“Dark Bat 2: Breathtaking Beauty” is out now! [Bluestone]

A new, interesting video from Bluestone is now available to buy!

This one would actually fit to both of my blogs πŸ™‚


Official description:

Natasha returns as Dark Bat! She has finished the night’s patrol, removes her mask, and relaxes at home. Too late, she smells the gas! She rises to shut it off, but it has already taken its toll and she weakens and passes out.

A Gatekeeper carries her into the bedroom and tosses her on the bed. Then, he takes instructions to gas her to death. In the meantime though, she has recovered consciousness. Dark Bat takes the fight to him, knocking him about and dominating the fight, but eventually he gets in a few good shots and manages to turn on the gas again and don his gas mask. Dark Bat knocks the gas mask free, and both struggle to reach it before the other one.

In the Peril version,

Spoiler title
she dons the mask and defeats and kills the Gatekeeper!

In the Extreme version,

Spoiler title
the Gatekeeper pulls Dark Bat away from the gas mask and eventually dons it himself, and strangles Dark Bat to death as the gas steadily weakens her!

Check out the preview images for starters:

(click on the image to enlarge it to full size)

And here is the trailer:

(click on the arrows to enlarge the picture to full size)

As you can already see on the pictures the heroine isn’t masked for long.

This video is (for me) all about a sexy heroine fighting over one gas mask with a villain to stay alive. And I love that! That struggle about being able to breath air instead of gas.

Even it isn’t actually shown on the pictures above….you can get a glimpse on that in the trailer:

(Screenhots from the trailer – click to enlarge)


Natasha looks great in her costume and that stunning pantyhose!

Seeing her fighting against the bad guy is really something. πŸ™‚

As always the fight scenes in Bluestone videos are done really well for such a genre video.

The same can be said about the acting. There are not many dialog lines, but Natasha does a good job as she has to play the struggling heroine, which isn’t easy to perform convincingly.

Regarding the different outcomes of the video: Personally I prefer the “peril version” (see description above) πŸ˜‰


I would love to see one of the Bluestone heroines in the Batgirl cowl fighting with such a gas mask. The villain would try to gas her to knock her unconcious. She is prepared and puts on such a gas mask over her mouth and nose. His goal would be to unmask her and tape that on phone. That way the heroine would fight for her cowl AND her gas mask to keep her secret identity. πŸ˜‰

They would struggle a long time while they are getting the upper hand on the other one for several times.

Here are the links to get one (or both) of the 2 versions of this new episode of Dark Bat:

“Dark Bat 2” – Peril (S.S.) Version:

“Dark Bat 2” – Extreme (V.V.) Version:

“Dark Bat 2” – (2-for-1) Bitcoin Version:


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