2 masked female burglars and their special way to get some cash

This one was recommended to me just some days ago, thanks for that! 🙂

This TV show has produced quite a lot of scenes in terms of masked women (incl. gas masks) 🙂

So, it’s time for another scene from it!



(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

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I added the second scene without masks… so you would see them unmasked as well (…and their ending).

Damn, that camera work is …. really uncool.

A shaky cam and they cut away from them every second 🙁

(which also made it difficult to get solid screenshots at least)

I guess that is supposed to make a thrilling scene… but in this case, it doesn’t work as I would have liked to see them for more than one second at a time.

Still, their way of entry is badass and they look great in their masks and leather jackets!

A shame that no one unmasked them or got close enough to (at least) try to unmask them.

It seems really crazy that they show their faces at the second heist in broad daylight… but I guess the good guys found out about their identities in the meantime.

It wasn’t the smartest movie of the blonde to pull her second gun while a gun was pointed at her… but I guess she preferred death over prison.

Wanna know the name of the episode/TV show?


What do you think about these scenes?

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