Batwoman: Beyond ….Comics special on a SPECIAL day! [Masks off #41]

[1st post for today]

To celebrate this SPECIAL day….the day where the Batwoman TV shows starts into its second season (8PM at the CW)…I have a “Batwoman Beyond comics special” for you!

It’s the “Batwoman BEYOND” version from the “Batman Beyond” run.

In that run a version of Batwoman appeared in issues 37 to 42.

For some reason I forgot to post about these comics back then, time to finally do that now!

In this gallery you find the highlights from my perspective with some peril moments and all the (un)masking action!

These pages are from issues 38 to 42. You will find more of course in the comics as I couldn’t put them all in a gallery 😉

You should check out all these comics!

Batwoman Beyond
Batman Beyond 039-004
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(use the arrows to navigate through the pages)

[Read the pages before you go on!]

I really like that she actually had a secret identity in these comics for a while as not even the reader knew who was under that mask.

The advantage of such a full face mask is ….obviously….that the whole face is covered, so it provides a perfect disguise.

I do love such a mystery! It also provides some opportunities to show scenes where the mask gets damaged or ripped.

Sadly they don’t much use of that here. I mean if someone delivers hard punches to her face or threws her around the mask should get damaged at some point. But well, I don’t know what high-tech material they use in these Batman Beyond masks. So, her costume does only really damaged once through that explosion.

My favorite is the scene where a hand of the villain gets really close to her face as she is lying on the ground. But sadly, it seems like he didn’t want to unmask her as he immediately starts to choke her instead of yanking her mask off. That moron 😉

The self unmaskings are well done even I would have prefered that someone else had unmasked her at one point or at least try to do that.

But in the end these comics with this Batwoman Beyond version are my favorites from the last 5 years!

What do you think of these pages/comics?

Leave your comment below!

DC Fandome – August 22/23 + September 12/13

[Post 2 of 2 for today!]

The DC Fandome is on the next weekend (August 22 and 23), time to make another post about it!

*EDIT* News came in yesterday that most of the TV shows and everything besides the movie panels are moved to a second date: September 12th!

What is the DC Fandome?

2… 24 hours virtual cons, entry free, watchable across the globe with lots of panels on upcoming DC shows and movies….and much more…

Here you can fix your own schedule so you know when to watch something you are interested in:

Regular website:

Of course the Batwoman panel in the Watchverse is THE main attraction for me, no doubt!
It will have 40 minutes and the cast will discuss season 1 and give a sneak peek into season 2. I also expect that we see promo material of Javicia in the costume for the first time!

Besides that I am thrilled about the Wonder Woman 1984 panel and the “The Batman” panel (hope to finally see the Catwoman costume)!
And of course the other Arrowverse shows will have interesting panels as well!
I am hoping for some juicy trailers, interesting talks and great promo material!

I already made a schedule for the event…..well, I am sure I won’t get much sleep in these 24 hours….

 Which panels do you wanna watch?

Leave your comment below!


Batwoman, Season 1 on Blu-ray and DVD

The “new” Batgirl (in comics)

Hey folks, time to discuss the new Batgirl! In the newest issue, things changed…… a LOT! A new style in her look, a new style for the comic itself!

Not long a ago we had this Batgirl:



Here is the link to my post back than:

LINK: Batgirl 26 – Batgirl unmasks in front of her father

And now? Well, take a look:

No surprise, that’s the cover, but I got 7 more pages for you in full size, including a….. “mask” related scene 😉

*EDIT*: I posted my opinion in the comments….

But, what do YOU think about it?

And here is the link to the issue:

LINK: Batgirl 35

Masks off! #20 – Catwoman unmasked by criminal…. (8 pages!)

Hey guys, today it’s time again for some catwoman unmasking action! Catwoman (sidekick Holly…NOT Selina) is tricked and unmasked by a  master criminal…


Wanna see everything in detail? Read everything? Here are the 8 pages:

Orientation: 1
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(click to enlarge)

Not bad, or? I like how he toys with her mask…. 😉

Batwoman unmasked by the Riddler!

Batwoman chases the Riddler. She manages to stop him, but he takes advantage of the situation and reaches for her mask…

…her defense is down and the Riddler manages to rip her mask off in front of some reporters! Her secret identity is exposed…

The ulitmate nightmare for every masked hero!

From the series: “Batman: The Brave and the Bold”

Episode: Crisscross conspiracy