was…pretty terrible. She did not have a secret identity at all, nearly everybody knew who was behind the mask. No unmasking action at all 🙁 .

That was really annoying for me! After all the anticipation I was a little disappointed at first after I left the movie theater.

However, despite all these facts, I love that movie and I love Anne Hathaway as Catwoman.

And now there will be a Batgirl movie 🙂

Batgirl was always my favorite heroine. And she will have the main part in that movie!!! I can’t imagine right now, how much more excited I will be when more facts to this movie will be released.

  • Who will be under that mask? Who will play this role and will (most certainly) become a legend for me?
  • How will the costume look? What about the mask?
  • What will the story?
  • Which villains will be in it? May be Catwoman? Or other hot villainesses?
  • Will they include other female heroine in it? Like Spoiler? Or the Huntress?

This movie has big potential to become my ultimate “hall of fame”-movie. I guess I will get some serious (heart-)problems when the first trailer is released…. 🙂

It seems like Whedon will take the Barbara Gordon-Batgirl version from the “New 52” Storyline. Great news! I want a serious batgirl movie and not that damn new “helmet”-batgirl version from the new comic run (that sucks btw.!).

Regarding the costume:

Let’s see how this epic movie will develop throughout the next months/years. I can’t wait for more news!

Bring it on Whedon!

Your opinion on this?



Masks Off! #32 – Catwoman unmasked (somehow)

Hey folks, long time there was no new material “Masks off!”, my little “unmaskings in comics”-section.

Now I do have something.

The next gallery has all the catwoman/selina pictures from 2 comics, but check it out…

Batman (2016-) 018-020
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(click to enlarge it)

Well, isn’t that weird?

[Spoilers ahead]

[Spoilers ahead]

[Spoilers ahead]

Bane seems to know who catwoman is. The recognise Selina with her wig on (she isn’t shown with it before…). The “unwig/unmask” her, put her in her Catwoman suit (?????? WHAT?!!!), tie her up, and in the next picture she is free again…. A lot isn’t shown in these comics.

Hmhmh, all pretty weird!

Now I wonder what happens next. Will Bane get revenge on her?

Perhaps he will rip her mask off…it’s only a slight chance, but that would be GREAT!

We will see in 10 days…. I will update you folks.

Heroines (and catwoman) unmasked! Fan-Art

I wanna present more great fan art that was commissioned from a well-known guy.


(click on the pictures to enlarge them to full size)

Well, great stuff!

He does indeed put his money to a good use 🙂

THANKS for that!

If you wanna see more of him:


Batgirl and Catwoman unmasked! [Fan Art]

These pictures need to be on this blog!

Batgirl and Catwoman are getting caught by the police… and they wanna know who’s under these masks 😉

batgirl catwoman zero tolerance 3 color by mannameded-dadwkvs
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(click to enlarge)

Great stuff! And really well done art 🙂

You can find more of his art here:


Catwoman Cosplay #18

This catwoman costume is pretty different… an interesting desgin!

Check it out!


And here is the complete set with 7 pictures in full size:

(click to enlarge)

Your opinion?

I like the combination of “cowl” and mask. Still the mask would come off way too easy…

Well, unless both are connected 😉

If you wanna see more of her:

LINK: Artist FB-site

Catwoman Cosplay – #17

Long time without catwoman cosplay at this site… time to change that!

Here I got a new one with 10 pictures!


And here are 10 pictures in full size:

(click to enlarge)

If you ask me, some great pictures…. I guess it would be difficult for me taking such pictures without some serious problems (shaking camera).

Wanna see more of her?


Catwoman Cosplay – #15 (and #16)

Another two catwoman cosplays for you! One catwoman-comic look (it’s around 10 years old -(1)), and a unique approach on the cat (2).

Which one do you prefer?


Here are all 18(!) pictures in full size:

My opinion:

  1. Good suit with nice… views. But I don’t like the goggles.
  2.  Interesting design! Nice idea with the transparent elements. But the cowl is too “bulky” it doesn’t fit so good. And the boots, hmh, not my taste…

Your opinions?

Catwoman Cosplay – #13 (and #14)

1st post (out of 2) for today!

For today we have 2 different catwomen and 2 different cosplayers!

The Batman Returns version and TDKR version. Which one do you prefer and why?


Here you can view 12 pictures:

(click to enlarge)

Close call, but I would choose the costume from Batman Returns.

Or better: I would combine the mask from Batman Returns with the TDKR suit 😉

Catwoman Cosplay #12

Hey, time for some more Catwoman! Stumbled upon this one, a good costume and a wide variety of ideas.



And here are all 9 pictures (incl. two UNMASKED):

(click to enlarge)

Interesting variation of the Tim Burton movie costume…. 🙂

I envy the photographer, but on the other side I guess I couldn’t do such a photoshoot without getting….