Masks off! #25 – Spider-girl and a villain who actually wants to UNMASK her!

And that’s a rare thing if you think of all the female masked superheroines. There are only very few bad guys who wanna unmask the heroine…

In this episode of “Masks off!” it’s Spider-girl who is in danger of getting unmasked!


And here are the smashing 13 pages (the 2 fight scenes with Spider-girl):

Spider-Girl - 009 00fc
« of 13 »

(click to enlarge)

And thanks to “Ben” who pointed me to this scene I hadn’t published yet.

All in all a very good comic, even if the key scene was too short 😉

0 thoughts on “Masks off! #25 – Spider-girl and a villain who actually wants to UNMASK her!”

    • She’s no one famous and the bad guy doesn’t know her civilian guise so as long as he didn’t take a picture she’d be fine. In fact there was an instance where she was unmasked in front of the Black Tarantula but was pretty chill about it since he didn’t know her

    • Yeah it’s a bit much since it’s in the middle of an ongoing storyline but I mostly mentioned it since it dealt with the same character and had her in costume but unmasked.


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