Batwoman: Impressions from the set/selfies

More Batwoman news!

I wanna present some of the pictures that showed up in the last 2 weeks or so:


(click to enlarge)

I hope for some juicy news in this week…or at least next week 😉

The costume reveal is “in the air”.


*EDIT1, September 24th*:

New casting news for season 2!

A henchwoman named Whisper and a Zen gardner named Ocean have recurring roles in season 2.


Well, I have seen Jessica Jones but I don’t remember Leah Gibsons role.
She certainly looks like she could be a fine henchwoman!

I thought that I would know Nathan Owens from Black Lightning but I actually confused him with Jordan Calloway.
His role description is…well….quite bizarre….for my taste:
A former soldier who is now a Zen gardner(!) named Ocean???
Sounds like he really was traumatised a LOT in his former career. ;-)

Looking forward to find out more about their roles!




*EDIT2, September 24th* I finished entries 11+12 for the Hall of Fame and will do another one in the next hours!

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