Batgirl movie (Joss Whedon) – #3 – Production starts 2018

First post for today (of 2).

Today is the last Day of the San Diego Comic Con.

Until now no “big” news for us who can’t wait for the Batgirl movie.


Well, no big surprise. More questions remain…

When in 2018? January or December would be a huge difference…

Is the script writing already in progress? Or does that start in 2018?


Is that list in a chronological order? If yes, Batgirl could be scheduled for 2020 🙁

Because the Shazam movie starts early 2019 and the Batgirl movie is the 4th movie behind that one.

But, let’s see…I hope that Batgirl will come in 2019 to the movie theaters.

And because today is the last day of the Comic Con in San Diego…I hope there will be more news, more BIG news.

I keep you posted!


Darkwing 16: Mind Games is released

Hey folks, another great episode of the mighty Darkwing has been released!

And it has a fine scene that’s something for us…. I don’t wanna spoil too much, but it is ….MASK-related 😉

Of course it has the usual high quality of Bluestone’s videos.

But see for yourself, some preview pictures:

(click to enlarge to full size)

Here is the trailer:

And here are the links where you can buy it:

Peril/Winning version: … uct&id=863

Extreme/Death version: … uct&id=864

“Darkwing 16: Mind Games” – 2-in-1 Combo (only available with Bitcoin payment): … ind-games/

I like her new boots! I love black ones, so I prefer these to her yellow ones that she wore in the past.

Even if these boots could use some heels 😉

But I guess he tries the “realistic” version here.

In conclusion: Another great episode with a fine unmasking!

Female (masked) ninja VS the police and some martial arts guy

In this one we have a female ninja that battles the police and a martial arts guy. Let’s see if she can keep her identity a secret 😉

I have seen this scene the first time may be a year ago. Now I stumbled on a very fine HD-quality version of it….


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Isn’t that a great scene? Incl. a nice “rip off” sound…

I guess I will watch the whole movie even if it looks pretty…weird/strange.

There should be more ninja movies like that with a woman under a real mask like the one they used here in the movie.

The movie title:



Man saved by masked female vigilante – Part 2 (and 3)

[2nd post for today]

Time for more of the masked female vigilante!

And it’s time for some unmasking action…. 😉


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Great that we see her face, but that unmasking…..totally wrong!

She turns the back to the camera and self unmaskings are…. uncool.

But since we get a hot, masked female vigilante….we shouldn’t complain 😉

I prepared a third part. That can’t be on youtube 😉

But I guess you would like to see it.

She gets….naughty.

Part 3

*EDIT* April 2022: New link

And she may have another action scene… more to follow.


Batgirl movie (Joss Whedon) – #2 – Actresses for the role?

New rumours about the Batgirl movie. Check out the article.

Well, don’t know much about these four. But just from the pictures on the site I would like Jane Levy and Margaret Qualley.

For me they would definitely fit in the role.

And as you can see on that site, there are rumours, that they may present the actress for the Batgirl role on the San Diego Comic Con.

And that is only 3 weeks away….. Oh Man!

Hope the rumours are true and that we will know by end of the month who will become that legendary character.

Your opinion on these 4 actresses?


Man saved by masked female vigilante – Part 1

Not often you see scenes like this one on TV. I was pretty happy as I stumbled upon it, so here is part 1.

A wounded men is chased by some thugs. It seems that he is finished but in that moment a masked female vigilante appears….


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Isn’t that a cool scene?

I really like her costume. The mask covers not enough, but I have seen much worse.

If you want, I could upload more scenes with our masked lady 😉

Shadow Fox Shackled!

There are a lot of superheroine videos out there….As I mentioned before quite a lot are crap for me. Cheap costumes, “actresses” that can’t act at all and lame unmaskings with 1$ eye masks.

This video however, is (like the ones from bluestone) an exception. It has a gorgeous heroine as Shadow Fox (aka Batgirl 😉 , solid costumes and a nice storyline.

I love her cowl! With such a mask you can make a really good unmasking 🙂


After her deadly duel with Don Falcone and his Goons, Shadow Fox sadly came up short. Now, shackled to a chair, she is at the mercy of the crime lord. So what are his plans for her? The mob has been developing a compliance serum for taking over the city’s drug addicts, and in Shadow Fox they have the perfect test subject. Gagged and then chloroformed, the vigilante still has enough spunk to annoy the mob boss, making him enjoy causing her pain and injecting her with his drug. As the serum takes hold, the Purple Paladin is placed in one humiliating situation after another, including the worst of all… the removal of her cowl, giving away her true identity. Can our heroine find a way out of this disaster?


(click to enlarge to full size)

Here is a teaser:

>>>And here is the link, where you can buy this great video:<<<


I left out some of her pictures without the mask, you shall discover her unmasked face on your own 😉

I hope there will be more videos with Shadow Fox in the future!






Behind the Mask

Hey folks, if you haven’t visited the Behind the Mask forum yet….Check it out and become a member!

You will see more threads when you are an active member. And we are looking for that kind of people.

People who wanna discuss about our little special topic. And especially we are looking for people who start threads from time to time and share their findings with the community.

There is a lot to discover…so check it out!

Behind the Mask

Watch the Wonder Woman movie!

[2nd post for today]

Hey folks, just a short reminder:

If you want more female superheroes on TV or in the cinema in the future, you need to see one movie these days…Wonder Woman!

She doesn’t wear a mask…but this movie seems to be the first good/great heroine movie.

And this should prove to the producers that they can and should bring more female (masked) heroes to the screen!

You know what you have to do 😉



Batgirl VS Killer Moth

This one is a real short one. But it is well made and has Batgirl in it!

So, here is a short movie (thanks to NS for finding it) with Batgirl VS Killer Moth:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

And she has a nice cowl… 🙂

even if it has no chin strap 🙁





The Birds of Prey TV-show in Dreamwatch magazine

I’m a big fan of the Birds of Prey TV-show. Why? Well, not because the show itself, that was ok, but not really good.

It was 99% because of the batgirl episode they made. Dina Meyer in that costume….WOW! That was (is) something!

Until now it is my favorite hero-costume (in TV/cinema). It just looks awesome… Her mask isn’t bad but would have needed some improvements for my taste.

A chin strap and a little more mask material.

Now we have the new Batgirl movie coming up….I hope they will make a similar costume 🙂

A few months back I found that magazine cover and decided to get a copy of it. It wasn’t easy to get that issue but I found it in the UK.

This morning I thought that some of you would like to see the pictures and the text regarding Birds of Prey. So here they are! Enjoy!

Aperture: 3.5
Camera: DSC-HX50
Iso: 80
Orientation: 1
« of 7 »

(click on the arrows to see all 7 pictures, and click on the image to enlarge it)


Well, I guess their predication that the show will be a big success….. failed a little 😉

Your opinion?

Silver Cowl VS the female nazi #3

Time for the last part of the story!

Silver Cowl was beaten and unmasked, can her masked friend save the day and beat the female nazi?

And how does she look under her mask?


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:


Well, in my version the female nazi would have been prettier and hiding behind a black rubber mask.

And they would have an unmasking battle at the end 😉

But all together this video has some great unmasking scenes (in part 1 and 2 as well).

Spider-woman and leather cat unmasked! [Fan Art]

Time for some new great pictures! In the last months he commissioned (yet again) some really good art!


spiderwoman police brutality 1 by mannameded-db50p40
Orientation: 1
« of 10 »

(click to enlarge to full size)


the leather cat catting around 2 by mannameded-db80nv2
« of 3 »

(click to enlarge to full size)

If you wanna see more commissioned unmasking art from him:


Thanks for your dedication to our little “special interest”!
