Masks off! #10 – Batwoman unmasked…

…partially. To be precise: Batwoman’s (Kate Kane) masquerade consists out of two parts:

Her hot “front-only” mask and a wig (pretty much like the Black Scorpion design). In this scene one of the two parts is ripped off….

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I really love the design, the art of the Batwoman comics. She is a cool superheroine. Only the mystical, fantasy stuff isn’t so much for me…

Masks off! #9 – Green Arrow (partially) unmasks Batgirl by ripping her mask!

For issue number 9 from “Masks off” it’s time again for Batgirl (Cassandra Cain)! She gets into a fight with Green Arrow, an arrow rips a little hole into her mask! He takes the opportunity and grabs her mask, stretching the material, ripping the hole wider to see the face under the full face mask! At the end Batgirl is partially unmasked….

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A very good example for a sexy maskrip 🙂

Masks off! #8 – Batgirl unmasked by Scarecrow! – Part 2

And now the 2nd part! Batgirl’s mask is badly ripped, what will happen to her? Will the Scarecrow bring her down? Perhaps even expose her secret identity?

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A well made fight in my eyes. But I don’t get why Scarecrow didn’t make anything out of the situation…her mask was ripped, he can see her face…why didn’t he take advantage of it?

But however…really good unmasking stuff!

Masks off! #7 – Batgirl unmasked by Scarecrow! – Part 1

In this episode of “Masks off!” Batgirl (Stephanie Brown) tracks down the Scarecrow! But she gets drugged and (nearly completely) unmasked!

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What will happen to our mighty heroine? Can she escape? Can she beat Scarecrow? Is her secret identity ruined? You will get the answers in part 2 …. 😉

My opinion: Her ripped mask is really sexy…

Masks off! #6 – Catwoman gassed and unmasked by the Scarecrow!

Another issue of “Masks off”! This time Catwoman sneaks into a warehouse to steal some jewels. But it’s a TRAP! Gas fills the room…she wakes up…blinded by a lightflash. Someone is taking pictures of her….unmasked!

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Great stuff, but would have been even better with her awake during the unmasking (and it should have been shown).

From the really great “Batman – Terror” story that was published in the Legends of the Dark Knight.

Masks off! #5 – Catwoman unmasked

Another issue of “Masks off”! This time it’s Catwoman, who – dressed up as a maid – sneaks into a mansion to spy a little. Under her maid uniform she is suited with her catsuit. Of course her cat mask isn’t in place so she may get into some trouble if someone discovers her catsuit…

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Great art by Jim Balent 🙂

Comic: Catwoman 022 (the old series – 1995)

Masks off! #4 – Batgirl, Catwoman, Spider-girl and Spoiler unmasked!

…or on the road to it.

In this issue of “Masks off!”  it’s all about comic covers. Comic covers with some mask action to be precise 😉

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Some great art, if you ask me! Especially the spoiler and spider-girl covers are great… Your opinion?

(The catwoman pic is actually a preview cover for the issue, not the cover itself)

Masks off! #3 – Spider-woman unmasked!

A new episode of “Masks off!”. This time it’s Spider-woman who sneaks into a store….

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…and gets caught! The detective reaches for her mask….

spider_woman- v01-01 (1978) 08
Spider-woman unmasked by a cop

and unmasks the intruder! Spider-woman has to run…

A really good unmasking…

Comic: Spider-woman 01 (1978)

Masks off! #2 – Spoiler unmasked!

And now, already a new episode of “Masks off!”.

This time Robin follows a criminal element (as he thinks) and is suprised to find something unexpected under the Mask!

Comic: Detective Comics 648

Spoiler gets caught by Robin, he unmasks the Spoiler!

It’s one of the first appearances of Spoiler!

Masks off! #1 – Spider-girl unmasked!

In this first Issue of “Masks off” I hereby present you Spider-girl. An evil clone of her tries to unmask the mighty heroine….. Of course she knows the face under the mask, but she won’t allow her to hide behind it 😉

Comic: Amazing Spider-girl 24

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