An (animated) movie with Batwoman!

I learned this week that there is actally an animated movie with Batwoman! Great news!

I checked it and it’s worthy for a post.

Here are some pics:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the movie page with the title:

LINK: Title

Check out that movie!

Masks off! #24 – Batwoman attacked and UNMASKED!

Time for this blog to continue! And I got one great unmasking for you 🙂

I love that scene, great stuff!

A little preview….:




Batwoman’s MASK!!!

Here you can find the pictures…

…10 pictures all in all:


No Images found.


And here is the comic, where you can find it:

Batwoman – Comic

My opinion on it?


Well, the unmasking itself could use more “details”, but the consequences of her unmasking are just great….

Won’t tell too much here…

All in all one of the best unmaskings I have seen in a comic!


What do you guys think?

Masks off! #10 – Batwoman unmasked…

…partially. To be precise: Batwoman’s (Kate Kane) masquerade consists out of two parts:

Her hot “front-only” mask and a wig (pretty much like the Black Scorpion design). In this scene one of the two parts is ripped off….

(click to enlarge)

I really love the design, the art of the Batwoman comics. She is a cool superheroine. Only the mystical, fantasy stuff isn’t so much for me…