Happy new year folks! Well, I hope you had a nice christmas time last year and a good start in 2017!
Today I edited 2 videos for you folks. In both we see the same female masked agent.
In the first one she wears a mask to disguise her identity to a known enemy and to partner who is (in this case) an enemy too. They can’t know that she is under the mask…
In the second video she wears a “tactical cold suit, she needs it so that the heat signature cameras wouldn’t be alerted… If her mask would come off…she would have a massive problem 😉
Can she keep her mask on?
Preview, Scene 1:
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
Scene 2
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
Good stuff for my taste! 😉
And if you really don’t know what TV-series that is: