1st post for today!
I got this via recommendation from a helpful viewer, thanks a lot!
It is a rather short scene, but damn, our masked maiden is so gorgeous! With and without mask 🙂
Preview (without “Spoiler”):
(click to enlarge)
And here is the whole scene:
She is such a beauty! 🙂
Her as a masked thief in a movie…chased by a cop. Oh man! That would be something!
*EDIT*: If you will see an AD before the video… it’s from the copyright owner (warner brothers), damn new youtube rules….
Here is the title of the movie, if you don’t know how she is (you missed something), you will know it:
LINK: Title and actress name
so, this is the movie?
thanks, do you like balaclava or uniqe mask?
this is for balaclava link
this is for uniqe mask
Both types, for me it depends on the material, how secure the mask is, and how much of the face the mask covers.
sorry, the link came out playlist
on the track number 34 and 25