Two masked women kissing each other in….

…this hot scene. But to begin with, you need to see the original scene.

In the french TV-seriesLes Revanants” (translated: the returned) we had this great scene:

A female batman kissing a catwoman

Really great stuff!!

Now that TV-series got a US remake. I was eager to find out how they would remake that scene.

Well here is the result:


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video (the US remake):

Well, and the result is:

France 1


Well, the french original set the bar very high, that scene is fantastic, and it was such a great surprise as I watched that series.

The US remake…well it’s a nice scene with masked women….but not nearly as hot as the original.

Here is the IMDB-link to that series:

The returned

Your opinion?

Black Canary trapped and in big danger! [Arrow TV-series]

In this one (the new) Black Canary is in deep trouble! And not only her…her boyfriend is the target of Black Siren and evil mastermind Cayden James.

Can she save him? Can she escape from this?


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video (contains spoilers for the ongoing arrow season):

A really solid peril scene with a masked woman! Of course they could have used her “situation” to unmask her, but if you are watching the ongoing series…you know why they didn’t (no spoilers)

If you wonder from which episode that was taken:




Imagine a spider-woman…

…with that many unmaskings in just 3 movies!

I recently saw the spider-man movies with Tobey Maguire again. And I noticed how often he takes off his mask or is unmasked by enemies. I guess the producer wanted to show his face often, even in the spider-man costume. And some unmaskings are so strange:

The scene where he lands in the car. He pulls off his own mask and is driving around… WTF? I mean, there are so many other cars and pedestrians and so on…not so clever.

And I’m not sure if I got all unmaskings in this clip:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the movie:

It’s really time we have a woman in such a costume!!! I hope marvel will bring Spider-woman/Spider-girl or Spider-Gwen to the big screen in the next years.

What do you think about that?

P.S.: As you can see some posts down, I am still re-uploading the videos to the new Maskripper Youtube-channel.

Feel free to subscribe!

The blog will live on…. 😉


VIP Club: February

I updated the VIP-Club with new material! 3 new exclusive (as always – not from movies or tv-series) videos for you to enjoy!

Wanna join and help to keep this blog alive?





The new youtube channel…

….for this blog can be found here:

Maskripper on youtube


I started to re-upload videos from the last months to this channel. All these videos should be safe. Videos that could be problematic by any chance, will get moved to google drive.

January 23rd-30th: re-uploaded all videos back to January 2016

January 31st-February 5th: re-uploaded all videos back to June 2014

February 6th: re-uploaded all videos back to April 2014

February 7th: re-uploaded all videos back to January 2014

February 8th: re-uploaded all videos back to November 2013 (only 4 more months)

February 9th: re-uploaded all videos back to September 2013 (only 2 more months)

*EDIT* February 11th: re-uploaded all videos back to July 2013 (all video are back!)


Feel free to subscribe to the channel. There are many public videos on it already 😉

The END of my…

…youtube channel!

As some of you may have already noticed, my youtube channel got terminated! What happened?

Well, I got two warnings for “nudity and/or sexual” content regarding videos for the maskripper blog. These warnings last 3 months.

I was very carefull (I thought) with these videos not to show nudity. For many weeks nothing happened. The first of these two strikes/warnings would have been gone in just 5 days….

But yesterday, I received the 3rd and final warning. Now my youtube channel is gone. I’m still not 100% sure why I received these warnings, but it seems that even a harmless unmasking scene or a fight scene may already be some sort of sexual content in the eyes of the youtube folks. Even if you don’t show skin. I guess I should have been more carefull and deleted every video where a woman is in any kind of peril to be on the safe side.

But where to start? Youtube never had a problem with all these scuba video where women were drowning or people tried to drown a woman. You can only guess were the line is that says, that is ok and that is not ok. Very frustrating…..

I don’t know if youtube checks videos on their own, or they just act if someone reports the video. All the warnings I got were for videos that were unlisted on youtube. That means that normally only people who visit my blog can see them….. Perhaps someone wanted my youtube channel dead, I don’t know.

Not hard to guess, that I’m pretty……sad/annoyed/angry/mad about this termination. The channel had around 250 listed and unlisted videos. It was a lot of work to upload all that stuff. Without my youtube channel both blogs are heavily “damaged”. Ok, all the articles, pictures and “foreign” youtube videos are still there, but most of the posts have lost their main piece.

For starters I have two new youtube channels for the VIP videos of Maskripper and Frogwoman of this month. So, in the future, each blog will have their own channel.

But I don’t know how to proceed. Uploading all these videos again is a huge pile of work with tags, descriptions, a good front image, the uploading itself, the linking etc. etc.

If I do that, it may be a good thing in the long run to have these two new channels with their own identity and name. Much better than just the one old channel with that unfitting name.

But, I already started to re-upload the videos to the new channels. The blog will go on…


The masked, female assassin! [great sword fight]

For today I have a fine clip from a movie I saw some days ago. In this scene, we have a masked, female assassin who sneaks into a mansion to kill some evil, rich guy.

But, of course things get complicated and she gets into trouble… 😉


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:


Isn’t that a great fight scene? It is one of the many great action scenes of this movie.

And she is really sexy with that mask! Well done.

If you wanna know from which movie that scene is from:


Two new Batgirl fan-movies! [Friday night in Gotham][Batgirl: Destiny calls]

Hey folks, I wanna present two Batgirl fan-movies that you really must see if you haven’t already. (Thanks to the guys who presented them at Behind the mask!)

The first one is Friday night in Gotham:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Really well made fan movie! And pretty great fight scenes for such a limited budget! 🙂

It seems like they will make more Batgirl movies!


And the second movie that I wanna show you folks is:

Batgirl: Destiny calls

(click to enlarge)

And here is the movie:

I love the dark tone of this movie! Batgirl doesn’t just beat these goons easily, she has to suffer to win it!

Personally I don’t really like that Batgirl “burnside” costume…but at least she wears some sort of cowl that hides something.

Please support these filmmakers by hitting the like button and/or commenting to these videos!

Your opinion about these movies?


Teen Bat 4: Targeted

I hope you all had a great christmas time!

Now I got a fine recommendation if you wanna watch a sexy heroine adventure before the year is over:

Teen Bat 4: Targeted was released by Bluestone, who released all these great Darkwing videos! If you compare him with all those cheap “masked heroine” productions with cheap costumes and even cheaper “actors”…Bluestone is one of the really good video makers! He always delivers high quality videos.

In this one Teen Bat follows some bad guys to their hideout. Can she win again them?


(click to enlarge to full size)

Here is the trailer:

And, if you like what just have seen, here are the links:

“Teen Bat 4: Targeted” – Extreme/Losing (V.V.) version: … uct&id=899

“Teen Bat 4: Targeted” – Peril/Winning (S.S.) version: … uct&id=898




German Comic Con Dortmund 2017 [My 1st!]

*EDIT* Added another video…

As promised, I wanna share my impressions from my first comic con in Dortmund yesterday.

As I understand it we didn’t have comic cons in germany before 2015. And now we have the “german comic con” in 4 different cities throughout the year.

In addition there is the “comic con germany” that is just once a year.

As I heard it was very crowded on saturday. Last year they used 4 big halls, and the folks had enough space. This year they put the con in just 2 big halls…

Well, I was there on sunday. It was crowded, but not on a really annoying scale.

I was hoping to see some Catwomen, Batgirls and other masked, female heroines and villainesses.

There were lots of lots of women/girls that did cosplays from japanese mangas… and lots of Harley Quinn’s. And there were a lot of female cosplayers that “did” Star Wars and Game of Thrones.

But regarding masked women from DC or Marvel… well I saw/noticed one Black Cat, two Batgirls, three Catwomen, one Spider-girl (unmasked) and some masked assassin from the Court of owls. I hoped for more… and no Batwoman, no Canary, no masked Spier-girl/Gwen, no Spoiler.  Of course I was only there on one day and of course you can’t see every cosplayer.

I definitely need to improve on my handling of my photo camera and the “photographer” skills. But I will learn from that experience.

From the material I have I edited around 10 really short clips into one short video.

But let’s start with some pictures (nearly all masked women are in the video) :

(click on the picture to enlarge it to full size)

And here comes MY self-filmed video:

In the video you should find 3 Catwomen and one Batgirl (my favorite cosplay that day).

And if you look closely, you will find a second batgirl, without cowl (not facing the camera)

*EDIT* You can see that Batgirl and more great cosplays in this official video at around 0:40:


Well, actually these were my first Batgirl/Catwomen that I saw in “real” life. And that was a pretty great experience. I will try to attend more comic cons in the future. And I’m pretty sure that then I can present better picture/video material. It would be great if there was a con just for DC and Marvel.

But -after all- it was a promising start…

Thanks to all the cosplayers! Great Job!

Feel free to comment!

Did you visited comic cons in the past? What are your experiences?