Maskripper VIP Club: April 2024

New month, new content for the VIP Club here on Maskripper!

>>>>> I updated the VIP-Club with new material! <<<<<


1 full high-quality video with 2 parts … has been uploaded for this month!

In the video, Catwoman (Jim Balent style) plays with a female Robin (eye mask).

Great performances, especially by the Catwoman 🙂

+ You will have FULL access to my 3 (self-written) Maskripper fetish stories (2 over 15 pages, one with 8 pages)!

Catwoman – the masked scuba thief [PREVIEW VERSION]

A nightly visitor – A Catwoman tale [PREVIEW VERSION]

+ The rising star and her dark secret (no preview available)

(A rising star enjoys having anonymous latex sex until one guy gets…..curious to see who is under that mask and catsuit ;-))

+ You will have access to my Maskripper trailer with the original audio instead of the music

Wanna donate some bucks, show your support for this blog (actually help to keep it running), and get good videos and fetish stories in return?

…then JOIN the VIP club on Maskripper!

Robin Hood and the masked female vigilante!?!

As I am away over the Easter weekend… there will be no post on Sunday as usual.

But you will get one today instead! 😉

This one is from a classic that shouldn’t be missing on this blog…


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

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Watch the video before you continue!

I was a young teenager when this movie came out and really enjoyed it… and it’s still fun to watch!

The reveal, that this sneaky, masked figure is a woman, let alone Marian… is certainly well made, as you don’t expect to find a woman under the mask, especially in such a scenario.

Yeah, the mask isn’t particularly stylish or sexy… but it’s a great and unusual disguise as it covers up nearly everything.

Even it should be quite difficult to see a lot from the inside of the mask…

I wonder why Marian chose that outfit? Was she wearing it before? Just to defend her home, or was she in some vigilante business before?

I mean a masked Marian reminds me of a certain TV show where she is a masked vigilante with the deceiving name “Nightwatchman”.

Well, it certainly fooled the audience and Robin.

Wanna know from which movie this is?


What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

The Queen of Swords secret identity is in danger! A costume change under time pressure…

Today it’s time for one final post about the great Queen of Swords TV show!

This one is quite short, but it is certainly interesting 🙂


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

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Watch the video before you continue!

I love such “secret identity in danger” scenarios where a masked heroine gets under pressure to protect her secret identity from getting destroyed!

She is under big-time pressure to quickly change into her “normal” persona Tessa so that her nosy friend doesn’t find out that she is actually the Queen of Swords.

And the very nice “bonus” where she almost walks out with her night robe still wearing her mask… is great!

Imagine Vera’s face if she would have seen Tessa with that mask on… 😆

That would have been quite embarrassing…

So, we get a nice self-unmasking which is quite rare in this TV show… I guess there is only one more in it.

All in all a thrilling scene for me, and also a bit funny as well.

More Queens of Swords in the Hall of Fame:

Wanna know from which episode this is?


What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

A guy catches a masked female thief at his home!

Thanks to the nice guy who recommended me this one!

Here we have a totally normal situation…

You sit on your bed, reading, as you hear noises and investigate.

You catch a masked female burglar all in black leather with a nylon mask in your home!

Yeah, that happens once or twice a week for me too… 😉


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Watch the video before you continue!

Yeah, I had to stop the video there… as YouTube would have had a problem with the following scene 😉

Ok, maybe that hasn’t happened to me …. at least not yet… 🙁

But certainly, this is a great fantasy setting! Damn, I wouldn’t “mind” if such a burglar would show up at my place!

Ok, as much as I love to see nylon on women’s legs, I am not the biggest fan of masks made out of nylon.

They make a rather ugly face and they aren’t very effective as well.

And that hat is good in terms of making her a bit less “suspicious” while she is outside his home… but yeah, not very stylish or sexy.

It’s cool that he immediately goes for her mask to see the exposed face of the burglar, even she could have put up at least a little struggle.

But at least she doesn’t unmask herself 🙂

I don’t really know the backstory behind this, but it seems that the movie is just a loose bunch of episodic scenes.

All in all a good scene with a great fantasy coming to life!

Wanna know from which movie this is?


What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

The ultimate TV villainess ….whose name you don’t even know!

There won’t be a post tomorrow, since I am on a video shoot for my other blog

But I wanted to make …at least… a quick post today:

Ever heard of Lee Sung Hi?

Well, I guess many of you recognize her when you see her face, but I bet nearly no one knows her name here… that has to change!

Yesterday I reached episode 20 as I am re-watching the whole Queen of Swords series.

I saw her in the episode and immediately thought that she looked very familiar….

That is Lee Sung Hi’s character after she battled the Queen of Swords and united with her against Colonel Montoya.

And yeah, Lee Sung Hi is also:

Lady Shiva from Birds of Prey!

The one who unmasks Batgirl, whose mask gets blasted off (?) early in the episode and unmasks herself at the end of the episode.

I checked her IMDB profile… and there is even another interesting appearance….

She also is…

… the braindead Gangsta Pranksta sidekick Giggles in Black Scorpion!

Queen of Swords, Black Scorpion, and that Birds of Prey episode with Batgirl are among my few ultimate TV highlights with masked women.

And until yesterday… I didn’t know that Lee Sung Hi was a villainess in ALL 3 shows! Even it was just for one episode in each of these shows…

(and she was tricked in Queen of Swords and not evil at the end)

So, she fought the Queen of Swords, Batgirl, and Black Scorpion! (not a challenge at all in that one).


She didn’t have a big acting career but damn… some interesting appearances for sure!

The Queen of Swords and an imposter – Post 2 – The imposter VS the real one! + Colonel Montoya and his naughty fantasy

2 weeks ago I made my first post about this special episode:

Today it’s time that the Queen of Swords and her imposter finally meet!

Plus there is a very interesting short scene where Colonel Montoya reveals that he has a very special (sex) fantasy!


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

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Watch the video before you continue!

What is better than one masked woman? Two masked women battling each other! 😉

The scene is pretty short but I love to see two masked women fighting against each other!

I guess in my version they would try to unmask each other to demonstrate who is superior… but this isn’t their last “meeting”.

I added the scene with the Captain and the Colonel as Tessa was in danger of getting caught at the house of Captain Grisham.

The danger of her being caught while spying in her civilian role… also very thrilling!

I also added a third short scene with the imposter and Colonel Montoya.

He caught her early on in the episode and can now basically blackmail her into doing anything for him.

And what does he do? He wants to have sex with her… and she can’t say no to that if she doesn’t wanna end up in prison!

And also, he puts her mask onto her face before the bed action can start!

That is verrrrry interesting!

Clearly, he has a special fantasy! He knows that she is just an imposter and not the real Queen of Swords.

But… he has some fantasies and she has to play the part….

He clearly has been fantasizing about doing that with the real Queen of Swords as well 😉

More Queens of Swords in the Hall of Fame:

Wanna know from which episode this is?


What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

Maskripper VIP Club: March 2024

New month, new content for the VIP Club here on Maskripper!

>>>>> I updated the VIP-Club with new material! <<<<<


1 full movie and a 2-part video … have been uploaded for this month!

In the movie (88 minutes) two masked female Japanese wrestlers must battle each other… and some henchmen are also there to support one of these two (XXX)

In the video (2 parts with a total of about 11 minutes) a classic 60s Batgirl must battle a villainess who is really curious to see who actually is under the cowl! Some awesome unmasking struggle scenes! 🙂

+ You will have FULL access to my 3 (self-written) Maskripper fetish stories (2 over 15 pages, one with 8 pages)!

Catwoman – the masked scuba thief [PREVIEW VERSION]

A nightly visitor – A Catwoman tale [PREVIEW VERSION]

+ The rising star and her dark secret (no preview available)

(A rising star enjoys having anonymous latex sex until one guy gets…..curious to see who is under that mask and catsuit ;-))

+ You will have access to my Maskripper trailer with the original audio instead of the music

Wanna donate some bucks, show your support for this blog (actually help to keep it running), and get good videos and fetish stories in return?

…then JOIN the VIP club on Maskripper!

A masked female diamond thief on roller skates!

This one is from a very new recommendation, thanks for that!

It has some interesting aspects and I bet you will be quite surprised to see who is under that mask! 😉



(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

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Watch the video before you continue!

Well, if you know the Bond movies… you should immediately have recognized her!

Yeah, that is Maud Adams who was a Bond girl in not just one… but two Bond movies (“The Man with the Golden Gun” & “Octopussy”)!

The movie in general has an interesting cast… but seemingly is pretty much forgotten since the best available source… is a VHS rip. 🙁

I will watch it in the next few days as I am curious enough to see the whole thing.

But now to the scene itself:

I already love the opening as she is breathing (oddly) heavily on that mouthpiece. Was she running low on air or was she just… a little …. excited? 😉

Sadly… just a very short scene… but would also be somehow fitting to my other blog Frogwoman Org!

Also quite cool that she is skating out of the place! Certainly haven’t seen a masked woman doing that so far…

The unmasking and reveal are done well… I was certainly surprised to find Maud Adams under that mask!

Cool that she transforms quickly into a regular outfit and thereby fools the security guards 🙂

Of course, I would have preferred if that would have fought against them and they (at least) tried to unmask her…

But all in all, a really cool scene!

Wanna know from which episode this is?


(the whole movie is available on YouTube at the moment)

What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

The Queen of Swords and an imposter – Post 1 – The imposter gets UNMASKED!

I already had the French DVD set of Queen of Swords in my collection (with English audio on it as well).

But when they released a German DVD set as well last year… I just had to have it too.

These days I am rewatching the complete show with its 22 episodes and was reminded that my posts about the highlights of the show here… are incomplete.

That has to change!


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

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Watch the video before you continue!

Yeah, well… the fact that she is an imposter isn’t a secret for one second as she does look different, and even the mask is a bit different… at least to a regular follower of the show.

It’s nice that he starts the unmasking with “…and now for the unveiling…”, but it’s a shame she doesn’t resist or say anything.

Also, it’s quite odd that he unbinds her mask like that instead of yanking it off her head (slowly), so the camera isn’t on her face the whole time.

Certainly, this is a big moment for the two men, who then still think that they just captured the real Queen of Swords.

But Montoya realizes rather quickly that she isn’t the real one.

I will post one or more scenes from the episodes as it has a lot to offer 🙂

More Queens of Swords in the Hall of Fame:

Wanna know from which episode this is?


What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

Masked Sydney Sweeney on a special mission at a costume party

My last post was about the upcoming movie “Madame Web” with the gorgeous Sydney Sweeney.

She is also masked in another movie and that one I would like to feature today!

She and her partner love to spy on the neighbors with binoculars and now they even wanna install a microphone at the apartment of a guy across the street!

So they go to a party that he is hosting to have fun and put that microphone in place there…


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

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Well, with that wig and mask… she is disguised very well!

A shame that there isn’t a scene in it with an unmasking or costume change.

Also, I do like that she is wearing a pantyhose with her costume even though that feature is mostly hidden in the dark or off-screen.

The masked guy even touches her pantyhosed legs as he is carrying her on his shoulder…. #naughty

In this scene, she is already pretty intrigued by him and they will have a very sexy scene later on where Sydney is showing … a lot!

If you wanna see Sydney’s sexy twins… you should check out the whole movie 😉

Since you can’t see her unmasked face in this video… here is a picture of her without the mask from this movie:

(click to enlarge)

Wanna know the name of the movie?


What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

Madame Web – [Movie – 2024 – with Sydney Sweeney]

Somehow, I forgot to post about this one so far…

On February 14 this movie will be released:

Well, I don’t know if this will be a good movie.

I do know that I love to see Sydney Sweeney in such a costume and mask! 🙂

Since I saw her in the first season of “The White Lotus” she has become my new favorite (young) actress.

I even saw the show “Euphoria” just for her scenes as I really didn’t like the show itself with all the crazy addicts in it.

If you wanna see “more” of her you should definitely check out “The Voyeurs“.

This movie has 3 Spider-women(!) in it… even only one is (barely) properly masked for me.

I don’t expect any big secret identity issues or even unmasking scenes… but seeing Sydney Sweeney in that costume and mask… is already awesome.

I hope she will have proper screen time in costume.

Also, I do hope that her mask is actually “real” and not CGI …. but I’m not sure so far.

I look forward to seeing this one and will check it out in the cinema in the first week.

Here are some pictures I scavenged from the web:

(click to enlarge)

Haven’t seen a masked heroine in a new movie or TV show for a while… so I hope that this movie has a lot to offer!

And I hope that enough folks will go to the cinemas for it… movies with masked women should always be supported 😉

Will you watch this movie in the cinemas or later on?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube (community section)

*NEW* April 21:

I made a post with all the scenes of the Spider-women:

Maskripper VIP Club: February 2024

New month, new content for the VIP Club here on Maskripper!

>>>>> I updated the VIP-Club with new material! <<<<<


2 full movies … have been uploaded for this month!

In one movie (80 minutes) two masked female Japanese wrestlers must battle a villainess and her henchmen. And they are very curious to see who is under these masks… 😉

In another movie (70 minutes), you have a spandex heroine in a full-face mask + wig who battles various masked spandex henchwomen! Great scenes included 🙂

+ You will have FULL access to my 3 (self-written) Maskripper fetish stories (2 over 15 pages, one with 8 pages)!

Catwoman – the masked scuba thief [PREVIEW VERSION]

A nightly visitor – A Catwoman tale [PREVIEW VERSION]

+ The rising star and her dark secret (no preview available)

(A rising star enjoys having anonymous latex sex until one guy gets…..curious to see who is under that mask and catsuit ;-))

+ You will have access to my Maskripper trailer with the original audio instead of the music

Wanna donate some bucks, show your support for this blog (actually help to keep it running), and get good videos and fetish stories in return?

…then JOIN the VIP club on Maskripper!

Spider-Gwen gets unmasked by a dinosaur (!?!) [Masks off! #48]

Time to post about this scene that is from last year.

In this one, we have several women in costumes/masks who are battling some sort of dinosaur skeleton…

Here are the images:

(click on the image to enlarge it to full size)

Ok, first of all…. I am really NOT a fan of those “fancy” costumes/masks that are powered by technology or magic and just show up or disappear like that.

Really uncool…. I rather prefer “normal” cloth for masks as they have to be “manually” removed then.

What I do like here is that her mask is slowly disintegrating and is revealing more and more of her face! Quite a sexy transformation in this case.

Especially the big panel where her left eye is showing and her blonde hair is popping out of the mask 🙂

And I do LOVE mask damage and it looks as if her mask was just ripped open….

Sadly this whole unmasking is just the side-effect and the monster doesn’t care about her secret identity.

But… all in all a good scene!

The pages are from the comic:

Spider-Gwen – Gwenverse 02

My TOP 25 scenes from the Black Scorpion TV show!

I created this video last year for the annual “October to Remember” event on the “Behind the Mask” forum.

It’s time that the video now gets available for visitors here and on my YouTube channel as well!

Here is the original text from my forum post then:

I worked on this over a couple of hours, skipped through the whole season, made notes, and rated scenes.
Then I cut every scene to around 30 seconds or so.
I edited all of that together and added some pictures, lettering, and some score.

So what did I make?
Quite a long video with my TOP 25 scenes of the Black Scorpion show.
My initial idea was to make a TOP 22… because of 22 episodes… but well…. 25 sounds cooler.
I could have made a TOP 50 with good scenes as well… but I think this video took long enough.
I will upload this one to my blog in December… but for the next … at least … 5 weeks this is an exclusive video for this site (unlisted on Youtube).
Between the TOP 10 scenes, you will see official Black Scorpion promo pictures.

So, take your time (15 minutes) and I hope you enjoy it!
….perhaps you might even wanna make a game out of it in terms of guessing which scenes will be in the TOP 10 or so….
…. the first scene will begin after 15 seconds….

Here is the video:


You will find the rank of the scene in my ranking and info from which episode it is in the line at the bottom.

Some scenes were edited to make them a little more compact… so that the video wouldn’t get too long.

I thought about putting headlines into the video like “Black Scorpion gets unmasked by Flashpoint” … but that would spoil it… for those few who don’t know these scenes.

Any scenes that you think are missing from that TOP 25?

Feel free to give some feedback here or on YouTube with a comment!


Feel welcome to check out the Black Scorpion page in the Hall of Fame

A woman disguised as a female arms dealer [FFMTISE]

One more “full-face mask to impersonate someone else” aka a FFMTISE (my newly created short-form 😉 ) for this week!

In this one, we have a woman disguising herself as a villainous (female) arms dealer to fool some folks!


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

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I could have made the scene longer, but I wanted the video really short so it could be posted on YouTube.

Don’t think they allow (much) longer vids from that movie there..


Yeah, it is just a self-unmasking and they “cheated” with the camera moving behind her head like that.

I guess that way she could just wear a very simple, plain face mask on her head.

But nevertheless, it’s still a nice reveal when she yanks that face and wig off her head.

The real villainess just walked in a little too late… otherwise, they most probably would have unmasked her…  #timing

Wanna know the name of the movie?


What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!