Maskripper VIP Club: February

I updated the VIP-Club with new material!

2 new videos (One world-class video with around 15 minutes (one of my top5)!!!  + another one with around 17 minutes!)

(as always- not from a movie or a tv-series)

+ My special “Black Scorpion” edits from episode 1-4 (all scenes with Black Scorpion in it , +some extra sexy Darcy Walker scenes, -the recurring car chase scenes)

+ you will have FULL access to my 2 (self-written) Maskripper fetish stories (both over 15 pages)!

Catwoman – the masked scuba thief [PREVIEW VERSION]

A nightly visitor – A Catwoman tale [PREVIEW VERSION]


Wanna donate some bucks, show your support for this blog (actually help to keep it running) and get good videos and fetish stories in return?



Fight in gas masks (one woman VS several men and the villainess)

If you like to see women in gasmasks…you will love this one 😉

I had that movie on my radar for a long time, since the trailer. Now I can finally show this (first) fantastic scene from it!

Certain elements (gassing) would perhaps better fit on my other blog (Frogwoman), but after all it’s about (gas) masks.


A woman tries to find her (evil) sister and her henchmen, that kidnapped a boy and a man.

But soon she runs into a trap….a gas trap!



(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

>>>>> Fight in gas masks (one woman VS several men) <<<<<


Well, where to start?

Isn’t that a really FANTASTIC scene?

In my opinion…. it IS!

Of course, it wasn’t very clever of the bad guys to “deliver” a gas mask to her, instead of just closing off the room….but hey, we wouldn’t have that great scene if they did!

I love how she captures that gas mask and fights so hard to win the fight to escape. Ok, some grabs for her mask wouldn’t have hurt….but the scene is already very “fetish” for such a mainstream movie 😉

She puts a really good fight against all these men. Desperate to escape, desperate to keep her gas mask on. She knows that she could lose everything when they manage to rip off that gas mask of hers.

And the way she gets overpowered, and how the villainess in that great gas mask walks over her…..and says: “Breath, Lisbeth!” after ripping off her gas mask….oh MAN!

And her desperate breathing “sounds” as she gets overpowered….seeing the villainess approaching…. great as well.

In my version she would have defeated the henchmen one by one (destroying their gas masks or ripping them off while controlling them), while some attempts to unmask her were made…and then both women would fight against each other.

Clawing on each other’s masks, trying to rip them off while protecting their own masks desperately. 😉

What do you think about that scene?

Feel welcome to post a comment!

I will post another scene from the same movie next week, until then I won’t spoil the movie’s name …for now 😉

Sexy masked nun-assassins (!) VS evil elves and a vampire Santa Clause (!!)

Well…this clip (and the entire movie) is most…bizarre. A more or less failing horror-comedy….BUT is has three sexy, masked nun-assassins who are fighting VS evil elves and a vampire version of Santa Clause! So don’t show this clip to your kids 😉

I had to edit some seconds of violence out of the clip, so it doesn’t get kicked off YouTube right away. And the ending had to go too, because the clip would get a little too long with it (and no more masked nuns anyhow in it…at the end).


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Well, one of the…weirder movies for sure 😉 !

But I won’t complain about sexy, mysterious …combat nuns….

Ok, a shame none of them gets unmasked, but well, I guess the evil elves didn’t have an unmasking fetish 😉

If you wanna know from which movie this is:


What do you think of the clip?

Feel free to leave a comment!

By the way:

It is still time to see the VIP-club videos from January!

Join now, support this blog and get some extra videos (and 2 fetish stories)!

Batwoman news (TV show?)- #1

A short post for the latest Batwoman news!

After she gave her debut in the Elseworlds Crossover in December it was finally confirmed that she will get a pilot episode for her (not yet 100% safe) own TV show in 2019.

Now it is official that the filming for this pilot episode will start on March 4th in Vancouver (where they film most of the shows for the Arrowverse). That is only 6 weeks away!

If the bosses at CW like it, her own TV show should start in the fall season together the new seasons of the other shows from the Arrowverse!

I keep you updated on Batwoman 🙂

Tthe Batwoman countdown clock on the right side has a new date!

A masked heroine (Dove) and two heroes (Hawk & Robin) in action!

Ok, it was a little tricky to edit this video. I had to cut out some elements to make it suitable for YouTube. If they have a problem with the first scene….I will have to take that out as well 😉

In this clip, we have Hawk, who runs a mission on his own and gets into heavy trouble. Luckily he has a partner….a masked, female partner/lover who may come to the rescue 😉

And in a later scene, we have an appearance from Robin as well!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Ok, these two were pretty new to me. And I get the name Hawk and the idea behind it is somehow cool. I mean a Hawk is a mighty and pretty cool animal.

And which animal does she choose as a template for her name and costume? A…DOVE….

Besides the fact that Dove dressing up as a Dove (!) isn’t exactly cool as the animal is “uncool” because ….well, it’s pretty much a flying rat. And that’s a…odd choice for a heroine.

Ok, they have a big cage with doves on the rooftop, but that doesn’t make it better 😉

However, she knows how to fight the bad guys….and THAT is pretty cool, especially the way she saves him from a very evil fate by kicking down the bad guys.

And after some seconds in the video you know already….this show isn’t for kids. A pretty dark and violent series. Pretty much the opposite from “The Flash” for example.

And that is a nice variety for sure! However, I do like the Flash series.

Ok, what is no big surprise and annoys me again….HE gets a real, rubber mask/cowl….and what does our heroine has as a mask? A cheap pair of goggles from a costume shop. I guess hiding her identity isn’t so important 🙁 . If she would at least wear a wig as Dove…

Even if that mask covers up quite a lot for an eye mask.

But I guess that mask would come off with one placed punch to her face.

But ok, enough complaining from me. We have a masked heroine who kicks ass! And that’s always a good thing! 🙂

And by the way:

I do have a nice (not so …youtube-friendly) bonus clip, exclusive for the blog readers!

Here you go:


And here is the name and episode of the series from which the clips were taken:


What do you think of these scenes?

And what do you think of her costume?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

Two masked women in action – The Wasp VS Ghost – (with unmasking)

My first idea for a video from “Ant-man and the Wasp” was to make a video with all unmasking and masking scenes that the Wasp (Evangeline Lily) has in the movie. Because there are a LOT! But well, with the mechanical “wonder helmet” of hers, these unmaskings aren’t so interesting and all pretty much a like.

So, I wanna concentrate on the best unmasking scene in the movie. We have the Wasp and Ghost fighting about a ….miniaturized lab… and there is nothing wrong about two masked women fighting against each other 😉


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Well, ok, not really a good unmasking, but we have two masked beauties fighting each other….I won’t complain 😉 !

And I do love “mask damage” like in this scene, even we can see that only very short and from the side.

But that way it is a forced unmasking (due to the damage) and that is actually pretty cool.

Ok, I had hoped at least one of them had a real secret identity…but there masks/helmet are not really for hiding their faces under them. It’s more like a protection for combat action…I suppose.

In case you really don’t know the title of the movie:


What do you think of these scenes?

Feel free to leave a comment!

Maskripper VIP Club: January

Happy new year folks! Hope you will have a great 2019!

I updated the VIP-Club with new material!

3 new videos (One with around 28 minutes!!! – One with around 7 minutes! – One with around 2 minutes) for you to enjoy!

(as always- not from a movie or a tv-series)

+ you will have FULL access to my 2 (self-written) Maskripper fetish stories (both over 15 pages)!

Catwoman – the masked scuba thief [PREVIEW VERSION]

A nightly visitor – A Catwoman tale [PREVIEW VERSION]


Wanna donate some bucks, show your support for this blog and get good videos and fetish stories in return?



The US President wants to unmask Supergirl!

…well not the ….actual nutj*b who is in the white house right now, but the US President in the Supergirl TV-series.

In this last episode before the Elseworlds crossover event, we got some great lines about her secret identity.

And I know that Supergirl isn’t “masked” and that actually Kara Denvers is the “masked” alter ego (with the glasses and the different hairstyle 😉 ).

However I found this dialogue between the President and Supergirl….very interesting! He wants to know more about Supergirl….MUCH more 🙂


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Well, I do love talk about unmaskings and secret identities. And the fact that he tries to force her to give up her secret identity, is kind of sexy 😉

But Supergirl knows about the catastrophic consequences if she would give it up and thereby expose Kara and especially her loved ones. Every villain could easily come after them…

She knows that Supergirl and Kara MUST co-exist to keep her friends and family safe.

And so she doesn’t let her “mask” down 🙂

It was the right choice…..but I am looking forward to the next episodes and the consequences.

What do you think of that scene?

Leave your comment below!


The masked woman in the closet

Well, just a short post before christmas.

Thanks to N., who recommended me on this scene, I can bring you another fine scene with a masked woman. Funny thing that I actually have the movie on DVD, but forgot about that scene.

In this scene we have a crew of a salvage ship who enter a (seemingly) abandoned research ship.

But, surprisingly that are not so alone as they thought.

Preview (without spoiling pictures of the masked woman, you shall be surprised):

(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Well, that’s one way to greet some folks on a ship 😉

But it was a nice surprise…wasn’t it?

Well, aiming isn’t exactly her best ability…but well, perhaps she didn’t really want to kill them.

But, let that be a lesson to you….always check your closets for women with gasmasks and uzis 😉

You never know…

Here is the title of the movie:


What do you think of that scene?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

Merry christmas to all you folks!

Have a good time 🙂

Batwoman (and Kate Kane) in the Elseworlds Crossover

Ok folks, now that all episodes of the Elseworlds Crossover event were shown, this weeks post will be done today instead of posting it on the usual sunday.

Because nobody should be kept waiting to see this material 😉

I do have two videos and one big picture gallery for you. For the first video I combined all Batwoman scenes in one video and I did the same with the Kate Kane scenes in the second video.

My opinions on all of this can be found on the last part of the post.

I recommend that you watch the video with Kate Kane first, for a better understanding!!!


All Kate Kane scenes in the Elseworlds Crossover:

All Batwoman scenes in the Elseworlds Crossover:

Picture Gallery:

(click on the image to enlarge it to full size)

*EDIT*: Some additional (HQ-) images that a really nice follower of this blog sent:

(click on the image to enlarge it to full size)

My opinion on the Crossover:

—> In general:

It was a lot of FUN! Many funny scenes, sooo many Easter Eggs (Batman villains, Smallville, Legends of Tomorrow and more) and a pretty good story with some really good action scenes as well. I think it was a good idea to make this years Crossover a little “smaller” with just 3 episodes from 3 shows. I like it when you don’t have too many characters in it. With the Legends of Tomorrow it was a little too much for my taste.

The idea with the alternative realities is pretty cool. It was very interesting to see some of the cast in other roles. The scene with Kate and Kara was very important to introduce Kate to the Arrowverse and give her some depths before presenting Batwoman. And that brings me to my biggest interest in this years crossover….

—> Batwoman:

It is no big surprise to most of you that I have a “thing” for masked women. 😉

So, the idea of bringing Batwoman into the Crossover this year, fueled my anticipation BIG time. Since months I really was looking forward to see her on the screen. Instead of most heroines and villainesses I saw in the past on TV, comics and the internet, Batwoman has a “real” mask. A mask that actually really covers her secret identity (and a wig for even more cover). She is one of my favorites among Batgirl, Catwoman and Black Scorpion. And the idea to introduce Batwoman in the Crossover and (and hopefully!!!) giving her her own TV show next year…..seems fucking fantastic to me!

As I heard that Ruby Rose would play her, I didn’t really know what to think of it. I had seen only very little of her and decided to watch/re-watch more of her the last months (Triple X 3, Wick 2, Resident Evil: Final Chapter, Meg). And now I am very happy about the fact that she got the role. Of course her part wasn’t very big (around 8 Minutes as Batwoman AND Kate Kane), BUT I really think she will/would do a great job in her own TV-series.

The mask/cowl looks fantastic and her costume is pretty good. The Batwoman symbol looks really good on her. Ok, I would tried something with leather and rubber on the suit (like the Batgirl suit from Batman and Robin or Birds of Prey…but perhaps that would have been too much for some folks 😉 )
And that possible TV-series….would be a DREAM coming true for me. Always wanted a big TV show with a masked heroine in the main role. The only other two I know are “Queen of Swords” and “Black Scorpion” and both had only one season each, which lay back quite some time now.

—> Unmasking action:

Well, for less than 4 minutes of Batwoman, I think we got quite a lot!

Kate walks over to her costume and cowl. Really cool to see her standing before it.

And actually Batwoman got UNMASKED by Supergirl. Ok, the mask didn’t come off physically, BUT the very curious Supergirl uses the X-ray vision to see behind the cowl of Batwoman, finding Kate Kane under it.

But nice as Supergirl is, she easily gives up her own secret identity to Batwoman as well. And both already have a strong bond to each other, so they both know they can trust each other with their secrets.

And the possibilities for more unmasking action with Batwoman in that possible TV-show are…..ENDLESS. 🙂

Ok, enough from me for now.

What do you think about the Crossover and especially Batwoman in it?

Leave your comment below!

P.S.: You may have notice the change in the picture headline on top of the blog already… 😉

Batwoman got her well deserved spot!


Batwoman in the Arrowverse – #7 – [“Elseworlds” is only hours away…]

[2nd post for today]

The big day is finally here!!

Well, just a short and last post only some hours before the first part of the Elseworlds crossover in which Batwoman will appear for the first time on TV.

I will make posts with all the scenes with Batwoman next week (after I have seen all 3 parts), but until then a final video with great footage with her:


The masked women from outer space

[1st post for today]

Ok, folks, how about some masked women from outer space?

A group of scientists and soldiers crash on a planet which is inhabited “only” by women.

And there is a council of masked women who will decide the fate of that crew.

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Well, that was a surprise for him…. and not one of the good kind.

One of the rare scenes, where I would say the mask shouldn’t have been taken off 😉

But until that actual unmasking it was a really thrilling scene, especially with his earlier attempt to unmask her.

I love the suspense in that.

Here is the movie title, in case you wanna know:


What do you think of these scenes?

Feel free to leave a comment!

Batwoman in the Arrowverse – #6

Time for an update on the Elseworlds crossover!

We got this promo picture:

(click to enlarge)

Pretty cool poster! My two favorites are on the right half 😉


I am looking forward to find out how much screen time Batwoman and Kate Kane actually get.

The whole crossover with the 3 parts is around 2 hours long. We know that the heroes will go to Gotham City in the second episode where they meet “both”.

Hard to tell how much Kate and Batwoman will be involved in the third episode. But of course I hope Batwoman will still help them in that last chapter!

And….we got a real trailer that shows about one minute of material…that is a step forward 😉

With the first seconds of Kate Kane on-screen!

Right now my main question is how Kate Kane and Batwoman are behave towards all those heroes that arrive in Gotham.

Why do they travel to Gotham? How is Kate and Batwoman involved in all of this?? Will they figure out that Kate IS Batwoman???

But these questions will be answered pretty soon!

Only 4 days left (for the ones in the US / 5 days for me)!


German Comic Con Dortmund 2018

Some of you may remember my little post about the german Comic con in Dortmund last year.

Well, this year I went to it too…..and I wanna write something about it and have prepared a little video.

This one was actually my second Comic con. And compared with last year…..hmh, I would say I was/am a little disappointed.

Ok, doing something for the first time is always a little more exciting I guess, but the main reason for my disappointment is clearly the lack of …..(well-) masked women.

Because to be honest, that is my main motivation as it wasn’t very cheap to travel to Dortmund and buy a ticket for the con.

What was really good this year were the Hollywood guests (check the video) and that it wasn’t too crowded with now 3 instead of last years 2 halls for the Comic Con.

And of course…seeing so many folks dressed up in often great costumes is always very interesting and/or sexy (in case of some really sexy dressed women).

But back to my main motivation:

There was NOT ONE masked woman with a really good costume (from what I saw).

There were two Spider-Gwens/Girls with good costumes, but without masks (DAMN! The mask is an/the essential part!). There were two Catwomen with really cheap costumes, not sexy at all.

And I didn’t find a single Batgirl, Batwoman, Spoiler or Canary! In general there were way too less DC characters around. And with the upcoming Batwoman appearance on the Crossover in a few days I thought there would be one or two at least…. Weird. Well, I only visited the Comic Con on sunday and not on saturday and sunday. Perhaps there were more masked women on saturday…don’t know.

So many costumes from Star Wars, Games of Thrones, Walking Dead, japanese Mangas, Horror movies. I guess I need to visit some sort of DC/Marvel-only Comic con, but I guess that doesn’t exist. 😆

Ok, I do know that a Batgirl/Catwoman costume that I find really attractive is pretty expensive. And that it is much easier to dress up like Harley Quinn for example. And ok, making a really good cosplay of Batgirl or Catwoman for example is tougher as most others. But there wasn’t a single rubber cowl on all these women…

Perhaps I will check out the “Heroes and Villains” fanfest in London or when it comes to Germany one day.

Next year the german comic con will be two times  in Dortmund. Hmh, I have to think about it. But I guess I will attend at least one of them.

Not so many other chances to find a Batgirl or Catwoman in real life 😆

And here is my little video:

Feel welcome to leave a comment!


Maskripper VIP Club: December

I updated the VIP-Club with new material!

3 new videos (One with around 25 minutes!!! – One with around 10 minutes! – One with around 4 minutes) for you to enjoy!

(as always- not from a movie or a tv-series)

+ you will have FULL access to my 2 (self-written) Maskripper fetish stories (both over 15 pages)!

Catwoman – the masked scuba thief [PREVIEW VERSION]

A nightly visitor – A Catwoman tale [PREVIEW VERSION]


Wanna donate some bucks, show your support for this blog and get good videos and fetish stories in return?