Valentine – female superheroine movie from Indonesia

Discovered this movie a while back, and it’s time that I present it here to you folks.

It’s about a young woman who starts to fight crime. And there seems to be a lot of villains who have problems with that 😉


(click to enlarge)

And here is the trailer:

And here is a “behind the scenes” -video:

Well, in the first scene it looks like some sort of comedy…but luckily there is enough action in it later on. So I have hope for a decent superheroine movie.

And since we only have very few movies with a masked heroine…I am really looking forward to this one!

Ok, she just has an eye mask. But that’s ok…can’t be very picky with that awful small selection on movies with masked heroines 😉

IMDB says that it came out in Indonesia on november 23rd in 2017. And that’s all the information there is…no info if or when the movie will be available elsewhere.

Does anyone has more info? Or does know where to find that movie? That would be really great!

What do you think of this trailer? Do you wanna watch the movie?

Please leave your comment below!