Masked heroines! – [Fan art by BluLive]

The VIP club will be updated on April 2nd, when I’m back. This post was scheduled…

And now it’s time to present some really well done masked heroines! You may have noticed in the past that I really like real cowls on a woman.

A sexy rubber cowl that really hides the secret identity….

And this guy has made a lot of great art with such masked heroines! Here are my favorites:

(click on the image to enlarge it to full size)

Especially I love the Batgirl with the cowl from Superman VS Batman. The expression on her face as Poison Ivys plants have ripped off her cowl (not just pulled off)… 🙂

Here is the link to his Deviant Art page, check it out:

Blulive in DeviantArt


Two new Batgirl fan-movies! [Friday night in Gotham][Batgirl: Destiny calls]

Hey folks, I wanna present two Batgirl fan-movies that you really must see if you haven’t already. (Thanks to the guys who presented them at Behind the mask!)

The first one is Friday night in Gotham:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Really well made fan movie! And pretty great fight scenes for such a limited budget! 🙂

It seems like they will make more Batgirl movies!


And the second movie that I wanna show you folks is:

Batgirl: Destiny calls

(click to enlarge)

And here is the movie:

I love the dark tone of this movie! Batgirl doesn’t just beat these goons easily, she has to suffer to win it!

Personally I don’t really like that Batgirl “burnside” costume…but at least she wears some sort of cowl that hides something.

Please support these filmmakers by hitting the like button and/or commenting to these videos!

Your opinion about these movies?


Teen Bat 4: Targeted

I hope you all had a great christmas time!

Now I got a fine recommendation if you wanna watch a sexy heroine adventure before the year is over:

Teen Bat 4: Targeted was released by Bluestone, who released all these great Darkwing videos! If you compare him with all those cheap “masked heroine” productions with cheap costumes and even cheaper “actors”…Bluestone is one of the really good video makers! He always delivers high quality videos.

In this one Teen Bat follows some bad guys to their hideout. Can she win again them?


(click to enlarge to full size)

Here is the trailer:

And, if you like what just have seen, here are the links:

“Teen Bat 4: Targeted” – Extreme/Losing (V.V.) version: … uct&id=899

“Teen Bat 4: Targeted” – Peril/Winning (S.S.) version: … uct&id=898




German Comic Con Dortmund 2017 [My 1st!]

*EDIT* Added another video…

As promised, I wanna share my impressions from my first comic con in Dortmund yesterday.

As I understand it we didn’t have comic cons in germany before 2015. And now we have the “german comic con” in 4 different cities throughout the year.

In addition there is the “comic con germany” that is just once a year.

As I heard it was very crowded on saturday. Last year they used 4 big halls, and the folks had enough space. This year they put the con in just 2 big halls…

Well, I was there on sunday. It was crowded, but not on a really annoying scale.

I was hoping to see some Catwomen, Batgirls and other masked, female heroines and villainesses.

There were lots of lots of women/girls that did cosplays from japanese mangas… and lots of Harley Quinn’s. And there were a lot of female cosplayers that “did” Star Wars and Game of Thrones.

But regarding masked women from DC or Marvel… well I saw/noticed one Black Cat, two Batgirls, three Catwomen, one Spider-girl (unmasked) and some masked assassin from the Court of owls. I hoped for more… and no Batwoman, no Canary, no masked Spier-girl/Gwen, no Spoiler.  Of course I was only there on one day and of course you can’t see every cosplayer.

I definitely need to improve on my handling of my photo camera and the “photographer” skills. But I will learn from that experience.

From the material I have I edited around 10 really short clips into one short video.

But let’s start with some pictures (nearly all masked women are in the video) :

(click on the picture to enlarge it to full size)

And here comes MY self-filmed video:

In the video you should find 3 Catwomen and one Batgirl (my favorite cosplay that day).

And if you look closely, you will find a second batgirl, without cowl (not facing the camera)

*EDIT* You can see that Batgirl and more great cosplays in this official video at around 0:40:


Well, actually these were my first Batgirl/Catwomen that I saw in “real” life. And that was a pretty great experience. I will try to attend more comic cons in the future. And I’m pretty sure that then I can present better picture/video material. It would be great if there was a con just for DC and Marvel.

But -after all- it was a promising start…

Thanks to all the cosplayers! Great Job!

Feel free to comment!

Did you visited comic cons in the past? What are your experiences?


Batgirl cosplay – Helena Bertinelli style

The Helena Bertinelli “Batgirl style” was always my favorite Batgirl design. Well she was only a short time under that cowl, but I really like the all black design. She even modified the regular batgirl mask to the full face mask that Cassandra wore afterwards.

It’s very rare to find cosplays on that batgirl type, so it’s time to post one here:



And here is the video:

Wow….short video, but what a costume!

Love the black hair, boots and gloves. Very rare!

And, there are cosplay pictures as well:

(click to enlarge)

Well, all these great pictures and the batgirl in  the video are from Kamiko-Zero.

Here are the links:

Kamiko-Zero on Youtube

Kamiko-Zero on DA


17 great comic COVERS! [Batgirl, Catwoman, Spoiler, Spider-girl]

Over the years I read a lot of comics. Of course mainly these with masked heroines in it 😉

I posted some of these covers together with pages from the story. Now it’s time to show some of my favorite cover artworks with masked heroine in some sort of peril.


Catwoman 051
« of 17 »

(Click to enlarge to full size)

What about you?

What are your favorite covers?

Share them at Behind the mask

Another gifted artist! – Batgirl art (and more)

Time to present another gifted artist who likes to…unmask a heroine 😉

Here is some of his great work with (un-)mask content:

(click on the picture to enlarge it to full size)


Isn’t that great stuff? Looking forward to see page 3 of that captain Amelia comic!

Can she stop her unmasking??? I guess not… 😉

Here is the link to his page on deviantart:



Masks Off! #35 – Mask damage, gassing and “mask talk” with Batgirl

Here we have pictures from 2 comics. In this storyline Batgirl’s mask gets damaged, she is gassed by her own father and has a nice “mask talk”.

It’s the Stephanie Brown version.


BG 23 Oroboros CPS 021
« of 13 »

(click to enlarge to full size)

Quite a lot good stuff for just two comics 🙂

Batman & Robin – Batgirl set footage

As promised I have some more Batgirl footage from Batman and Robin. Last time I showed you every moment of Batgirl in the movie.

This time I prepared a little video out of set footage. I edited it and put all the scenes with Alicia Silverstone in costume in it.

Some nice…views included! 😉


(click to enlarge to full size)

And here is the video:

Nice to see her together with her stunt double who made every action scene. That outfit is sooooo hot. DAMN!


Masks Off! #34 – Batgirl and Batwoman VS Azrael (incl. an UNMASKING)

Another good comic scene was released in the last weeks. In this one Batgirl and Batwoman fight VS Azrael. And he is a great opponent!

But check it out!

Detective Comics (2016-) 961-009
« of 6 »

(click to enlarge – 6 pages)

Well, that’s a fight!

Unfortunately there are no pages left out here. First I thought I skipped a page where Batgirl’s mask is ripped….but they just skipped that 🙁 . DAMN!!!!!!

But with a little imagination…. Batgirl’s full face mask leave so much oppotunities for a great unmaskings/mask damege/mask ripping. And it is a really well made fight sequence with two masked women. So, I shouldn’t complain. My two favorite masked heroines 🙂

Here can you buy the whole comic:



Batman & Robin – Batgirl Cut

Time for some more Batgirl! I made a special Batgirl cut from the Batman and Robin movie.

Every scene with Batgirl is in it. And well, that’s only a little over 4 minutes. But as much as I don’t like the batman “version” from Schumacher, I love the scenes with Batgirl.

Her costume is really great, pretty similar to the Birds of prey tv-show version that seems to have copied that design with some changes.

Of course I hate that damn eye mask, but for a short time she did have a real cowl on. Even if that cowl wasn’t attached to her suit or had a chin strap…. 🙁


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

I do have some nice material with “behind the scenes”-Batgirl material. I guess I will present that in the next weeks.

What’s your opinion on the movie and on this Batgirl version?




Batgirl movie (Joss Whedon) – #3 – Production starts 2018

First post for today (of 2).

Today is the last Day of the San Diego Comic Con.

Until now no “big” news for us who can’t wait for the Batgirl movie.


Well, no big surprise. More questions remain…

When in 2018? January or December would be a huge difference…

Is the script writing already in progress? Or does that start in 2018?


Is that list in a chronological order? If yes, Batgirl could be scheduled for 2020 🙁

Because the Shazam movie starts early 2019 and the Batgirl movie is the 4th movie behind that one.

But, let’s see…I hope that Batgirl will come in 2019 to the movie theaters.

And because today is the last day of the Comic Con in San Diego…I hope there will be more news, more BIG news.

I keep you posted!


Darkwing 16: Mind Games is released

Hey folks, another great episode of the mighty Darkwing has been released!

And it has a fine scene that’s something for us…. I don’t wanna spoil too much, but it is ….MASK-related 😉

Of course it has the usual high quality of Bluestone’s videos.

But see for yourself, some preview pictures:

(click to enlarge to full size)

Here is the trailer:

And here are the links where you can buy it:

Peril/Winning version: … uct&id=863

Extreme/Death version: … uct&id=864

“Darkwing 16: Mind Games” – 2-in-1 Combo (only available with Bitcoin payment): … ind-games/

I like her new boots! I love black ones, so I prefer these to her yellow ones that she wore in the past.

Even if these boots could use some heels 😉

But I guess he tries the “realistic” version here.

In conclusion: Another great episode with a fine unmasking!

Batgirl movie (Joss Whedon) – #2 – Actresses for the role?

New rumours about the Batgirl movie. Check out the article.

Well, don’t know much about these four. But just from the pictures on the site I would like Jane Levy and Margaret Qualley.

For me they would definitely fit in the role.

And as you can see on that site, there are rumours, that they may present the actress for the Batgirl role on the San Diego Comic Con.

And that is only 3 weeks away….. Oh Man!

Hope the rumours are true and that we will know by end of the month who will become that legendary character.

Your opinion on these 4 actresses?


Shadow Fox Shackled!

There are a lot of superheroine videos out there….As I mentioned before quite a lot are crap for me. Cheap costumes, “actresses” that can’t act at all and lame unmaskings with 1$ eye masks.

This video however, is (like the ones from bluestone) an exception. It has a gorgeous heroine as Shadow Fox (aka Batgirl 😉 , solid costumes and a nice storyline.

I love her cowl! With such a mask you can make a really good unmasking 🙂


After her deadly duel with Don Falcone and his Goons, Shadow Fox sadly came up short. Now, shackled to a chair, she is at the mercy of the crime lord. So what are his plans for her? The mob has been developing a compliance serum for taking over the city’s drug addicts, and in Shadow Fox they have the perfect test subject. Gagged and then chloroformed, the vigilante still has enough spunk to annoy the mob boss, making him enjoy causing her pain and injecting her with his drug. As the serum takes hold, the Purple Paladin is placed in one humiliating situation after another, including the worst of all… the removal of her cowl, giving away her true identity. Can our heroine find a way out of this disaster?


(click to enlarge to full size)

Here is a teaser:

>>>And here is the link, where you can buy this great video:<<<


I left out some of her pictures without the mask, you shall discover her unmasked face on your own 😉

I hope there will be more videos with Shadow Fox in the future!