Catwoman unmasked by the police! ….and it’s not who you think ;-) – [Masks off #42]

Sorry, for not posting last weekend, but here is a mid-week post to make up for it.

Thanks to a nice member of the best unmasking forum in the world, I learned about a certain scene in a comic book.

And I have to say… it has become one of my favorite unmaskings in a comic book!

I think I knew most of the really good unmaskings by now, but this one has somehow slipped below my radar.

Let’s check it out:

« of 7 »

Watch the pages before you go on!

Well, I love it! The fight with Batman is a nice start, always very sexy material, and the fact that he knocks her out….for just some seconds(?) to deliver her to the cops is quite unusual.

But well, after all, this is a very unusual storyline and many things are very different from the “normal” Batman world.

I love how he orders the cops to unmask her! Pure gold 🙂

A little odd that he leaves that to them, as I would have gladly done the job myself… if I would be Batman.

Of course, it would be nice to have the unmasking in more detail…in more panels…but ok.

However, the result is fantastic! Her mask yanked away to her forehead and the expression on her face…wow! She knows that she is screwed big time!

The cops and Batman now know who she is. They know who the famous cat burglar is and her career is pretty much over!

The big surprise here is that Catwoman is actually NOT Selina Kyle but Vikki Vale, and it makes it even better, especially when she is “interviewed” by Dr. Crane a few pages later on.

After she is injected with a truth serum she admits how she loves “the excitement, the danger, the fun” when she is Catwoman!

They should have added how much she loves to run around in that tight costume and mask and how much it turns her on 😉 . But that would have been too much for the censors 😆

A great fantasy to have a star reporter running around as Catwoman at night! A respected and famous member of society during the day and a wanted criminal at night, certainly a great mixture 🙂

And that makes the unmasking even better!

Of course, I would prefer her not to be handcuffed and to say something like “NO!” or “Not my mask!” or “Don’t you dare!”… but these are only small issues.

All in all, I am very happy to now know this “unmasking gem”.

These pages are from the comic:

Shadow Of The Bat – Annual #2

What do you think about these pages?

Leave a comment!

A ninja heroine falls in love with a bad guy [Blog exclusive]

I made some posts about the Supah Ninjas TV show already, but I missed two interesting episodes with interesting scenes!

I made a highlight cut out of 2 episodes for you folks as the guy re-appears later on in the season.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Some good and some bad aspects here for me.

I like the ninja look that really disguises her perfectly. The early fight scene with him is really good! She unmasks him by hitting him and he compliments her on her eyes.

That she then decides to drop that mask in favor of that eye mask that covers perhaps 5% of her head…… is really annoying for me in two ways.

Not only does she give up the good disguise of her normal mask, she seemingly wants to show much more of her face to him incl. her blonde hair.

She tries much too hard to make more of an impression on him after he already made her a compliment for her eyes earlier on. He was already interested…..

So, she decides to basically unmask herself, even the “mask” is supposed to work as a disguise in the show. A classic trope with these tiny masks.

I really enjoy how they fight each other, I love the tension between them, it’s basically like Catwoman battling with Batman, only that here the man is the bad guy. (Ok, Catwoman is actually only “half-bad”).

The scene where he wants her to take off the mask but she refuses is very sexy for me, as I love such “mask-talk” scenes. Very sexy how he reaches for her mask and is about to kiss her at the same time. Sadly it’s only a dream…. with a funny ending 😆

What I really hate is that he then finds out who she is without unmasking her! That gives me major Batwoman TV show-flashes in a way…..

All that sexy build-up and then he just knows…. LAME!

How great would have been if they had continued to fight and he would have unmasked her as she struggled to keep her mask on.

And then with the ninja two-part mask…imagine him slowly yanking her mask down, pulling the headpiece off to fully reveal the woman underneath….

But ok, all in all, there is a lot of good aspects here for me.

The scenes can be found in episodes 2 and 9 of season 2 of Supah Ninjas.

What do you think of these scenes?

Leave your comment!

By the way:

Subscribe to my Maskripper Instagram account!

Batwoman, season 3, episode 13 “We Having Fun Yet?” [Review]

Check out the very short review on Batwoman – Season 3 – Episodes 8-13!

Check out the detailed review incl. pictures and my Batwoman cuts on Batwoman – Season 3 – Episode 13!

You can watch the episodes LIVE on the CW (Wednesdays at 9 PM) or watch it also for FREE on the CW website (link) and on the CW app, starting Thursdays after an episode has been aired on Wednesday!

Some screenshots:

(click on the image to enlarge it – more pictures on the page of the detailed review)

Have you seen it already?

What do you think about it?

Leave a comment here or on the page of the episode!

Batgirl gassed by a villain and Batgirl gets into… close contact…. with Batman!

I have seen this one as it came out in …. mid-2016?! Damn, nearly 6 years ago already.

Somehow I didn’t make a post back then as it seemed very difficult for me as this movie has so many minutes of a certain masked heroine!

But, as with the Catwoman: Hunted movie I will focus on 2 selected scenes.

I certainly recommend you to watch the whole movie.


Preview, scene 1:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

WATCH the video before you continue! SPOILERS ahead!

Well, Batgirl was pretty lucky here! She managed to stay conscious long enough to lock herself “away”.

Otherwise, this guy could have done quite a lot to her….

However, I really like this peril scene as he uses that odd knockout gas that takes some time to work.

It’s also odd that he sprays that stuff in his own direction also, as his face is right next to hers… but it has not the slightest effect on him, even he was (less) exposed to it, but ok, no big aspect.

The way he presses himself onto her is quite…..sexual….I was surprised that they would have that scene in it.

Batgirl was also lucky that he didn’t go immediately for her mask as she was pretty helpless (picture 3).

But he missed the chance to unmask her…


And I got one more scene for you!

Preview, scene 2:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

WATCH the video before you continue! SPOILERS ahead!

Well, luckily I didn’t know about that scene before I watched this movie!

I was really surprised BIG time by this scene…I mean Batgirl having sex with Batman???!

I mean ok, the whole movie is rather for adults than for kids…but holy Batsex, I didn’t think I would ever see that!

Even they only show the …foreplay, but it’s crystal clear what happens/will happen.

Can only guess if Barbara (as Batgirl unmasked herself) has then sex with Batman or Bruce…

But well, I can’t blame them 😉


Two things were quite odd about this scene. First, it’s another example of how careless many masked heroes and heroines get when they are on rooftops.

She unmasks herself on that rooftop! Ok, perhaps there is no tall building nearby, but that is very risky! What if someone sees that through a binocular and sees how Batgirl yanks off her mask (and other things? Very dangerous for her secret identity! And why does she unmask herself in the first place? She could have sex with Batman or Bruce with her mask on.

Also, her mask/cowl seems to be connected to her cape as it comes off (way too easily) as she yanks her cape away. Some more frames of her cowl leaving her face would have been great!

It looks quite sloppy this way from the animators.

However, it’s a pretty great scene and was surely a big surprise as I watched that movie back then.

I will re-watch the movie in the next weeks.

Here is the IMDB link to the movie:

IMDB link

What do you think of these scenes?

Feel welcome to leave your comment!

Black Scorpion TV show – The best scenes from the best episodes – [Episode 17]

Ok, it is time for one last post about the legendary Black Scorpion TV show!

The show is in my Hall of Fame and if you are into masked women, this TV show is an absolute MUST have!

My 3 favorite episodes are already covered here by now.

This is is a little cheat, as the episode is actually not one of my favorites.

But… has a really good scene in it….so… I think it deserves a post.

Some pictures:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

Never been a big fan of the Gangster Prankster, who is basically a cheap Joker.

He is neither funny or really threatening and his henchmen are just annoying.

But his giggling sidekick has a great idea here! So often Black Scorpion gets knocked out and the villains are just walking away from her.

Only very few were interested in unmasking her so, I love how his sidekick says “Take off her mask….”!

That’s a great idea! Many more villains should have that 😉

I love the thrill as his hand is reaching for her mask, even it is only a very quick scene, I love such attempted unmaskings!

Luckily for her Argyle interrupts him before he reaches her mask, even it was just holding him back for some seconds.

But before Prankster could reach for her mask again good old Steve appears!

Black Scorpion awakes just in time to kick his ass for the 244th time.

Oh Steve, you will never learn….or maybe you just like to get your ass kicked by her… 😉




What I would give for a Blu-ray release of this show or an HD TV airing!

What do you think about this episode and these scenes?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

Batwoman unmasked by the Riddler! [UPGRADE] + Batwoman news

In the very, very, very early days of this blog back in 2013 I made this post:

(…Don’t watch the video in that post yet!…)

Well, luckily I have improved in some ways over all these years as there is nearly no text to it.

This absolutely great unmasking deserves an UPGRADE! A BIG one!

I wanna present the video in a longer version and in an HD version today.

Plus I wanna give it a big upgrade on the text part also.

So, let’s start with a preview:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

First of all, this is an early Batwoman version (Katrina Moldoff) before Kate Kane and Ryan Wilder appeared way later on.

I think her costume is overall ok, but I’m not a fan of that mask that is basically just a big version of an eye mask and doesn’t hide much.

But well, that was basically everything negative I have to say about that scene 😉

She fights really well and brings down the Riddler, but then she gets careless and lets her guard down.

I love how he uses this situation to his advantage and just goes for her mask, unlike so many other villains.

He knows how important her secret identity is to her, and he has seen the reporters, so he knows how devastating the effect of the unmasking would be.

The ripping sound as the mask gets yanked away from her face is awesome, even not 100% logical as it’s hard to say where that sound actually is coming from as it sounds as the fabric gets ripped. And her mask isn’t really attached to anything….as it seems.

But ok, not important as the sound is soo great 😉

Her reaction to it is great and she is really surprised and terrified by his move! Maybe that explains why she moves her head around and thereby is presenting her unmasked face to the reporters which makes the unmasking so much worse for her.

Even it would have been bad enough if “only” he would know, as he could use that knowledge against her.

He really enjoys the whole unmasking and how he defeated her completely with it. I wish many more villains would think like him! (#hallo TV show/movie writers)

And all that was completely improvised as he just saw her for the first time some minutes ago.

Also, a nice aspect as Batman comments the unmasking as a “dirty trick” from him.

The facts that the reporter immediately recognize her famous face and the newspaper with “Katrina exposed!” are additional bonuses!

So much to love about this scene!

Here is the IMDB link to that episode:


What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment below!


+ Some news on the Batwoman TV show:

Well, after a break of (nearly) 2 months the show is finally returning with new episodes the next Wednesday (9 PM on the CW), January 12.

It feels much longer to me and I am thrilled that there will be finally new episodes!

There will be 6 more episodes in this second half of season 3 (episodes 8-13).

Still, there has been no news about a possible season 4, but I bet there will be news on that VERY soon.

In the meantime the news arrived that the CW is actually up for sale:

Very hard to say what that would mean to Batwoman, the Arrowverse, and all the other shows on the CW.

So, I don’t know if a new owner would be good or bad news. First, that sale actually has to happen…


I switched most of the videos that were “unlisted” lately back to the “public” on Youtube since the Maskripper Youtube channel isn’t in danger anymore for now.

Black Scorpion TV show – The best scenes from the best episodes – [Episode 19]

Ok, it is time to have another post about the legendary Black Scorpion TV show!

Now all my 3 favorite episodes are covered here.

This one is about the most famous unmasking that happened in the show.

If you don’t know it, I really envy you!

The show is in my Hall of Fame and if you are into masked women, this TV show is an absolute MUST have!

Today, it’s all about episode 19….with “biggest” unmasking!

And being embedded in a TV show it’s really very suspenseful as you know these characters for some time already.

Normally I post the pictures before the video, but this time I wanna do it differently as the pictures give away every great scene of this video.


For those who do not know the episode, I recommend strongly watching the video first (Google Drive link) …and then… scroll down further!

>>> Link <<<

(The video combines the best Black Scorpion scenes of the episode….not all (that would be around 14 minutes in total))












(click to enlarge)

I love the first scene with Black Scorpion and Steve as she kisses him but he calls out for his partner Darcy.

Darcy shows up and he mentions that he never saw Darcy and Black Scorpion at the same time…..well, he never got closer to solving that “mystery” 😉

Ok, I am not the biggest fan of unmasking tied-up heroines, but at least better than unconscious ones.

All in all, this is one of the very best unmaskings ever done!

It isn’t the first time in the season that Black Scorpion gets unmasked…but the only time someone finds out who she is! And to make it so much worse for her: He is also is exposing her to the whole world by taking that picture of her unmasked face and selling it to the press. Flashpoint totally ruins her secret identity and the police are chasing after her, especially Steve who is …quite….furious that Black Scorpion is actually Darcy, his partner!

I also like that this is a double unmasking as he first rips of her eye protection (against his laser thingy) and thereby can see her eyes.

The whole build-up is great as they talk about what he would gain from unmasking her.

Also, I love how he is teasing her as he even pretends to attack her. You can clearly see how afraid she is of what is about to happen. She knows exactly that she is finished once he rips her mask and wig off and thereby revealing Darcy Walker!

The final unmasking itself is a little flawed for me for two reasons:

  1. There is the fade to black and then the scene goes on (commercial break)
  2. They show his hand on her mask, then cut to him, then he already is pulling her mask and wig away. This was most likely done to be able to remove her black face paint around her eyes…and show her exposed face without it. Rather unrealistic…. but yeah, she would look a little weird with that “panda” eyes.

But her reaction is done so well! She is angry and frustrated and he enjoys his victory over her…verrry much. Especially interesting after he missed several chances in episode 3 to get a picture of her unmasked face.

The episode then takes the fantasy route as there is a clone of Darcy, so she can convince everyone that is (seemingly) isn’t Black Scorpion after all. But yeah, it’s very hard to think of a realistic approach to all of this, unless she would have a twin sister or someone who would convincingly be Black Scorpion and Darcy would show up next to her (like in season 1 of Batwoman with Julia as Batwoman for one episode).

This also is another good example of how much such a scene gets better if you are really invested in the characters. If you have seen all 18 episodes before, you are really invested in Black Scorpion. You know her very well by now and you also know Flashpoint and his plans from episode 3.

This makes the unmasking so much more impactful than it would be in 99,9% of the fetish videos for me.

That is why I am sooo interested in TV shows with masked women like Black Scorpion, Batwoman, Stargirl, and the Queen of Swords.

And hopefully, there will be more new shows in the future!


What I would give for a Blu-ray release of this show or an HD TV airing!

What do you think about this episode and these scenes?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

Batwoman, season 3, episode 1 “Mad as a Hatter” [Review]

Check out the very short review on Batwoman – Season 3 – Episodes 1-7!

Check out the detailed review incl. pictures and my Batwoman cuts on Batwoman – Season 3 – Episode 1!

You can watch the episodes LIVE on the CW (Wednesdays at 9 PM) or watch it also for FREE on the CW website (link) and on the CW app, starting Thursdays after an episode has been aired on Wednesday!

Some screenshots:

(click to enlarge – more pictures on the page of episode 1, link above)

Have you seen it already?

What do you think about it?

Leave a comment here or on the page of the episode!

The “Nightwatchman” in action! – Scene 7 [Final]

It’s time for one last scene of the Nightwatchman in action!

So far, she did a really good job in helping the oppressed people of Nottingham.

She also managed to escape the bad guys, especially the evil Guy of Gisborne who wants to stop the Nightwatchman and unmask him (as he still thinks it’s a man #blind)

What will happen this time? Well, see for yourself…..



(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

Well….what can I say? Perhaps……WOW!

I got really attached to both Marian and the Nightwatchman in their adventures over 2 seasons of this show.

And know she is trapped, pinned down by Guy, he rips off her eye mask….finally he realizes the Nightwatchman is a woman.

I guess he also realizes now that it’s his beloved Marian under the mask of his hated Nightwatchman.

He slowly yanks down the fabric that still covers her face pretty well.

Finally, the Nightwatchman is UNMASKED!

There is quite a lot I really love about this EPIC unmasking!

The fight is done quite well, and the way she reacts to her more and more desperate situation is great.

She really sells the fear very well as her face gets exposed by him.

He is so shocked that it is Marian that he runs away at first.

He stills doubts that it was her all the time, wanting the see the scar he inflicted on the vigilante.

So, as she is forced to show that scar it’s like a second unmasking …in a way.

Perhaps a “NO!” or a “STOP!” would have been nice as he was about to unmask her…but she always stay silent in his presence as she was concerned he would recognize her voice….or at least realize that the Nightwatchman IS a woman.

So, it fits quite well, that she didn’t protest as he was unmasking her.

Well….I think this is one of the most thrilling unmaskings ever made in a movie or TV show. Especially I was so into the storyline after having seen over 20 episodes with her.

Ok, the Nightwatchman should have had more appearances, but well…I posted all 7 scenes of her….so, that’s not too bad.

Spoilers about Marian’s future in the show…..

Tragically this unmasking indirectly leads to Marian’s death just 2 episodes later as Gisborne is now really enraged.

At the end of season 1, she was already presumed dead. The producer loved the strong reaction of the audience as I saw in the bonus material on the Blu-ray set.

So they came up with the idea to “top” that and kill her off, this time for real!

I don’t like that decision at all, even it is a drastic and unusual way to kill off the big love of the main character! That was certainly not expected.

Of course, that also means that there were no more Nightwatchman scenes in the final third season, which was just ok for me.

I will re-watch seasons 1 and 2 at some point….but not season 3 😉

This is the episode:


Feel welcome to leave a comment!

The “Nightwatchman” in action! – Scene 6

[Post 2 of 2 for today]

As promised another scene with the Nightwatchman today!

Robin is imprisoned and gets tortured by the bad guys, time for the Nightwatchman to save him!

Especially as the woman inside that costume is in love with Robin 😉

But Guy of Gisborne is determined to catch the masked vigilante and find out how actually is under these masks!


(click to enlarge)

And here are the videos:

You have the choice….

English audio, but “just” SD/DVD quality:

HD/1080p quality, but with German audio:

Sorry, due to some technical difficulties 1080p+English isn’t available for this blog right now (just for this scene).

But I’m sure you can live with it well.

WATCH the video before you go on!

Well, that was a pretty close call for the Nightwatchman!

I love how he demands her to unmask herself! Luckily she won’t give up easily.

It’s great how the situation even gets more dangerous for her as the Sheriff sneaks up on her and holding his pretty big dagger to her throat. His diabolical smile…. is awesome!

Now she is really in big danger, every second a hand could reach for her masks and begin to UNMASK her.

I just love the tension in such scenes….really well done here!

In my version, a hand would actually start to yank on her mask but she would then escape the danger quickly.

I do have one more scene with the Nightwatchman…..and that is the best one, you might imagine why 😉

Wanna know from which episode this is?


What do you think of this scene?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

The “Nightwatchman” in action! – Scene 5

Time for another scene with the Nightwatchman in action!

I intended to post 2 scenes today…but the 2nd one was problematic. The audio switched to german every time, even I selected to use the English one.

Even there isn’t much dialogue in this scene, I want the damn program to work and that you all can watch the scene with English dialogue for the best experience.

But, don’t worry, I will upload scene 6 next Thursday, so you won’t have to wait for long.

And the BIG, last scene 7 will then follow on a weekend.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

I really like this scene big time! By this time I care about her in the show a lot and really rooting for her. She gets trapped in that room, the evil Guy of Gisborne is just outside the door, breaking it down pretty quickly. With the axe and the damaged doors he somehow reminds me a lot of a certain Jack N. in “The Shining” 😉 , especially as he is watching her through the damaged door.

You can see the fear on her face, she is breathing heavily through the cloth cover above her mouth. She now she can’t escape….he is outside the door and there are plenty of guards there as well.

A great setting!

As soon they rush in they would overpower her sooner or later and then would UNMASK her! Her life as well as her father’s life would be in grave danger as the Nightwatchman is a big enemy of the Sheriff. He would also find the woman that he loves under the mask….but she is in love with someone else…..

The way he sneakily attacks her with that dagger….wow….worthy of a real villain.

Of course, she survives that in the end, even she actually seemingly dies.

But that was revealed one episode later….providing a major cliffhanger.

As I already knew she would be in season 2….I wasn’t surprised….but imagining watching the show back then when it first aired….they surely tortured the audience quite well. 😉

Wanna know from which episode this is?


What do you think of that scene?

Leave a comment below!

Batgirl cosplay #16 – Awesome “Punchline” storyline

[Post 2 of 2 for today]

It’s time for some more Batgirl cosplay pictures!

If you don’t know these ones yet….you are very lucky as you now will see some great cosplay pictures!

And the chances are quite high that you will love these pictures 😉

(click on the picture to enlarge it to full size!)

I don’t think I have promised too much! 😉

The model looks stunning and I really like the costume! The cowl is really good as well.

I LOVE all the secret identity issues in many of the pictures. Looks like villainess Punchline found out somehow that Batgirl is Barbara Gordon, as we only have these pictures…we have to speculate how she did it.

The third picture is soooo great, Punchline with pictures of Batgirl and Barbara Gordon….while Batgirl has her cowl in her hands as she masks…or unmasks(?)….herself.

Pictures 6 and 7 are ….well…..fantastic! I love how Punchline presents the cowl of Batgirl triumphantly while the battle-bruised Batgirl realizes the predicament she is now in!

As Punchline knows her secret identity she is now totally at her mercy. Of course, there would be a way out of it for Batgirl if she can free herself…..but as a heroine, she can’t really kill a villain. Or can she? 😉

The last picture isn’t from that storyline, but I just love it as well!

Batgirl tied up, fighting against her restraints…while Harley and Poison Ivy are playing with her 😉

Love how Harley yanks at one Bat-ear while her other hand is toying with the chin strap of Batgirl’s cowl!

Looks like these two are curious……to find out who is hiding underneath that mask!

What I would give to have such a scene in a movie or TV show!!!! But sadly the big majority of the villains are not curious enough to unmask the hero/heroine.

And if they find out who is behind the mask….they do it without yanking the mask off (I hate when that happens).

Here are the important links:

Johnny Porsche on Instagram (photographer)

(most of the pictures were posted by him)

Amanda Lynne on Instagram (Batgirl)

Kat Fox on Instagram (Punchline)

What do you think of these pictures?

Leave your comment below!

Batwoman, season 2, episode 11 “Arrive Alive” [Review]

Check out the very short review on Batwoman – Season 2 – Episodes 7-12!

Check out the detailed review incl. pictures and my Batwoman cuts on Batwoman – Season 2 – Episode 11!

You can watch the episodes LIVE on the CW (Sundays at 8 PM) or watch it also for FREE on the CW website (link) and on the CW app, starting Mondays after an episode has been aired on Sunday!

Some screenshots:

(click to enlarge – more pictures on the page of episode 11, link above)

Have you seen it already?

What do you think about it?

Leave a comment here or on the page of the episode!

Batwoman: My review of episode 7 (“Tell me the truth”)…

…is ready now!

Check out the very short short review on Batwoman – Season 1 – Episodes 7-12!

Check out the detailed review incl. pictures and my Batwoman cuts on Batwoman – Season 1 – Episode 7!

Some screenshots:

(click to enlarge – more pictures on the page of episode 7)

Have you seen it already?

What do you think about it?

Leave a comment!

Batwoman: My review of episode 6 (“I’ll be judge, I’ll be jury”)…

…is ready now!

Check out the very short short review on Batwoman – Season 1!

Check out the detailed review incl. pictures and my Batwoman cuts on Batwoman – Season 1 – Episode 6!

Some screenshots:

(click to enlarge – more pictures on the page of episode 6)

Have you seen it already?

What do you think about it?

Leave a comment!