Thanks to the guy who recommended me this one!
We have a masked woman and two guys who break into a school.
What are they up to? Will they get caught and unmasked?
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
I uploaded this video on the Youtube channel, but it is unlisted there, so you won’t find it there by searching or browsing my Youtube channel.
Why? Well, the whole (short) movie was uploaded to Youtube by the guy who made it and this is basically just a part of it with one edit.
So, I think my video shouldn’t be on (public) Youtube and that’s why it is unlisted.
I will put a link to the whole movie in this post as well, so it should be ok to post a short part of it.
She looks really good in that mask, a shame that she unmasks herself, even if it is done in a good way without cuts.
In my version, the guys would have given up easily and she would have battled the two cops who then would have unmasked her after some serious struggle.
But ok, this movie is made for kids…. so that wasn’t an option 😉
In the end, it’s a nice reveal of a stunning young woman, so I think it’s a solid scene all things considered.
Wanna see the full movie?
Here you go: