So, today I wanna post something very special. The first part of Powercat 3, or as I name it: Powercat and the imposter. Powercat is preparing a bath as the doorbell rings. She is in her heroine-outfit and is very surprised to see the visitor….. 😉
(click to enlarge)
And here is the VIDEO – Part 1:
For my the video is very, very good. A sexy outfit (or should I say: two sexy outfits), lots of fighting, unmasking scenes….can’t ask for more 😉
Thanks for the upload. I had this one years ago and enjoyed it. The model had a nice “girl next door” look to her. Happy Birthday!
Feliz Cumpleaños, KingSiggi! 😀
Happy biiirthday
Thanks for the Birthday wishes! Any opinions about the video itself?
Happy Birthday man! I own this as well as like 10 other NPF movies it was great one!
Where can the full video be bought at?! Interesting but sadly no unmasking!
Indeed Happy B-lated Birthday.
is a good video…the bad part is that we saw the unmasked heroine at the begining, so the mistery is about who is her “copycat”
Well folks…I uploaded PART 1 of the video 😉
There is more…
i cant wait for it!! does the video still sell ?
Don’t know for sure, but since the company is down, I would say: no…
I love how the fight scene is so Cat and Mouse like. Yet…some parts are a bit violent. The part where the fall into the bath tub. Pretty awesome.
Hi really confused would be interested to hear opinions is it the real power cat that nearly gets unmasked or the imposter?
Yeah, it’s difficult to tell who is who. But I would say that the imposter tries to unmask the real powercat.
Thanks and I thought so as i tried to compaire the mouth from the pic and the beginning when she hasn’t got her mask on. Would be great to see a slow mo of that bit but not on YouTube so can’t use YouTube slow
Small hint: There are pretty easy ways to download videos from youtube 😉
Really I looked to see if it was on there but couldn’t see it. Do you have a yt link?
Sorry, can’t follow you. You looked for what where? Youtube link?
Can you put parts 1 and 3 on goo
I guess you mean google drive?
Yeah, sorry for the typo
I don’t know why you want only part 1 and 3….but here are all parts in one file: