I have known about this one for ages, and I remember the scuba scene in the tank.
What I didn’t remember was… that the crazy killer was actually a woman! Thanks to a guy who recommended this one and gave that crucial information.
And that’s why I had to post it here.
Of course, I could have posted it on my other blog… because of the scuba scene.
But I think it fits much better here in this case.
We have a female scuba diver and a masked killer who has evil plans….
(click to enlarge)
Here is the video:
Feel free to hit the LIKE button on the video on YouTube!
I had to cut the video in the middle for YouTube as it gets rather… violent.
And I don’t want the video to be banned from YouTube or get the age restriction which would limit the views big time.
But if you want the longer version for adults… you can get it here:
Watch the video before you continue!
Yeah, the actual murder is pretty cheezy and cheap ….with some weird cuts and crappy music.
But there is a scuba scene … and a masked woman in one video… so I can’t complain that much 😉
It’s odd how the killer suddenly appeared from the locker and was outside making noise only some seconds earlier.
The scuba scene is short but a nice addition and unusual.
It’s also quite odd how she gets rid of her scuba gear and just drops it here and there… that is quite sloppy and careless of her 😆
In my version, the killer would have had a black wetsuit with a full hood and killed her underwater.
Even that would have worked only for this kill.
She does do some more killing throughout the movie but the video was already long enough and the other scenes don’t add that much.
The reveal is done pretty cool…. even a dramatic unmasking by someone else would have been cooler.
Wanna know the movie title?
What do you think about these scenes?
Leave your comment here or on YouTube!
Would have been more interesting if she’d attacked her still wearing the wetsuit and seen a severed head with hood and mask still on her head dumped in the fish tank.
Yeah, agree on the first part!