Watched the last episode of season 2 of Stargirl, and it’s time for a little review!
If you have read my other Stargirl reviews here (on season 2), you should get that I was quite disappointed how little Stargirl and Wildcat actually were in the episodes of this season, even the episodes were entertaining and interesting.
Well, for episodes 8-12 they weren’t in it all, and only one episode of the season had a lot of screentime with them.
Now, in the season finale, I got “compensated” quite a lot as there is quite a LOT of screentime with these two…. and also quite a LOT of good scenes as well 🙂
Finally, there is an episode with a lot of action again and I really enjoyed the whole showdown with Eclipso!
SPOILERS ahead! I recommend strongly watching the episode before you continue!
SPOILERS ahead! I recommend strongly watching the episode before you continue!
SPOILERS ahead! I recommend strongly watching the episode before you continue!
My favorite part was the Wildcat VS Wildcat fight, even I did curse at my TV after it was over for some special reason 😆
I just love this matchup as Eclipso let Wildcat imagine the original (male) Wildcat would fight her. And the original kicked her ass quite well for most of the fight as this was her nightmarish vision.
BUT…….it was SUCH a wasted opportunity to UNMASK Wildcat! Why? Well, they fight about who would be the better Wildcat. He even says something like “You don’t deserve to be Wildcat!” to her. So…..what would be better than to unmask her and thereby show her how much better he is (in this vision) and also to strip her of her powers at the same time? She would have been beaten if he had unmasked her. As she got the costume in season 1, it was totally not fitting to her, but as she completed the outfit by putting the mask on, the costume adjusted to her body and she got her Wildcat powers.
So, my guess would be that she only has her powers as long she is wearing the mask. It would have been really great if he had reached for her mask and yanked at it while she is desperately trying to keep the mask on. Well… luck 🙁
But nevertheless, I loved all the scenes with Stargirl and Wildcat fighting Eclipso and his visions! So great to see them in action, especially after their long absence.
Some pictures:
(click to enlarge)
There were quite a lot of peril scenes with Stargirl as well, in the whole showdown with Eclipso she was beaten, choked, and tossed around. I think it looked a little cheap the way she looked as she was possessed by Eclipso, but ok, no big thing.
It was great seeing all these characters coming together to defeat Eclipso. I was surprised that The Shade was still alive and that even all the three “evil” Crooks showed up.
Season 3 will be aired next year and I’m very curious to see which characters will still be around then and what roles they will play. Looks like Cindy really will be one of the good guys then, hopefully, then she will get a mask to her costume as all the other women are wearing one to protect their “secret” identities.
Seems like the Shade will be still around then, I guess Grundy might show up again, even he is “indisposed” for now.
Will Jade be still there? So far, her role was quite small.
And what about Starman and Rick? Will they play a role without powers?
And what about the bad guys? In the end scene, Mister Bones was shown for the first time.
But there are also the three Crooks, who now live next door to the Whitmores 😆 and Cameron might join the bad guys as well.
Well, looking forward to the new season….until then I might re-watch episodes 6 and 13 of this season once or twice 😉
And now some news on Batwoman!
The Flash will start his new season (8) on November 16 with the big “Armageddon” 5 episodes event as I mentioned in the past.
Now we have a poster for this:

(click to enlarge)
Looking forward to this, especially… may guess….because of Batwoman and Mia/(the new) Green Arrow.
I will post about these Flash episodes here!