A masked female Zorro – Scene 4 – Zorro gets…UNMASKED! [Blog exclusive]

So, it’s time for more (female) Zorro scenes….

This time with my highlight of the season… The female Zorro gets UNMASKED!


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Zorro gets UNMASKED!

(English audio)

You can watch and also download the scenes there.

The episode title is “Mask Games”… wow, that’s a verrry promising title already.

As I read it I had especially high hopes for the episode… and well, I wasn’t disappointed 🙂

Yeah, it’s uncool that she is unconscious. But it’s not just the “ordinary” self-unmasking …and she gets unmasked in front of several witnesses!

Her secret is now completely ruined! Most of these folks didn’t even know that a woman was under that mask.

Out of those… only the male lead of the show knew.

The camera perspective isn’t so good as she gets unmasked, as the hand gets in the way and partly blocks the view.

Still… a good unmasking and I like that they added the “Zorro unmasked” extra shot.

A good example of that an unmasking is even more satisfying when it happens in episode 6 of a TV show.


Here is the IMDB page of the TV show (scenes are from episode 6):


What do you think about these scenes?

Leave your comment here … or on the “Community” post on YouTube!


A guy catches a masked female thief at his home!

Thanks to the nice guy who recommended me this one!

Here we have a totally normal situation…

You sit on your bed, reading, as you hear noises and investigate.

You catch a masked female burglar all in black leather with a nylon mask in your home!

Yeah, that happens once or twice a week for me too… 😉


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Watch the video before you continue!

Yeah, I had to stop the video there… as YouTube would have had a problem with the following scene 😉

Ok, maybe that hasn’t happened to me …. at least not yet… 🙁

But certainly, this is a great fantasy setting! Damn, I wouldn’t “mind” if such a burglar would show up at my place!

Ok, as much as I love to see nylon on women’s legs, I am not the biggest fan of masks made out of nylon.

They make a rather ugly face and they aren’t very effective as well.

And that hat is good in terms of making her a bit less “suspicious” while she is outside his home… but yeah, not very stylish or sexy.

It’s cool that he immediately goes for her mask to see the exposed face of the burglar, even she could have put up at least a little struggle.

But at least she doesn’t unmask herself 🙂

I don’t really know the backstory behind this, but it seems that the movie is just a loose bunch of episodic scenes.

All in all a good scene with a great fantasy coming to life!

Wanna know from which movie this is?


What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

Spider-Woman gets unmasked by villainess! [Masks off! #47]

An old classic that needs to be on this blog!

Thanks to the nice guy who reminded me about this scene 🙂

In this one Spider-Woman faces a villainess… and they do know each other already!

Spider Woman 16
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(use the arrows to navigate through the pages)

Ok, there is too much text on these pages for a comic and I am not the biggest fan of the art style.

But… we do have a lot of secret identity talk and thoughts plus an actual unmasking!

Ok, it’s not completely clear if she intended to unmask her or just tried to stop her from getting away… I would say the latter.

Also, I think it’s a little odd that Spider-Woman thinks “My Wig!” instead of “My Mask!” but ok… just a detail.

A fine example of how such a wig, attached to the mask… can be really problematic! 😉

Also as she admits to herself… she needs to protect her secret identity much better…

It’s uncool that the villainess already knows that Jessica is Spider-Woman, but that way we get some nice “secret identity” talk beforehand.

All in all …a good unmasking!

A masked female killer wants to get revenge

This one was recommended quite a while ago, thanks again for that!

In this one, we have a masked female killer who wants to kill…


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Feel welcome to hit the LIKE button of the video on YouTube! 

Not the coolest mask, but a good disguise…as long no one touches it… #notsecuredatall

I like that the victim reaches behind her and unmasks the attacker, even though I guess that wasn’t her intention.

But it’s always nice to have an unmasking, especially if it’s not a self-unmasking 🙂

Ok, the revealed killer isn’t exactly as hot as you would have wanted… but it’s a nice scene all in all.

Wanna know the episode and title of the TV show?


What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

Masked “Supergirl” from Indonesia gets UNMASKED by villainess!

Time for another post with the masked “Supergirl” from Indonesia!

Again she battles a masked villainess in front of a guy they both love…. and this time Supergirl gets unmasked!


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Again: That stunt double of the villainess! So… bad! The stunt double should wear a huge sign that says “stunt double”… it is SOOOO obvious 😆

But enough of that…

You can barely see that the villainess has something in her hand as it she pulls it back from Supergirl’s face.

The unmasking itself isn’t shown… 🙁

I like that Supergirl’s hair is hiding her identity here and she is somehow shocked by that unmasking.

Oddly enough the villainess then kicks Supergirl in the back…. wasn’t she standing in front of her?

Supergirl is knocked out, the perfect opportunity for the villainess to take a good look at that unmasked face!

But she just runs away with the guy…. ARGHHH! WHY?

Perhaps the explanation is given in the dialogue… I can only guess.

However, it’s really great how she realizes that her mask isn’t there anymore as she wakes up 🙂

Also, her relieved face as she re-masks herself is well done!

All in all it’s a good scene with some flaws in my opinion.

Again, it’s a shame that there are no subtitles (or a dub).

P.S.: I really hate the damn imp, or whatever that thing is!

He sadly shows up very often in this show…

Batgirl unmasked by Lady Shiva! – [Hall of Fame][Upgrade]

In the early days of the blog, I made this post.

It’s time for a proper upgrade as there is so little text in these old posts!

This is one of my favorite scenes that I have watched a hundred times, so it’s time to make a proper upgrade post.

Also, the video is on my pretty small Dailymotion channel, so many of you may have never seen the video or that old post.

In this TV show, Barbara Gordon is Oracle and is bound to a wheelchair.

As her old enemy, Lady Shiva re-appears in Gotham Barbara feels the need to put on her old (GREAT) Batgirl costume and can (shortly) walk again with the help of an experimental device.


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Here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

This Batgirl costume (alongside the nearly identical one from “Batman and Robin”) is SO AWESOME for me!

The mixture with the (mostly) black leather and rubber is sexy as hell and I love every second Dina Meyer is in it (and Alicia Silverstone).

If I would live in that Gotham City I would become a criminal in no time or …even better… a cop who wants to arrest the vigilante. #BlackScorpionvibes

Or I would need to be rescued from evil criminals suspectingly often 😉

The cowl is nice but basically my only issue about the whole outfit.

It is cut open very high at the back of the head and …more problematic… has no chin strap and no neck coverage.

So unmasking her is way too easy as this video demonstrates.

Also, the cowl could simply fall off in a hectic fight… and that shouldn’t be possible.

It’s a fantastic tread that here we also have a second masked woman in the scene… Lady Shiva.

And damn… her mask is AWESOME and the costume is quite good as well.

It’s a shame that Batgirl here goes down so easily as that device is failing quickly. 🙁

An epic unmasking battle with these two where Batgirl isn’t paralyzed and is wearing a properly secured/upgraded cowl… is basically my holy grail.

Also a whole TV show with such a Batgirl as the lead character…. would be even more insanely-awesome-fantastic 😉

In this show Batgirl is just in one episode and some black and white mini flashbacks.

I do love that Shiva here immediately goes for Batgirl’s mask as soon she realizes that Batgirl is helpless!

That’s how a villain(ess) should do it! She has the opportunity to find out who Batgirl is and takes it. Perfect!

Not like most of the other villains who just run off and aren’t interested at all to find out who is hiding behind that mask.

Now the helpless Barbara Gordon is lying in front of her and she is ready to finish her off to get her revenge (most likely).

Then Huntress, who is sadly never wearing a mask or even a costume, shows up right in time to save Barbara.

She was too late to save Batgirl from the unmasking though. #timing

Due to the fact that Huntress isn’t wearing a mask, Lady Shiva recognizes Helena and runs off as she doesn’t wanna fight against her.

Or maybe she was afraid to lose and then be unmasked as well? 😉

All in all just an awesome scene!

Here, as a little bonus… two (edited) pictures of the “exposed” Barbara:


Wanna know from which episode this scene is?


What do you think about these scenes?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

More from this TV show?

Check out the other Batgirl and Lady Shiva scenes in the Hall of Fame:


*Also updated the other Batgirl posts that are linked there*



Masked “Supergirl” from Indonesia UNMASKS villainess! [+ the worst stunt double in history]

Time for another post with the masked “Supergirl” from Indonesia!

Yeah, it’s not Sunday as usual, but on Sunday I will make the VIP club update post as it is the first of the month then.

This time she battles a masked villainess in front of a guy they both love.


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Here is the video:

First of all: That stunt double! WTF! No boots, the suit isn’t tight at all, and I think that is not even a woman! How embarrassing…

Easily one of the worst stunt doubles I ever saw… if not THE worst!

I mean that is so distracting and bizarre! How did they think they could get away with that?

I guess they just didn’t care 😆

But besides that….. a really nice scene!

Not often you see a villainess getting unmasked by a (masked) superheroine!

The shocked faces as the result of that unmasking are a nice touch… even if it is overplayed/overacted.

But it’s cool that they know each other so the unmasking has a real impact! 🙂

Also, it looks like the villainess is trying to unmask Supergirl as her hands are reaching for her mask/head!?!

Even though there are some punch sounds…. hmh, not 100% clear.

A nice bonus that Supergirl is holding that mask and the villainess retakes it quickly 🙂

Again, it’s a shame that there are no subtitles (or a dub).

Female Dark Moon Knight gets unmasked! [Masks off! #46]

Lately, I have become a little lazy when it comes to checking out the new comics for interesting scenes with masked women.

So thanks for the nice guy who posted about this one on a forum!

Dark Moon Knight 1
What-If-.-Dark-Moon-Knight-001-0027 (1)
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(Use the arrows to navigate through the pages)

Check out these pages before you continue!

Quite rare stuff!

Not often do you see someone rip open the full-face mask of a masked woman!

Also nice that they talk about it a little… that he wants to see her face and that she says “You won’t get the chance!”.

Even the reader only gets that comment as he is already ripping her mask… a little late.

Would have been cool if there had been one small extra panel with her masked face delivering that line. And a “RIIIIIPPP” text would have been nice as well 😉

I do like that he is curious enough to unmask her, that should be the normal reaction if you fight against a masked woman/man, especially with a full-face mask.

So many villains just don’t care enough 🙁

Now, after he exposed her face he knows who she is and can see her (facial) reactions. She isn’t protected by her mask anymore and is more vulnerable now.

*EDIT September 3*: At first she manages to blind him and prevents him actually seeing her exposed face.

But that advantage is lost quickly….

All in all a really good scene! 🙂

I guess I should start to check out the new comics more regularly again!

The pages are from this comic:

What If? Dark Moon Knight 01

What do you think of that scene?

Feel free to leave a comment!

Masked “Supergirl” from Indonesia in a “Spider-Girl” costume …. in an epic self-unmasking battle!

Thanks a lot (again) to the one who recommended me this one a while ago!

More about the show in general in the first post:



In this one “Supergirl” (in her Spider-girl costume) saves the day but encounters some problems afterward!

An epic, bizarre self-unmasking battle is the result 😆


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

This is a very early episode of “Supergirl” where she runs around in a costume that looks a LOT like the early “Spider-girl” costumes from the comics and animated TV shows.

Quite bizarre already.

But what then happens inside her home is ….also… quite bizarre and pretty unique.

A heroine who desperately tries to unmask herself over and over again… That is quite a very rare situation!

Her mask is magic and the source of her superpowers. Most of the time…not always… it is secured in place by some kind of force and bad guys have a very, very hard time to unmask her.

Which is quite great by the way 😉

But from what I understand her mask has also some kind of own will or something like that.

I guess it wanted her to stay in her Supergirl/Spider-girl costume 😉

Really odd how she gets thrown around/jumps around the room 😆

Of course, the CGI with the magic mask looks quite bad (#blurry), but the sound effects are nice.

And it’s a nice reversed situation.

Normally masked superheroines don’t want to be unmasked and here she wants to unmask herself but has such a hard time.

A very good scene in my opinion.

What do you think about these scenes?

Leave a comment here or on Youtube!

Masked “Supergirl” from Indonesia VS a masked villainess (and a villain)

Thanks a lot (again) to the one who recommended me this one a while ago!

This bizarre Superheroine show is quite a rollercoaster.

It has 129(!) episodes, which are available on Youtube!

A masked superheroine in different costumes and solid masks is the lead character!

It has a lot of secret identity issues incl. unmaskings and unmasking attempts!

It even has a masked villainess that is in many episodes!

Sounds fantastic? Well yes…. BUT…. there are also some problems.

More on that later on…


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Here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

I combined scenes from 2 episodes for this one. One episode ends just after the villainess unmasked herself and we see Supergirl’s shocked face. #cliffhanger

Here are the problems the show has for me:

– Obviously, the language issue if you are not familiar with it… no dub or subtitles are available

– The playlist of this show has 129 videos with episodes but they are …often… not in order… a total mess

– It’s a soap opera, a really over-the-top soap opera… that you can realize very quickly without understanding a word 😆

– Really bad CGI and a total overload of superpowers

– some really annoying characters like a magic micro-mini-human


But, it also has a lot to offer 🙂  (as mentioned above)

Now to the scene itself:

Supergirl knows who the villain is, I think she was/is in love with him as he was turned into this evil character.

So he is shocked to find her under the mask of his enemy… Supergirl.

He wants to protect her so he carries the unmasked Supergirl away before the villainess can find her.

It’s been a while since I watched (skipped through) these episodes and the language issue makes it a lot more difficult to follow the crazy storyline.

I like the struggle with her and that he unmasks her, even the camera should be more focused on her face.

But I certainly love the expression on her face as she realizes in terror that he unmasked her.

She should have put up more of a fight… but I guess the way she got smashed against the tree was still affecting her big time.

I love how the guy is tossing her mask on the ground as he isn’t exactly happy about finding out that his love was Supergirl the whole time.

All in all, a really interesting scene.

In other episodes, she is wearing a costume that makes her look like a version of Spider-girl, also really interesting!

And the mask is actually the source of her power, as soon she puts it on she turns into the superheroine.

That means an unmasking leaves her powerless AND destroys her secret identity, quite a combo.

I guess I could make …at least…. 5 more posts with scenes from this show.

I will think about it….

The hint where to find the playlist with the other episodes can be easily found in the video 😉

What do you think about these scenes?

Leave a comment here or on Youtube!


The moron and the hot, masked, leather chicks

Thanks a lot for recommending me this one!

This one is quite a rollercoaster but see for yourself…


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

Ok, first of all, the picture quality is quite bad. The movie is not that old (2012), but I still haven’t found a better source than this.

There is a Polish DVD of this flick, even with English subtitles, but it’s quite rare and not so cheap.

Hopefully, I will upgrade this post in the future.

I only have a video in the Polish language without subtitles, so I don’t know why exactly the two masked intruders are there.

Also, it’s a shame it’s a comedy… which ruins the tension here and there. Like the music does when the first woman opens her leather jacket.

However an awesome dream!

But now to the good aspects! There are quite a few 🙂

There are 3(!) mask-related actions in about 4 minutes… quite an accomplishment! And 2 different hot women.

First, she gets unmasked by him! A little quick.. but I like that he immediately goes for her mask after he took control of her arms.

Then we get to see the other woman and how she masks herself and then unmasks herself back in the van.

Also, she looks really great in that leather jacket and the mask!

Damn, what I would give to find an intruder like this one day….

It’s a nice touch that he first dreams of one woman and then another one shows up in another great outfit… sadly this one then quickly runs off after she got hit randomly by the clowny guy.

Would have been interesting if he would have gotten for her mask here as well 😉

Wanna know the title of the movie?


(the whole movie is available on Youtube)

What do you think of these scenes?

Leave a comment here or on Youtube!

The masked art thief, some guards … and some heroes

This sounds SO GREAT on paper:

We have a female art thief who is fully masked! 🙂

We have a bunch of security guards who actually confront and battle the art thief! 🙂

And we have some heroes incl. 2 women (one masks herself) who also fight against the art thief! 🙂


See for yourself:

(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:


They start the episode with that fully masked art thief and of course, I think about the possibilities of a great unmasking or an attempt to unmask her.

I was 100% sure that the thief was a woman from the first seconds of the scene, even her baggy clothes and 3-part mask are disguising her perfectly.

But her eyes gave it away instantly.

The fight with the guards was nice but also weird.

Why is the guard shooting at an unarmed thief (Is Gotham in Texas? :lol:)

Why is the thief risking damaging the picture as she throws it around in the fight?

Her strategy wo wait for the guards is weird at first but gets explained later on.

She wants to know them all out to be able to escape without being pursued (if I understood that right).

A shame none of the guards manage to get into close combat with her. One reach for her mask would have already been awesome!

The confrontation with the Gotham Knights is a total disaster in terms of having an interesting unmasking.

It’s nice to see Harper masking herself! Why doesn’t Stephanie has some sort of mask? Damn.

I highly doubt the bullet would get deflected like that as it hits the car. I mean the car isn’t armored, the bullet would just blast through the outer frame and would get stuck there… in my opinion.

Now the art thief is wounded… the heroes arrive and she immediately gives up and unmasks herself.


And the reveal isn’t good as well as the masked super thief isn’t the stunner as I hoped.

Such promise… and then that! All that left me rather frustrated…

Ok, I do like the first scene, so it was nice… but another missed chance.

It’s good that the heroes here in the show use masks for the first time! I hope that they will do that regularly from now on, especially the women 😉

And hopefully, they will have real costumes and masks before the show is over.

That is the main reason I watch the show after all.

Wanna know the title of the episode?


Feel welcome to leave a comment!

Mr Terror … the masked villainESS!

Thanks a lot to the nice guy who recommended this one!

In this short scene, we have a villain named Mr. Terror… so why I wanna show the scene here on this blog?

Well, to no surprise… Mr. Terror is actually a villainESS!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Yeah, just a short scene… but I like the reveal as it is quite a surprise to find a “slightly” crazy mother!

She was perfectly disguised with a baggy outfit, a full face mask, and a voice modifier. Not exactly a sexy disguise… but a very effective one for sure.

The scene is from a kid’s TV show with a lot of comedy elements so it’s hard to take it really “seriously”.

Still a good reveal and twist 🙂

The scene is from this TV show episode:


What do you think of the scene?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!


The Bride gets kidnapped by a masked woman!

Thanks to a recommendation by a friendly blog visitor I can present this scene today.

In this video, a bride gets kidnapped by a masked woman!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

That’s an interesting guest at a wedding 😉

I like the short brawl at the beginning even though I am not sure if the kidnapper wouldn’t get zapped as well as she is zapping the bride.

They are practically entangled and I would think the electricity would hit them both. But not sure about it.

I decided to edit the process as the masks herself before entering the garden shed to not give her look away before the unmasking 😉

Again there is a nice brawl and I love that she unmasks her kidnapper during the fight!

No self-unmasking, no unmasking of an unconscious person, no unmasking of a tied-up person.

But instead a nice unmasking during a fight! 🙂

It’s a little quick and I am not very thrilled about the reveal as it is just an “average” middle-aged woman in a sweater, but that fits the story.

Afterward, she walks into the house to get help from her husband.

The bride is lying on the ground and they think she is dead.

The guy actually knows the bride since he was a groupie of her.

The bride survives in the end and the kidnapper gets arrested (no further scenes with her in that mask). Classic happy ending.

Wanna know from which episode this is?


What do you think of that scene?

Feel welcome to leave a comment here or on the Youtube video!

Catwoman … unmasked by the police… once again! [Masks off #43]

Sounds great, doesn’t it?

The headline is correct, but there is actually a catch to it… but see for yourself:

Catwoman 50 (2022)

No Images found.

(use the arrows to navigate through the pages)

SPOILERS ahead, check out the pictures first before you continue!

By the way, I don’t like her cat ears pointing backward in some panels, but that’s just a detail.

Now to the much more annoying aspect:

Catwoman gets caught and unmasked by the police and they don’t show that?????


I mean the cover is promising and the panel with the result of her arrest is great as well as she is tied up and unmasked.

BUT, they don’t show how the police pick her up, tie her up and pull down her mask!

What a wasted opportunity 🙁

So, we have to use our imagination to visualize her unmasking.

And that time jump is really annoying. I mean Batman escaped, but couldn’t take her with him? She gets found without a scratch?

What happened to her?

Really odd.

Well, perhaps they thought they couldn’t top this epic unmasking:



Still, I really like this comic, finally a new one with some material for our fetish.

Sadly her secret identity isn’t so secret for quite a while now. I hate that so many know who Catwoman is….

Looking forward to seeing how she will escape from that prison!


By the way: I will post about one more comic in the next weeks.

What do you think about that scene?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!