Batwoman in the Arrowverse – #7 – [“Elseworlds” is only hours away…]

[2nd post for today]

The big day is finally here!!

Well, just a short and last post only some hours before the first part of the Elseworlds crossover in which Batwoman will appear for the first time on TV.

I will make posts with all the scenes with Batwoman next week (after I have seen all 3 parts), but until then a final video with great footage with her:


Batwoman in the Arrowverse – #6

Time for an update on the Elseworlds crossover!

We got this promo picture:

(click to enlarge)

Pretty cool poster! My two favorites are on the right half 😉


I am looking forward to find out how much screen time Batwoman and Kate Kane actually get.

The whole crossover with the 3 parts is around 2 hours long. We know that the heroes will go to Gotham City in the second episode where they meet “both”.

Hard to tell how much Kate and Batwoman will be involved in the third episode. But of course I hope Batwoman will still help them in that last chapter!

And….we got a real trailer that shows about one minute of material…that is a step forward 😉

With the first seconds of Kate Kane on-screen!

Right now my main question is how Kate Kane and Batwoman are behave towards all those heroes that arrive in Gotham.

Why do they travel to Gotham? How is Kate and Batwoman involved in all of this?? Will they figure out that Kate IS Batwoman???

But these questions will be answered pretty soon!

Only 4 days left (for the ones in the US / 5 days for me)!


Batwoman in the Arrowverse – #5

Ok, only 9 days left until the big crossover event “Elseworlds” starts with Batwoman aka Kate Kane (played by Ruby Rose).

There is still no real trailer out (nothing with more than 30 seconds) but, perhaps this weekend or early next week at the latest.

Until then….I still have something new to show you folks.

2 new pictures with Batwoman have surfaced yesterday:

(click to enlarge)

These pictures are a great addition!

Love the good look at her mask in the first one. And Stephen Amell (aka “Flash”) looks really….funny/disgusted (?) in this one. Yeah, he isn’t used to female vigilantes with a real mask 😉

Or Batwoman doesn’t want to play along with the other good guys.

On the second picture, someone is standing behind Batwoman, and pretty close. In my fantasy that person is reaching for her mask from behind before getting a massive kick from Batwoman ;-).

Who is that? We will see…..

But in any case, I’m still hyped like hell about Batwoman in this show. Finally a heroine with a perfect disguise on TV. Her secret identity is hidden very well, and no one could possible know who she is without unmasking her.

And that’s exactly like I love it.

Still it isn’t clear if the mask goes around the whole head (back?), but we will see that sooner or later too.

Here is a “extended” teaser/trailer, but that just means that it has 30 seconds instead of 20 😉

Still not a real trailer, but we do see Batwoman and a Batarang!

What do you think of all of this?

Let us know by commenting below!



Batwoman in the Arrowverse – #4

A little late, but of course this teaser must be on this blog as well….because…it has the first scenes of Batwoman in “action”!

Ok, just a teaser with some seconds of her…but a great appetizer!


A real trailer should be there soon! 😉

And from this news it looks like Batwoman will first appear in the 2nd part of the crossover (Arrow), so we need to wait one more day for her…..but that is not a problem 😉

What do you think of it?

Leave a comment below!

P.S.: And don’t forget to check my self written story Catwoman – the masked scuba thief!

Batwoman in the Arrowverse – #3

A quick update on the biggest TV event of the year!

Only 24 days until the first episode of the big Crossover event which will introduce Batwoman!

EDIT: A fresh picture from today:

And if you wanna read the article from


On the last days we got the first two little teaser-trailers. Very short and without…. Batwoman.

But this is only the start! Soon we will see her in a real trailer…you can count on that! 🙂

Here are these two teaser trailers:

(A repost of) the most important/interesting pictures so far:

Stay tuned for more promo material!

Batwoman in the Arrowverse – #2

Just a quick, short post before the “regular” sunday post tomorrow.

A first set picture with Batwoman (Ruby Rose) has arrived!

Check it out:


*EDIT* : A 2nd picture has shown up!



(click to enlarge)

Well, that fuels my hype even more!

She looks great alongside Melissa Benoist (Supergirl). That mask is really something 🙂

And the other picture is even better, because of the better lighting. That Arrow producer there is a happy dude!

44 days to go!

What do you think of it?

Leave your comment below!

Batwoman in the Arrowverse – #1

Ok, folks, it’s time to start a new sort of series on this blog!

As most of you (hopefully) know already, Batwoman will make her first appearance on TV in the big Arrowverse Crossover event, featuring an episode each from the CW series Flash, Arrow and Supergirl.

(click to enlarge)

And, with a thrill of anticipation I’m looking forward to that crossover from the day it was announced that Batwoman would make her debut in that.

I’m watching these series anyway, but this fuels my ….”delight level” to a whole new level! 🙂

Especially regarding that she will get her own TV-SERIES after that!! (most likely, if nothing insane happens)

Why I am so happy about it?

Well, how many …at least solid…..movies and TV-series did we have with a proper masked heroine over all the years?

Not many! Catwoman in Batman Returns, the Black Scorpion series, Batgirl in Birds of Prey (one episode), the Queen of swords series (even the mask isn’t really a proper mask)

and lately some masked women in Arrow, The Flash and Supergirl (and mostly only eye masks).

Check my Hall of Fame for more info on these!

And now, Batwoman!

And I really like her from the comics and the animated movie (“Bad Blood”). Her wig and mask makes a really good disguise! Not like most other masked heroine, who wear tiny eye mask that cover nearly nothing. And I really hope that Ruby Rose makes a great debut as Batwoman!

And yesterday we got the first official picture with Ruby Rose as Batwoman:

(click to enlarge)

And DAMN, I’m really happy with it!

A really great mask/cowl! The moment she hits the screen….I will be very…..excited! 😉

The costume is ok, more practical than sexy. Had hoped for some leather or even rubber…but well, that wasn’t very likely if you know the costumes of these 3 shows.

Of course it is not guaranteed that there will be a good unmasking. Perhaps Supergirl or Flash use their speed to unmask her to find out who she is. Or most likely Batwoman will trust them and unmask herself.

But whatever happens, every second with her on-screen will be really great (for me)!

And now some pictures of Ruby Rose without the costume:

(click to enlarge to full size)


What do you guys think of the costume?

Feel free to leave a comment!

Batwoman gets her own TV-series in the Arrowverse!

[Post 2 of 2 for today]

“Batwoman-day” continues with this post.

I guess many of you know already…but it is a MUST for me to post that here.

2 months ago we got the news that Batwoman would be included in the next Crossover event of the Arrowverse.

Back than I already hoped… that that COULD lead to her own TV-series…but I never believed that they would go on and decide to actually do that ….months before that crossover.

And now we are getting a complete TV-series with a MASKED heroine…that IS SO GREAT!


>>> My hopes for the Batwoman TV-series: <<<

—> Please stick to the tone of the comic series!

A little darker (and ….much darker than Supergirl for example) and a little grim.


—> Please stick to the costume and mask of the comic series!

I want the iconic Batwoman mask from the comics, that actually really hides her identity together with the wig. I want a sexy costume…perhaps with rubber or leather (or spandex).

I don’t want a damn eye mask for her! (producers: “let us show her face”)


—> Please choose a good and fitting actress!

Well, a VERY important point. I would like an actress that is good at her job. An actress that is tall enough and strong enough. An actress that can believable play such a well-trained heroine.


—> Please let her have a real secret identity!

Her identity must remain a good secret. I hope that only very few actually know who Batwoman is.

(unlike for example: Catwoman in “The Dark Knight rises”)


—-> And please….please let there be some villains that actually are interested in UNMASKING her

That is I guess the only point where they shouldn’t stick to the comics too much….

Of course she can’t be unmasked in every second episode. BUT wouldn’t it be “normal” that you would want to see the face behind that mask?

That they would TRY to unmask her?

OK, I know that can’t be happening to oft…but I know around 60 or more Batwoman comics. And nearly no one of her enemies seem to care who is under that mask…

I mean… you don’t need some unmasking fetish 😉 to be interested in that. Just a little curiosity.

Let’s say 2-3 unmasking attempts in one season with over 20 episodes. And 1-2 unmaskings.

Ok, but now a video that they released to the San Diego comic con last week:

The really important part is around 1:40…

Well, not much/nothing to see, but I like the dialogue. 🙂

I hope that there is more to see in video in the near future!

What do you think about the TV-series?

What are your hopes?

Please leave a comment below!



Masks off! #37 – Batwoman unmasked by Batarang!

[Post 1 of 2 for today]

Well, today is “Batwoman-day” on Maskripper to celebrate the ….GREAT news from the last weeks.

For starters a scene that I didn’t post back then (don’t know why…guess I forgot) but it fits really good to this occasion.

And here is the scene:

Batwoman unmasked Det 938

No Images found.


(click on the arrows to get to the other pages)

Well, a very quick unmasking…but I really like that image where her mask drops. Great facial expression.

I often wonder how Batwoman’s mask is attached?

Is is just on the head by the connection with her wig?

Is there some sort of fixation on her suit (on the material that covers her neck)?

Hard to tell how “realistic” this unmasking is…but is is well drawn.

What do you think?

Feel welcome to leave your comment below!

The next crossover of the Arrowverse will introduce….BATWOMAN (and Gotham)!!!!

[1st post for today]

For those who haven’t read my post on “Behind the mask!”…….

The news is so big it needs to be on the blog as well 😉

Just read this news: … r-batwoman


WOW, that’s so FUCKING GREAT! ?
Short version: In the next crossover event of the CW shows (The Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow) Batwoman AND Gotham City will be introduced!!!! That will be aired in december.
That will bring up great possibilities in the future.:
Perhaps characters like Catwoman and Batgirl as well? Perhaps an own Batwoman Show?

Oh man, this news makes me happy….very, very happy!
I hope they don’t screw up the costume. I want that Batwoman mask from the comics. A big mask that hides her little secret perfectly.
Well, since her mask wasn’t changed in the years in the comics, I hope they just took that version.

Batwoman and other masked women spotted! [Justice League XXX]

2nd post for today!

I saw this trailer and there is much promising stuff in it!

Some guys make XXX parody movies for many comic movies. In this new one, that will come out on September 30th, you will have a Batwoman! And a female Green Lantern? And some other chick in…well some sort of mask.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the trailer (even safe for work):

That looks veeeeery promising…. even without the XXX 🙂

Very thrilled for the release next week.

And that Batwoman:

Great costume and mask!

Well done 🙂



Masks Off! #34 – Batgirl and Batwoman VS Azrael (incl. an UNMASKING)

Another good comic scene was released in the last weeks. In this one Batgirl and Batwoman fight VS Azrael. And he is a great opponent!

But check it out!

Detective Comics (2016-) 961-012
« of 6 »

(click to enlarge – 6 pages)

Well, that’s a fight!

Unfortunately there are no pages left out here. First I thought I skipped a page where Batgirl’s mask is ripped….but they just skipped that 🙁 . DAMN!!!!!!

But with a little imagination…. Batgirl’s full face mask leave so much oppotunities for a great unmaskings/mask damege/mask ripping. And it is a really well made fight sequence with two masked women. So, I shouldn’t complain. My two favorite masked heroines 🙂

Here can you buy the whole comic:



Heroines (and catwoman) unmasked! Fan-Art

I wanna present more great fan art that was commissioned from a well-known guy.


(click on the pictures to enlarge them to full size)

Well, great stuff!

He does indeed put his money to a good use 🙂

THANKS for that!

If you wanna see more of him:


Batwoman Cosplay #2 (and more)

Hey folks, for today I wanna show you some Batwoman-cosplay pictures and some unmasking collages from a nice user!

Batwoman Cosplay:

(click to enlarge to full size)

Well, the eyes look a little bit spooky, but besides that a great cosplay.

Sorry, don’t know who made it.

And here are some unmasking collages (one slightly edited to avoid…problems 😉 ):

(click to enlarge to full size)

Thanks a lot for sending me these pictures! Good work!

An early Batwoman from Mexico

Some of you guys may have seen that one already, but I guess most of you not. So here it is, the Batwoman from mexico.

She sneaks on a ship, but the evil doctor already awaits her… can she escape? Can she protect her secret identity? Or will she be unmasked?


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:


*Edit* Moved to google drive, not safe on youtube


Pretty…. unusual costume with a nice mask/cowl! There is no english dubbed version of this movie, only english subtitles are available. But sadly …I couldn’t get them into this clip.

But I guess you understand the keyword the doctor says to his henchman before the …thing appears. 😉

And if you wanna know the title:
