More Batgirl and a glimpse of Catwoman and Batman [Birds of Prey][Hall of Fame]

After I upgraded the existing posts last week it’s time to make a post about the exciting scenes I haven’t even posted about …so far.

I’m talking about the “Birds of Prey” TV show.


As I mentioned… there are only a few Batgirl scenes in it as Barbara Gordon is actually Oracle in this show… for most of the time.

But there are some interesting flashbacks in the show’s very first episode.


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Well, I think the Catwoman costume is ok. I mean it was just meant to be on screen for some seconds so they didn’t put up a really big effort or budget to make a great one.

But it’s so sad that there once was such a Catwoman and such a Batgirl in Gotham and the show actually starts later on without them. 🙁  #scriptcrime

These two (and more) during a full TV show? That would be insanely awesome… maybe one day…

But it’s nice that we get some more Batgirl footage in this one, even the fight in the hallway is cut pretty badly so it’s hard to see much.

The highlight is actually the scene where Batgirl slams into the wall.

If you check that in slow-motion you can actually see how her cowl lifts up quite a lot and she is in danger of getting unmasked! #stuntwoman

Well, as I mentioned in the post where she actually was unmasked…. it is incredibly dangerous to run around with such an unsecured mask.

But I guess it wouldn’t have made much difference in this case as the Joker already knows that Barbara is Batgirl as he shows up at her apartment … #uncool

And it’s a nice bonus to have that self-unmasking in another flashback scene as well!

Well… pretty insane/irresponsible to unmask herself in a public place like that… even at night.

Perhaps she was aware that this was only happening in that mind-control game? Hard to say…

I like how her bat symbol is the only flashing color in that scene… very iconic/symbolic.

Wanna know from which episode this scene is?


What do you think about these scenes?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

More from this TV show?

Check out the other Batgirl and Lady Shiva scenes in the Hall of Fame:

Batgirl unmasked by Lady Shiva! – [Hall of Fame][Upgrade]

In the early days of the blog, I made this post.

It’s time for a proper upgrade as there is so little text in these old posts!

This is one of my favorite scenes that I have watched a hundred times, so it’s time to make a proper upgrade post.

Also, the video is on my pretty small Dailymotion channel, so many of you may have never seen the video or that old post.

In this TV show, Barbara Gordon is Oracle and is bound to a wheelchair.

As her old enemy, Lady Shiva re-appears in Gotham Barbara feels the need to put on her old (GREAT) Batgirl costume and can (shortly) walk again with the help of an experimental device.


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

This Batgirl costume (alongside the nearly identical one from “Batman and Robin”) is SO AWESOME for me!

The mixture with the (mostly) black leather and rubber is sexy as hell and I love every second Dina Meyer is in it (and Alicia Silverstone).

If I would live in that Gotham City I would become a criminal in no time or …even better… a cop who wants to arrest the vigilante. #BlackScorpionvibes

Or I would need to be rescued from evil criminals suspectingly often 😉

The cowl is nice but basically my only issue about the whole outfit.

It is cut open very high at the back of the head and …more problematic… has no chin strap and no neck coverage.

So unmasking her is way too easy as this video demonstrates.

Also, the cowl could simply fall off in a hectic fight… and that shouldn’t be possible.

It’s a fantastic tread that here we also have a second masked woman in the scene… Lady Shiva.

And damn… her mask is AWESOME and the costume is quite good as well.

It’s a shame that Batgirl here goes down so easily as that device is failing quickly. 🙁

An epic unmasking battle with these two where Batgirl isn’t paralyzed and is wearing a properly secured/upgraded cowl… is basically my holy grail.

Also a whole TV show with such a Batgirl as the lead character…. would be even more insanely-awesome-fantastic 😉

In this show Batgirl is just in one episode and some black and white mini flashbacks.

I do love that Shiva here immediately goes for Batgirl’s mask as soon she realizes that Batgirl is helpless!

That’s how a villain(ess) should do it! She has the opportunity to find out who Batgirl is and takes it. Perfect!

Not like most of the other villains who just run off and aren’t interested at all to find out who is hiding behind that mask.

Now the helpless Barbara Gordon is lying in front of her and she is ready to finish her off to get her revenge (most likely).

Then Huntress, who is sadly never wearing a mask or even a costume, shows up right in time to save Barbara.

She was too late to save Batgirl from the unmasking though. #timing

Due to the fact that Huntress isn’t wearing a mask, Lady Shiva recognizes Helena and runs off as she doesn’t wanna fight against her.

Or maybe she was afraid to lose and then be unmasked as well? 😉

All in all just an awesome scene!

Here, as a little bonus… two (edited) pictures of the “exposed” Barbara:


Wanna know from which episode this scene is?


What do you think about these scenes?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

More from this TV show?

Check out the other Batgirl and Lady Shiva scenes in the Hall of Fame:

*Also updated the other Batgirl posts that are linked there*



Wanted! Black Scorpion, Queen of Swords, Birds of Prey ……in HD quality!

(2nd post for today)

A little repost I did on Behind the mask:

In my opinion these three are the most important TV-shows when it comes to women in masks. All from my “Hall of Fame” on this blog.
The problem is, none of these seems to be available in HD.
In germany, only Birds of Prey is available on DVD! Black Scorpion (the TV show) and I think Queen of swords too were never even shown on TV here…
I bought Black Scorpion from and Queen of Swords from And you can find…other sources to these shows more or less easy, but all at best in DVD quality.
Many many “old” movies and TV shows are available on HD now. They were shown on HD TV, so folks were able to Record/rip it, or Blu-Rays were released.
Does anyone know a source where to get any of these shows in HD quality (720p or better)?
From time to time I check the different amazon sites and other ….sources, but nothing so far.
I would love to see them in a picture quality these shows deserve!

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Just comment this post…
If you have a link that could be “difficult” to post here, just write me a message

The Birds of Prey TV-show in Dreamwatch magazine

I’m a big fan of the Birds of Prey TV-show. Why? Well, not because the show itself, that was ok, but not really good.

It was 99% because of the batgirl episode they made. Dina Meyer in that costume….WOW! That was (is) something!

Until now it is my favorite hero-costume (in TV/cinema). It just looks awesome… Her mask isn’t bad but would have needed some improvements for my taste.

A chin strap and a little more mask material.

Now we have the new Batgirl movie coming up….I hope they will make a similar costume 🙂

A few months back I found that magazine cover and decided to get a copy of it. It wasn’t easy to get that issue but I found it in the UK.

This morning I thought that some of you would like to see the pictures and the text regarding Birds of Prey. So here they are! Enjoy!

Aperture: 3.5
Camera: DSC-HX50
Iso: 160
Orientation: 1
« of 7 »

(click on the arrows to see all 7 pictures, and click on the image to enlarge it)


Well, I guess their predication that the show will be a big success….. failed a little 😉

Your opinion?

Batgirl Cosplay #14 +a Dina Meyer…

….secret extra picture! You all (should/must) know the Batgirl from the Birds of Prey TV-show that was played by Dina Meyer.

Well in this cosplay we have a cosplayer that made such a Batgirl outfit!

And I’ve added a great, sexy picture from Dina Meyer where she puts on her Batgirl outfit! 🙂


And here are the pictures:

(click to enlarge)

Oh man!

I guess I would have some serious….difficulties…making such pictures of her 😆

As I may have told before…the Birds of prey tv-show batgirl outfit is simply the best! Black rubber and black leather.. great!

With the exception of the mask desgin….well, as I said in the Hall of Fame section.

Your opinion?


[Hall of Fame] – Lady Shiva VS the Birds of Prey!

One scene was still missing to cover the legendary episode completely!

Lady Shiva unmasked Batgirl and discovered her secret identity.

Now she is after a friend of Batgirl…. and finds more resistance than she expects…


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Damn, I love and hate this scene at the same time!

The fight choreo is again not so great, just ok.

I love that Lady Shiva gets into another fight in that sexy costume and that awesome mask!

But I hate, that she gives up like that and unmasks herself!


Would have been so awesome if Huntress had slowly damaged that mask more and more during their fights.

After some epic struggle, she would unmask Shiva by ripping her cowl completely 😉

While Shiva would desperately struggle to keep her identity a secret.

But ok… you can’t have everything.

The self-unmasking is still very sexy and interesting and shows that that cowl was secured properly…

Check out Birds of Prey in the Hall of Fame!

(more videos can be found there)

The perfect unmasking of a superheroine… in my opinion ;-)

It’s time for another article of my “in my opinion” -series!

You can find a lot of unmasking-related stuff on the internet. Clips, pictures, movies, TV-series, fan art…. And I have seen quite a lot I would say, but there are so few really good unmaskings. So my hunt for the perfect unmasking (or at least close to perfect) is still going on. So, what would it need to produce it?

1) A sexy and strong (secured) mask that really hides the secret identity: 95% of the videos I’ve seen don’t have that! They often have crappy eye-masks…they doesn’t hide anything, are unsexy (most of the time) and every child could pull it off easily. That is no fun for me!

For example: The batgirl mask in the “Birds of Prey” TV-series (can be found on the left side): It’s one of the better ones….it’s sexy, could (perhaps) even hide her secret identity. But Lady Shiva grabs it and pulls it off easily without problems. That is sooo lame! It’s a sexy scene, but could be so much better… Batgirl’s mask should give her safety and security…. Fail!

So, what is a great, perhaps perfect example for a safe and sexy mask? Batman’s mask! It hides the identity really well, is secured to his suit and it’s sexy too. (Especially the rubber version from Tim Burton Batman movies). Nobody could grab it and pull that one off without having some serious problems. Of course I know that those masks costs many bucks, but it’s a required investment in my eyes. The famous Batgirl mask from ReevzFX would be a solid (cheaper) choice. That one has at least a chin strap in comparison to the “Birds of Prey” version. And would prevent a swift “pull off” unmasking.

2) A hot woman/actress that actually can act (at least a little): The woman behind the mask needs to act in a proper way, when she is in danger of being unmasked, because that should be her greatest fear as a superheroine! When she is under the (right) mask, you only see her eyes and her mouth. She needs to deliver her emotions, that you believe it would be the worst thing for her…to be unmasked. When I watch many of these cheaply produced (but expensively sold) superheroine-clips…. I don’t know if I should start crying or laughing (or both) when the unmasking happens on the screen. That kills the whole atmosphere! It seems that some breast implants are the only needed qualification for a role in a flick for some producers.

3) A great unmasking fight/struggle: Ok, we have the first two points, the basic requirements for my perfect unmasking. Now to the toughest point! To get a great unmasking the heroine must be able to fight! If she is bound or even worse…unconcious, it’s not really sexy for me! And the struggle should take several minutes not seconds. The unmasker should need several attacks on the mask. WIth every try…the mask gets damaged a little more. For that you need a flexible, but strong material of course (therefore the rubber batman mask). The unmasker should stretch the material, ripping it, the heroine is fighting back of course. She kicks his ass several times, tries to finish him off, she is tough, strong and aggressive. But the unmasker isn’t a simple street thug, he knows what he is doing…. and the final unmasking due to the total destruction of the mask would be the dramatic climax. 😉

During the struggle they should exchange some lines about it. Like: Who is hiding behind the mask? Who are you really? Let us find out who the mighty Batgirl (or whoever) is? And the classics: “No! Don’t do it!” would be great as well. And she would express that she would kick his ass to save her secret identity…. (And the unmasker might be a woman as well)

Perhaps I will write a little story with Batgirl or Catwoman about it. I’m not really good at writing, but perhaps I’ll give it a try….

Now, enough written, time for some pictures… some guys helped me to get some cool picture-manipulations done, with favorite actresses of mine under the Batman mask that I would prefer.  Two of the best pics they made for me are these:

Batgirl / Batwoman VS Catwoman - Photo manipulation -  Jessica Biel and Scarlett Johansson
Catwoman and a Batwoman / Batgirl 😉 – Jessica Biel and Scarlett Johansson
Batgirl / Batwoman - Photo manipulation - Scarlett Johansson
Batgirl / Batwoman – Scarlett Johansson


P.S.: Of course the rest of the outfit except the mask is really important as well. For me a (more or less professional made) suit would be great! Such as the one in Birds of Prey, or in some of the great cosplays by fans.

How would your favorite unmasking look like? Feel free to share your thoughts about it!