Batwoman news, October 3rd [BIG news!]

After my last post on the Batwoman show there wasn’t much to report in the the days that followed.

That changed…a LOT… in the last hours.

1) Two days ago I already made a page for Batwoman – Season 1. You can find it above with the other pages.

There you will find my reviews (with ratings for “General” and “Mask action”) of the episodes together with pictures I took.

2) For starters.. a short “behind the scenes” video:

And NOW, a most interesting trailer with a LOT of NEW footage (surely from episodes 2, 3 and 4):

I watched it 4 or 5 times and I’m verrrry hyped. Pretty much like the day as the season order was announced!

Finally new footage of the show! And, of course, my favorite parts are the ones with Batwoman in her “normal” cowl with the red wig. Now people won’t confuse her with Batman anymore, even on a longer distance.

And I really love the dark atmosphere of the show -as some mentioned already- it looks like Arrow in the early seasons.

3) Selected pictures from the trailer (watch it first!):

(click on the image to enlarge it to full size)

4) Casting news

It was finally revealed who will play Hush/Thomas Elliot (in episode 3) and Magpie (in episode 4):

It will be Gabriell Mann and Rachel Matthews. (Links to their IMDB pages)

You can find pictures of them in their roles on this “TV Line” article (won’t use these exclusive pictures here):

TV Line

5) A hint for possible “unmasking action” …of any kind….in episode 3.

As you can read in the TV Line article linked above:

…”And yet Tommy — who in DC Comics lore adopts the mantle Hush — harbors a deadly chip on his shoulder, one which will put Kate’s secret identity at risk.

That sounds reallllly interesting! I wonder how this “deadly chip” can do that? And why is this chip on his shoulder? Endless possibilities.

I am looking forward HOW her secret identity is in danger! This will be fun 🙂

6) A few selected new images:

(click to enlarge)

Well, that should be it for now.

Batwoman starts in … 3 DAYS!!!



Maskripper VIP Club: October


>>>>> I updated the VIP-Club with new material! <<<<<


1 HUGE package with 8 cosplayers, over 1500 pictures (and a few short videos)! Of course mostly MASKED cosplayers (especially Batgirl, Catwoman, Spider-Gwen)!

+ My Batwoman cuts from the new TV show! (all scenes with Batwoman from each episode)

(this month: all episodes from October (most likely 4)! Episodes aired on sundays, I will upload the cut each monday)

+ My special “highlight-cuts”  with all the masked heroines and villainesses from Season 2 of ARROW (my favorite season)

(with great Canary action in episodes 20,21 and 22)

+ you will have FULL access to my 2 (self-written) Maskripper fetish stories (both over 15 pages each)!

Catwoman – the masked scuba thief [PREVIEW VERSION]

A nightly visitor – A Catwoman tale [PREVIEW VERSION]

Wanna donate some bucks, show your support for this blog (actually help to keep it running) and get good videos and fetish stories in return?

More masked heroines on TV! [Watchmen, Stargirl]

Besides Batwoman (who will start in her own show in one week!) …there are more masked women on TV in the future!

In the the very near future there will be Watchmen. This show will start on October 20th.

Here the latest trailer:

Some pictures of her:

(click to enlarge)


Honestly I don’t know much about Watchmen except that I know the movie. But of course any masked woman is highly welcome.

From the look of the trailer her secret identity is known to a few, let’s see what role in will play in the show. Her mask “combo” is pretty effective and it looks like she really wanna hide it. I am wondering how big her part actually is, I hope she will get plenty of screen time.

The show itself looks pretty different from the standard superhero show, but so was the movie. I am curious and will watch the show!



Another very interesting TV show has even the masked heroine in the title!

Stargirl will debut in early 2020 on the streaming service from DC Universe. The filming is already done and 13 episodes will be included in season 1.

There is no trailer available yet, so here are two pictures:

(click to enlarge)


Ok, I’m not sure about her costume and mask. Especially the mask covers not enough (for my taste) and it isn’t secure at all. It looks like it could slip off when she falls or gets punched.

The actress Brec Bassinger is 20 years old and looks even younger on the promo poster. She will play a teenager in the show, so I think it will be a mixture between high-school drama and superhero action. I don’t really what to expect from this show…but after all it is a TV show with a masked woman/girl in the main role….so I will check it out for sure!

Want more info on Stargirl?

Check out!


Batwoman news, September 24th

Time for an update on the Batwoman TV show!

The CW hasn’t officially published any new teasers or trailers, but they gave away some really interesting info!

1) Erica Durance (as Lois Lane (one version of her?)) and Tom Welling (as Superman (one version of him?)) will be part of the upcoming crossover in december and january.

Certainly GREAT news for any real fans of Smallville. Personally I do like to see them in the crossover, but I am no hardcore Smallville fan, so these news doesn’t motivate me to jump around the room. But, it will be really cool to see Erica Durance again, because she is my favorite Lois Lane so far.

2) All the episode titles until episode 7 has been released by now [very small SPOILERS]:

Episode 1.01 – Pilot

 Episode 1.02 – The Rabbit Hole
Episode 1.03 – Down, Down, Down
Episode 1.04 – Who Are You?

Episode 1.05 – Mine Is a Long and Sad Tale
Episode 1.06 – I’ll Be Judge, I’ll Be Jury
Episode 1.07 – Tell Me the Truth

Ok, “The Rabbit Hole” clearly points in direction of Alice (played by Rachel Skarsten) who will be the big troublemaker for Batwoman (and Kate?) in season 1 (at least).

My personal favorite is “Who are you?”. It is much likely that Kate asks that question herself….but I do hope that someone asks Batwoman this question.

Someone who is really motivated to find out who is under that mask of Batwoman 😉

We will see in about 6 weeks (when episode 4 airs)

3) The synopsis of the Pilot episode has been released.

And it seems like they send the synopsis for each episode 3 weeks before it airs.

I’m not sure right now, if I will read them beforehand.

Of course I am curious, but well, these detailed synopsis….spoiler a lot.

The pilot episode was already shown on the long trailer, so I did read the synopsis for that one.

If you want that too…. here it is:

4) New images and videos:

Well, there are two videos floating around the internet. One TV spot from Showcase Canada and a new, very interesting trailer.

But both are available only in pretty bad resolution, I will post them here when they are released officially in good quality.

Until then you can check out this new animated poster:

(preview version)

Click on the link below for the animated version:

>>> Animated Poster <<<

I do expect a lot of new promo material and videos in this week.

After all, Batwoman starts in 12 days! Time for the big promo finish 😉

Well, that is it for now!

A most welcome …cat burglar!

Ok, I admit, this break-in has nearly nothing to offer in regards of masked women, since she is only slightly “masked”.

A little hint: If you wanna break-in somewhere, you should wear a MASK! 😉

However, this scene is just too sexy to not post it here….


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Damn, pretty much a dream scenario 🙂

In my version she would wear a real mask and they would fight each other.

After a long struggle she finally gets unmasked. And then the zipper on her catsuit would wander …south….

Wanna know from which show this is?


Feel welcome to leave a comment!

Batwoman news, September 18th

Today there is not much to report about the show itself…but I wanna present my ideas about my weekly reviews of the show.

A new teaser popped up:

A funny little snippet.

The most interesting aspect is a view of possible gadgets for Batwoman:

Of course these are the gadgets that were used by Batman as he still was watching over Gotham.

I’m sure that Luke will redesign some of them for Batwoman and perhaps invent some new stuff as well.

And I’m pretty sure they will be recolored as well. Black and red colors would fit much better …and be less visible in the night. 😉


As Batwoman will start in 18 days, I already made some preparations.

Due to the time difference I won’t be able to watch it on sundays, it would be 2AM on monday here…

I will watch the show on monday evenings (would be around 2PM on US east cost).

Then a rewatch with the episode from last week… and then the new one.

After that I will work on “Batwoman-cut” of the episode.

And then I it’s time to write my review of the episode, which will be posted on mondays.

I am planning two categories:

1) General rating (story, action etc.)

Including a spoiler section that will be hidden (unless you wanna read it)


…and a more specific category that fits perfectly for this Blog:


2) “Mask action”

with these categories:

Batwoman screen time,

attempted unmaskings, forced unmaskings, self unmaskings,

mask damage,

“mask talk” (incl. “secret indentity talk”)

and perhaps others like: “Who knows her secret identity by now?” and more

After each review I will reveal my rating. With up to 5 bats for the general rating and up to 5 “Batwoman-heads” for the “Mask action” category.

If you have any comments or ideas for other categories…let me know by leaving ….a comment! 😉

Masks off! #39 – Catwoman with severe “Mask damage” …and more missed opportunities

[2nd post for today]

Time for another issue of “Masks off!”  !

This time it’s about Catwoman.

In the issue from this week, Catwoman ends up in a room with two grenades! (early in the comic)

She survives, but the explosion badly rips her mask, and so she runs around with it for the rest of the issue 😉

I wanna show 3 scenes with 8 pages. There are more, of course, but I won’t show the complete comic here.


Catwoman 015-023
« of 8 »

(use the arrow to navigate and click on the image to enlarge it)

You may know by now that I love damaged masks, so the comic starts really good!

But again, it’s a shame that no one uses this opportunity for an easy unmasking.

In the 2nd scene, where she fights against the woman, that woman has her hand on her mask once, and then she even grabs the hair that is exposed by the mask damage.

But….again, the villain doesn’t unmask the heroine (I would count Catwoman into that category, 51% heroine/ 49% villainess)!

Really frustrating…. well, perhaps next time.

This is the comic with more interesting pages:

Catwoman 015

What do you think of this scene?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!


Batwoman news, September 15th

[1st post for today]

Just a quick update after the last post from 3 days ago.

A Very, very short one…but I love the pace and music!
Don’t watch this one if you have epilepsy 😉

And it even has some new …frames… of Batwoman:

(click to enlarge)

21 days to go!

Batwoman news, September 12th

The Batwoman news from the last 7 days!

There was a new teaser for the show:

I like this teaser too, really like this dark atmosphere. But it’s about time that they make a teaser with …BATWOMAN!
They made 7 or 8 of these promo teasers (with scenes that aren’t in the show)….and not one had Batwoman in it.

TigerStone FX has finished his work on a Ruby Rose Batwoman cowl.

It looks great and pretty close to the one she had in the Elseworlds Crossover.

(click to enlarge)

And here you can see more details and actually buy it:

Tiger Stone FX – Batwoman Cowl

Quality has its price 😉

Also, a new promo picture surfaced yesterday:

Ruby Rose as Kate Kane and Nicole Kang as Mary Hamilton

Interesting picture!

Mary Hamilton is Kate’s step-sister (in the TV show) and takes care of Kate in this picture.

The big question that pops up in my mind: Does she know about Batwoman? Does she know that Kate in under that mask?

Or does Kate come up with some weird excuses why she has these wounds/bruises?

I hope that Batwoman doesn’t share her secret with too many folks.

Luke Fox does know it for sure, her father knows it in the comics. Supergirl/Kara will find out in the Elseworlds Crossover (which takes place between episodes 3 and 4 of Season 1 of Batwoman).

Mary, Alice and Sophie are my next possible candidates 😉

Feel welcome to leave a comment below!



Only some hours ago I …”complained” here…that they weren’t showing any new Batwoman scenes in all those teasers….well, here you go:

(and that is actual footage from the TV show)


New Batwoman footage from the trailer (in the temporary first costume):

(click to enlarge)

24 days to go!

Batwoman news, September 5th

Well, we are getting closer and closer to the pilot episode of Batwoman! And the closer we get, the faster the promo “machine” is running. 🙂

Here are the Batwoman news from the last 4 days!

We got more set pictures from episode 4, I will (of course) follow his rules and post “only” 4 of the set pictures.

You can find more if you follow the link below to his page!

First of all, here are the links to the guy who took the pictures and published them:

Canadagraphs (much more pictures here)

Canadagraphs on Twitter

Well, you can notice some costume changes (in comparison to the Elseworlds crossover)!

Especially her mask was changed a bit. I would say the eye holes are bigger. The bat-ears look a little different as well (bend to the sides?).

And the cowl looks a little “smaller”. You see a more of her nose, and the hairline is down a bit as well.

Of course, since these are non-official pictures without the proper lighting…. you can’t be 100% sure. We have to wait until episode 3 or 4 until we see the “normal” Batwoman costume and mask.

And about the picture with the kid, where she allows her to touch her cowl/face. Well, she should give such an opportunity to most of us folks here.

We might try to unmask her 😉

And they released two new teasers!

The first one is basically just a compilation of teaser that were already released:

The second trailer has a unique style and makes us ready for the show:

I like the style of this teaser, pretty unique! Even he offers nothing much new, but it is different in style.

And I got another one for you!

Not much Batwoman in this one….but at the end …two or three seconds that weren’t shown so far: 😉

Damn, I hope they will present some sort of season-trailer with scenes from the episodes they already have filmed before the pilot!

Would love to see some more new footage!

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

Have you noticed other costume changes?

31 days left!

Maskripper VIP Club: September

[2nd post for today]


>>>>> I updated the VIP-Club with new material! <<<<<

2 new videos (over 40 minutes combined)

(as always- not from a movie or a tv-series)

+ My special “highlight-cuts”  with all the masked heroines and villainesses from Season 2 of ARROW (my favorite season)

(with great Canary action in episodes 13, 14, 17 and 19)

+ you will have FULL access to my 2 (self-written) Maskripper fetish stories (both over 15 pages each)!

Catwoman – the masked scuba thief [PREVIEW VERSION]

A nightly visitor – A Catwoman tale [PREVIEW VERSION]

Wanna donate some bucks, show your support for this blog (actually help to keep it running) and get good videos and fetish stories in return?

Batwoman news, September 1st

[1st post for today]

Time for a little extra Batwoman post! Why today?

Well, it’s September 1st…which means… from today, you can say that….Batwoman will hit the screen NEXT month!

And that’s quite something for me, as I am waiting for this Show until last December …and then with even more anticipation from May as the Show was actually confirmed!

It has been a long waiting time. But luckily, it is coming to an end!

And I wouldn’t make a new post without new material 😉

So, here is a new teaser:

A nice, short summary regarding the events before the pilot episode.

Nothing really new (except the lighthouse scene), but it is a good teaser!

And I wanna show a really interesting set picture with Batwoman in action!

As I read the first outdoor set (with public access) incl. Batwoman in Vancouver:

(click to enlarge to full size)

First of all, here are the links to the guy who took the picture and published it:


Canadagraphs on Twitter

About the picture:

Well, it is clear to say that Batwoman (Ruby Rose) seems to protects a child, while she has a Batarang ready for the bad guy(s)!

She now is wearing to “normal/standard” Batwoman suit, and not the only slightly modified Batman suit from the pilot (and episodes 2 and 3(?)) anymore.

Batwoman starts NEXT month on October 6th on the CW!

35 days to go!

Batwoman news, August 28th

Time for an update on the Batwoman TV show! With some news and videos from the last 7 days.

A new teaser arrived:

Love the creepy Alice! I wonder how they will interact in the show!

And if (and how and when) Alice will find out that Batwoman and Kate Kane are the same person 😉

A new interview with Caroline Dries (executive producer):


A new poster!

(click to enlarge)

An image on Twitter (BatwomanBrasil) told us that they started with episode 5:

(originally posted by BrendonZub on Instagram)

39 days ….and some hours remain (the countdown on the right always rounds up) until the first episode will be shown on the CW!


A woman with a gas mask….and zombies

I stumbled on this clip, I didn’t edit it myself. It jumps right into the scene without introduction.

Perhaps someone knows more about this scene and the exact episode title/number.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

This is from an episode from “Fear the Walking Dead”, but I don’t know which one yet.

I am curious about the context. Who is she? And why is there this virus?

However I always love to see women in gas masks, as they hide the face pretty well and has some additional ….”benefits” as well 😉

The cheated a little on the quick unmasking. If you check the scene frame by frame, the mask goes off way too easy. I guess she was just “holding” the already pulled off gas mask in front of her face, as she yanked it away. You can’t pull off a tightly strapped gas mask like that.

However a good scene, I would like to see more of it!

Does anyone know from which episode this is?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!


>>> There are only a few days left to get the VIP videos from this month! <<<

Check out the Maskripper VIP-club!

Batwoman news, August 21th

Time for a little update on the eagerly awaited Batwoman TV show! We are now “only” 46 days away from the airing of the first episode on the CW (October 6th).

46 days is still a lot, but as I first saw a countdown over at, it was at nearly 300 days, so…. the number from today sounds so much better. 😉

What happened in the 10 days since my last Batwoman-news post? Well, not too much, but it is worth a new post for sure!

A new teaser trailer:

I love the dark vibes in this one. And Alice isn’t exactly happy about the news that ….a (new) Bat is watching over Gotham 😉

Some pictures I picked up in the last days:

(click on the image to enlarge it to full size)

Chicago set pictures 1-6:

Well, it looks like a prisoner transport went…wrong and someone may have escaped! I guess Batwoman will need to catch that villain/villainess.

Pictures with the unmasked Batwoman:

Well, the guy with the blue shirt is really lucky to get pictures with her in costume! The other guy on the 2nd picture is actually Camrus Johnson (who plays Luke Fox) …who equips Batwoman with her gadgets.

Gotham Gazette/Batman pictures:

Also interesting! Someone seems to miss Batman (who is vanished in this TV show)! But who? And why? And why that puppet?

Questions over questions!

“Come out and play Batman!” sounds pretty playful. It seems that Alice thought in the trailer for the episode that Batman would be after her. But she surely have noticed quickly that it isn’t BatMAN anymore….who is afer her.

Guess we have to wait to get more info about the person who placed that puppet there.

Feel free to leave a comment!